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Antiaging Hormones; DHEA, Testosterone, Growth Hormone and Melatonin
The Antiaging Foods; Wine and Water. Nutrient Deficiencies and Aging
The Antiaging Foods; Yogurt, Chocolate and Tea
The Antiaging Foods; Grains, Nuts, Soy and Legumes
The Antiaging foods; Fish, Fruits and Vegetables and Garlic
Diet Patterns, Types and Habits and How They Affect Health and Aging
Antioxidants and Cancer - Food Quantity and Control and How it Affects Aging
Smoking, Aging, Antioxidants and Cardiovascular Disease
Aging and Social Relationships, Alcohol and Smoking
How Stress Affects Health and Aging
The Relationship Between Exercise, Health and Aging
The Facts of Life Extension and Aging Theories