Chiropractic Assistant CE Course - Acupuncture 215 : Functional Neurology and Trigger Point Dry Needling

Chiropractic Assistant

Acupuncture 215 : Functional Neurology and Trigger Point Dry Needling

Ivo Waerlop, DC

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

Hour 1:

  • Review and expand on, from a Western perspective, the neurophysiological basis of acupuncture
  • Outline the pain pathway from the periphery to the central nervous system
  • Review excitation/contraction coupling and muscle contraction theory
  • Discuss the functions and distribution of alpha and gamma motor neurons

Hour 2:

  • Explain and emphasize the functions of interneurons in the spinal cord
  • Discuss muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs anatomy
  • Explain the role of muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs in acupuncture
  • Contrast slow versus fast stretch
  • Introduce the concept of the “central integrated state” as it relates to acupuncture and acupuncture therapy
  • Emphasize the relevance of cerebellar function to acupuncture as it relates to cerebellar output and modulation

Approved States/Territories
  • FLFlorida