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Chiropractic Doctor

Forensic Diplomate 107

The Cross Examination Process and How to Manage Scientific Issues and Trick Questions


  • Discuss trick question posed on cross examination
  • Assist judges in implementing effective management of expert evidence involving scientific issues
  • Identify judicial notice, aggregation, and compensation schedules for specific injuries
  • Develop a level of knowledge, comprehension, and understanding of the cross examination process as it relates to the practice of forensic chiropractic and testifying as an expert witness
  • Develop a level of knowledge and understanding of the federal and state court appointed expert process
  • Discuss evidentiary framework
  • Identify which Federal Rules of Evidence apply to the expert witness
  • Critique the nature of the claims, the theories of general and specific causation, the defenses, and in particular the bases for disagreement among experts
  • Explore the use of reference guides

Leanne Cupon, DC, DACRB and Warren Jahn, DC, DIANM (US)

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Diplomate Level;
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$80.00 USD

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