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Opioid Management

Opioid Management 203
Impact of Chiropractic Care


  • Assess the association between opioid use and chiropractic treatment for LBP
  • Demonstrate the potential for chiropractic care to reduce the use of prescription opioids in patients with spinal pain
  • Summarize two papers exploring the effects of utilization and availability of chiropractic services on opioid usage and medical services
  • Evaluate the impact of chiropractic utilization on the use of prescription opioid use in Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 and over with spinal pain
  • Describe the comparative risk of treatment escalation in patients with neck pain between recipients of spinal manipulation and nonrecipients of spinal manipulation

Shawn Thistle, DC

Downloadable Course in PDF
Journal Article Review

$20.00 USD

Opioid Management 202

Addiction and the Opioid Crisis: Is Cannabis Oil (CBD Oil) the Answer?


  • Define addiction, and identify the two main categories of addiction.
  • List the main addictions of concern in the current addiction crisis.
  • Summarize the neurophysiological and pharmacological dynamics of addiction, and appraise the possible solutions of recovery by using this information and delegating it to various medications and herbs (such as CBD oil).
  • Outline some of the solutions indicated for addressing the addiction crisis and critique these treatment plans.
  • Assess using herbal medicine (CBD oil) for the treatment of opioid and other addictions.

Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD

Downloadable Course in PDF

$20.00 USD

Opioid Management 201

Manual Therapies for Chronic Pain Management of Patients During Opioid Crisis


  • Discuss the epidemiology and current state of the opioid crisis
  • Discuss the use of opioids for pain relief
  • Discuss the use of manual therapies for chronic pain management of patients during opioid the crisis
  • Outline the evidence for manual therapies for chronic pain
  • Discuss the use of lifestyle measures in aiding chronic pain sufferers

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD