Dynamic Chiropractic Webinars


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ChiroCredit.com Sponsors Dynamic Chiropractic Webinars for Continuing Education Credit


Earn Continuing Education Credit for participating in Dynamic Chiropractic Webinars - Currently Accepted for CE Credit in many States/Territories (to check your state, scroll down and click the link in the listing to "show approved states".


How to purchase and take the Post Test for a Dynamic Chiropractic Webinar - You must have attended the entire webinar (subject to confirmation by call logs), and complete the post test by midnight eastern time on the day of the webinar.


  • Scroll down to the listing and check the 'select for purchase' box and then click on the 'send selection to cart' button
  • Login to ChiroCredit.com (or use the register link to create an account, then login)
  • Click on the shopping cart link, confirm your purchase and pay.
  • The post test will be listed under incomplete courses. Click the start button and enter the PIN code to take the post test

If you need assistance, please click the contact us link or email support@onlinece.com