Chiropractic Assistant CE Course - Rehab 137 : Fascial Resiliency and Performance

Chiropractic Assistant

Rehab 137 : Fascial Resiliency and Performance

Robert McCabe, PT, OCS

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

Hour 1
  • Recall two important functions of the fascial system.
  • Cite 3 factors which impact the mechanical properties of fascia.
  • State one structural/ anatomical difference between the fascia of young vs. older individuals.
  • List two ways that fascial training can cause remodeling of the fascia.
Hour 2
  • Provide 2 indications for applying IASTM to the quadratus lumborum.
  • Enumerate 2 indications for applying IASTM to the posterior iliotibial band.
  • Identify 2 indications for applying IASTM to the lateral compartment of the lower leg.
  • Provide 2 indications for applying IASTM to the vastus lateralis- Iliotibial band junction.
Hour 3
  • Provide 2 indications for applying IASTM to the latissimus dorsi.
  • Enumerate 2 indications for applying IASTM to the posterior upper trapezius.
  • Identify 2 indications for applying IASTM to the lateral compartment of the lower leg.
  • Provide 2 indications for applying IASTM to the vastus lateralis- Iliotibial band junction.

Approved States/Territories
  • FLFlorida