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Subluxation 202
Subluxation From A Chiropractic Neurologists Perspective


  • Summarize the concept of a subluxation as recognized by other Doctors of Chiropractic.
  • List and discuss the various definitions of the term subluxation.
  • Outline the basic premise of the effects of aging, subluxation and the adjustment.
  • List and discuss terms used by other health professions for a similar clinical syndrome.
  • Define pain, nociception and antalgia.
  • Draw the basic nociceptive pathway to consciousness.
  • Describe and differentiate antalgic scoliosis.
  • List and discuss the various definitions of spinal adjustment, manipulation, and mobilization.
  • List the deep paraspinal muscles responsible for subluxation maintenance.
  • Compare and contrast paraspinal muscle response to the acute abdomen.
  • List and discuss therapies used by other health professions for similar clinical syndromes.
  • Describe and summarize the Maintland manipulation classifications.
  • Itemize scientific evidence regarding physiologic studies regarding subluxations.
  • Explain how and why documentation of a subluxation is so important for Medicare patients in chiropractic practice.
  • Define requirements for chiropractic services to be covered by Medicare.
  • List and discuss how a subluxation may be properly documented in the medical record for Medicare patients.

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course

$80.00 USD

Subluxation 201
The Posture of Subluxation


  • Explain the relationship between posture and subluxations
  • Describe different types of posture
  • Explain the benefits of locating subluxations in different postures
  • Explain the difference between the concept of the hologram and posture
  • Disucss the differences between Empirical Healthcare and Mechanistic Healthcare
  • Define the three Cs - challenge, check and correct

Tedd Koren, DC

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD