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Childhood Developmental Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders Certification
Childhood Developmental Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders Certification 302
ADHD, OCD and Tourette's Part 1
Credit Hours(s)
Educational Objectives
Extrapolate the root cause(s) of neurodevelopmental disorders in children, adolescents and event adults from a neurological perspective.
Discuss why brain development is important and how to identify it and how it can impact children and adults.
Explain the research pertaining to ADD/ADHD
Summarize the various cognitive and academic testing that is used for the evaluation and diagnosis of ADD/ADHD.
Cite the networks of the brain that are used based upon the results of cognitive and academic testing.
Outline how academic testing can be interpreted to identify a neurological imbalance in the brain.
Compare the different stages of evolution, the evolution of the brain and movement
Differentiate how the the brain evolved into a complex brain with complex movements and what that means
Compare the stages of cognitive and academic childhood development
Cement the concept of Hemisphere imbalances with ADHD by showing research studies.
Identify and score primitive reflexes in infants and children
Identify when each primitive reflex should be inhibited and the therapy necessary to inhibit PR's found to still be present on the examination
Techniques and methods to evaluate primitive reflexes during an examination.
Identity through examination the primitive reflexes normative values and also deficits in children with neurodevelopmental disorders
How the PR's can play a significant role in their signs and symptoms.
summarize how functional measurements and functional assessments can be used for a complete picture of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Identify the tools needed to put together a complete treatment program based upon the findings from the functional measurements and assessments.
Discuss the family environment and how it may positively or negatively impact a child with learning disorders
Outline all of the networks and pathways in children with neurodevelopmental disorders
Demonstrate all of the core stability exercises and the levels of testing for each
Introduce appropriate therapies and treatments to strengthen core and postural muscles
Recommend normative data for all testing and setting up a treatment program.
Discuss the benefits Chiropractic and how the postural muscles and spine is important in understanding the concept in brain health.
Summarize how Chiropractic with Functional Neurology is used to treat brain imbalances
Robert Melillo, DC, DABCN
AudioVisual Course
$500.00 USD
Childhood Developmental Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders Certification 301
Physical Exam for the Newborn & Infant
Credit Hours(s)
Educational Objectives
Extrapolate the root cause(s) of neurodevelopmental disorders in children, adolescents and event adults from a neurological perspective.
Discuss what a brain imbalance is, how to identify it and most importantly how to rehabilitate it
Explain the research pertaining to neurodevelopmental disorders
Cite the overwhelming statistics for neurodevelopmental disorders disorders in today’s society.
Outline how environmental stimulus affects the attentional network and how the brain processes the information
Summarize the cause and effect of environmental stimulus on children's development.
Differentiate how untreated disorders in children can lead to attention disorders, general anxiety disorder, and other health issues in adults
Compare the impact the family environment has on children's brain development and ultimately, the impact on adolescent brain health
Explain childhood neurodevelopmental disorders from the beginning of the development of the brain
Utilize the tools and knowledge in brain development
Recognize the brain network and connections and how these are affected in children with neurodevelopmental disorders and overall brain imbalances
Identify brain imbalances during examination.
Support the true nutritional component of children with neurodevelopmental disorders and how the food they eat can play a significant role in their signs and symptoms.
Explain the effect of food sensitivities, allergies and environmental stimuli
Discuss the family environment and how it may positively or negatively impact a child with learning disorders
Outline the gut-brain connection in children from infancy through adolescence and determine what is needed for these systems to correctly develop
Introduce appropriate foods and outline what foods to avoid
Recommend nutritional and supplement recommendations to families to increase the success of treating children with neurodevelopmental disorders and learning disability
Discuss the history of Chiropractic and how it is important in understanding the concept in brain health.
Summarize how Chiropractic with Functional Neurology is used to treat brain imbalances
The course will discuss how the brain controls things like muscle tone and if an asymmetry is seen in muscle tone, how does this relate to the brain itself and most importantly, how can it be addressed.
Outline all of the stages of brain development from birth through adulthood and provide normative data for examination reference.
Recognize the signs and symptoms of delays in brain development during examination
Identify the stages of visual examination for children and discover areas of the brain that maybe impacted
Perform a newborn and infant examination for early detection of neurodevelopmental disorders that can be predictive of learning disabilities or behavioral disorders.
Test primitive reflexes in infants and identify when they are to be inhibited.
Use methods to inhibit the reflexes to assist in balancing out the 2 hemisphere's of the brain
Test for primitive reflexes in children of all ages and outline the normal findings for milestone ages.
Relate primitive reflexes to specific brain networks and connections and diagnosis a specific location in the brain that might be imbalanced and not functioning properly.
Explain how the brain is essential in re-mediating primitive reflexes and where each primitive reflex is controlled in the brain.
Utilize appropriate techniques in examining infants including testing primitive reflexes, properly interacting and controlling the exam of an infant child.
Discuss what drives behavior in adults and how this relates to brain development of a child and ultimately, the brain health of an adult.
Outline the different types of attachment styles in children and adults and the science behind each of them and how they can be altered/controlled in the brain.
Robert Melillo, DC, DABCN
AudioVisual Course
$600.00 USD