Chiropractic Assistant CE Course - Oklahoma Chiropractic Assistant CE Course :

Chiropractic Assistant

Oklahoma Chiropractic Assistant CE Course


$119.00 USD


Hour 1

  • Develop an appreciation of the impact of culture group, minority group and racial group on the health care relationship
  • Increase sensitivity, knowledge and skills to promote effective intercultural interactions
  • Identify the professional's own cultural identity/judgments /biases and their impact on their behavior and how they are perceived by clients and patients
  • Recognize cultural variables that appear in verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Examine the influence of culture in our patient population
  • Differentiate the provider's culture


Hour 2 through 3

  • Demonstrate the basics of a radiographic shoulder series
  • Understand the positioning of the elbow joint
  • Recognize possible wrist injuries based on patient history
  • Recall positioning of hand, fingers and thumb radiographs
  • Summarize chest x-ray basics
  • Identify the views in a hip series
  • Demonstrate the positioning of the knee joint in a radiographic series
  • Understand the basics of ankle x-rays and injuries
  • Recall the positioning for x-rays of the foot and toes
  • Summarize the general anatomy of the lower extremities


Hour 4

  • Summarize the types of electrical therapy modalities
  • List the contraindications and precautions to the use of electrical therapy
  • Recognize the appropriate application of low level laser therapy
  • Explain the principals of diathermy


Hour 5 through 6

  • Develop the skills for medical documentation record keeping for proper patient care and adherence to insurance protocols
  • Summarize informed consent, Mercy guidelines, Medicare guidelines and NCQA guidelines
  • Identify common treatment procedures and modalities used in a chiropractic practice And recognize contraindications to them
  • Designate specific items to consider when interpreting and/or taking plain film X-rays
  • Summarize the value of laboratory and diagnostic testing.
  • Recognize the importance of patient communication skills in order to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of patients
  • Modify procedures and forms to prevent the possibility of a legal malpractice action against the doctor

Approved States/Territories
  • GUGuam
  • OKOklahoma