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HIPAA Training

HIPAA Made Simple

HIPAA Protocols and Compliance Standards


  • Discuss the history of HIPAA and its application to the Chiropractic office
  • Interpret the terminology of HIPAA i.e.: PHI, IIHI, NPP, TPO, NPI, EIN, EDI, etc.
  • Contrast covered entities vs. non-covered entities
  • Create a HIPAA compliant practice
  • Utilize appropriate Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), code sets, identifiers, security and privacy
  • Apply the Privacy Rule, Patient Consent Form, Notice of Privacy Practices, Patient Authorization, Business Associate Agreements, Appointments of Privacy Officers and Staff training
  • Provide patient their proper rights as it pertains to access of their medical information, records and your practice etc

Paul Sherman, DC

Downloadable Course in PDF

$20.00 USD


Getting a Handle on HIPAA Privacy


  • Recognize PHI Identifiers- Know what you are looking for
  • Identify important components of the Notice of Privacy Practices and how it puts the patient in the driver seat
  • Execute, track and audit Business Associate Agreements
  • Apply the rules of Patient Authorizations regarding when TPO applies

Jill Foote - Healthcare IT Specialist

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD


Security Risk Management- A HIPAA Requirement


  • Manage Risk Assignments and assign Target Dates to comply with federal requirements
  • Audit Risk Factors that may be present
  • Manage Security Events that may come up during the course of everyday workflow
  • Set up Workforce Security Standards to be complied with by all team members
  • Ongoingly Monitor Security Safeguards to ensure the integrity of your data and minimize risk

Jill Foote - Healthcare IT Specialist

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD

Security Risk Assessment - A Key Component of HIPAA Risk Management


  • Identify ePHI assets within the clinic and assess exposure to threats and vulnerabilities
  • Understand how to create an action plan and implement Security Safeguards
  • Recognize the components of the Risk Assessment that must be considered when developing policies and procedures

Jill Foote - Healthcare IT Specialist

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD