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Mental Health Conditions Common to Veterans

Mental Health Conditions Common to Veterans

  • Cite the rate of physical and mental health disability amongst veterans
  • Recognize the incidence and distribution of mental illness in the veteran population
  • State the definition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • List the DSM-5 criteria for PTSD
  • Explain the risk factors to developing PTSD
  • Summarize the relationship between PTSD and chronic pain
  • Outline screening strategies for PTSD
  • Explain the Primary Care PTSD Screen (PC-PTSD)
  • Describe approaches to the discussion of the results of screening with the patient and Family
  • List the effects of PTSD on the family
  • Summarize the psychological and pharmacological treatment for PTSD
  • Define depression
  • List the DMS-5 criteria for depression
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of depression
  • Explain “Survivor Guilt”
  • Identify the incidence of suicide amongst veterans
  • List the risk factors for suicide generally and within the veteran population
  • Recall the warning signs of potential suicidal behavior
  • Outline the VA Risk Assessment Guide
  • Describe the SAD PERSONS instrument
  • List local and national resources available to physicians, families and individuals
  • Define who is a veteran
  • Assess veteran status based on active service, length of service, discharge status, service in war time versus peace time and service in the National Guard and Reserves
  • Identify the benefits available for spouses, children and survivors of veterans
  • Describe CHAMPVA
  • Summarize the Veteran Administration “Caregiver Program”
  • List mental health resources available to veterans and their families through the Veterans Administration and official State agencies

Richard Saporito, DC

Downloadable Course in PDF

$40.00 USD