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Nutrition And Functional Medicine

Nutrition 130

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment and Management: A Functional and Nutritional Perspective


  • Adequately frame the problem and basic epidemiology of cardiovascular disorders (CVD)
  • Present evidence of the relationship between obesity, insulin resistance, inflammation, stress and CVD
  • Summarize the standard medical and laboratory evaluation techniques and why they may only screen for approximately 50% of people at significant risk for CVD
  • Appraise the latest laboratory evaluations, including Lp (a), Apo A1, Apo B, hs-CRP, homocysteine, fibrinogen, AA/EPA, LDL-subclass and others to determine CVD risk
  • Critique the current dietary, lifestyle, nutritional supplement, nutraceutical, and herbal strategies as therapeutic management options to reduce CVD risk and for the treatment of those who already have cardiovascular issues, including: high cholesterol and dyslipidemia, genetic susceptibilities, chronic inflammation, coagulation abnormalities, and insulin resistance-related risk factors

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

AudioVisual Course

$40.00 USD

Nutrition 120

Management of Functional GI Disorders


  • Frame the problem and basic epidemiology of chronic G.I. disorders
  • Present evidence of linkage between chronic G.I. disorders with other common medical conditions
  • Discuss the current hypothesis of associations between intestinal hyperpermeability and systemic illnesses
  • Review cutting edge assessment tools and tests for G.I. disorders
  • Outline and suggest rational and efficacious cutting-edge non-drug treatment interventions for functional G.I. disorders.

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

AudioVisual Course

$24.00 USD

Nutrition 116

Clinical Detoxification: Part 2


  • Identify various pathologies associated with increased toxicity and total oxidative stress
  • Outline specific strategies of patient assessment to determine toxic load and individual hepatic detoxification capacity
  • Discriminate between the various pathways of hepatic detoxification biochemistry and objectively assess each pathway
  • Explain the use of specific nutrients, nutraceutical compounds, botanical medicines, and foods to lower oxidative stress
  • Explore the benefits and complications of adjunctive therapies in the management of patients with elevated toxic load and poor detoxification capacity

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD

Nutrition 115

Clinical Detoxification: Part 1


  • Identify the sources of toxic exposure in modern industrial society, the prevalence of exposure, and the health ramifications of elevated total toxic body burden
  • Associate a multitude of common symptomatic complaints (ie: fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, skin problems, global pain, etc.) with foundational metabolic disorders related to issues such as elevated total toxic load and "leaky gut"
  • Discover the specific biochemical methodology utilized by human metabolism to render toxins harmless and excrete them from the body
  • Explain the inherent complications within the normal detoxification process related to the formation of toxic intermediates and the increase in oxidative stress
  • Explore the effect of elevated oxidative stress on mitochondrial function and cellular energy production

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

AudioVisual Course

$20.00 USD

Nutrition 114

Case Studies in Nutritional and Functional Medicine - Hypertension and Food Allergy


  • Identify the challenges inherent in the diagnosis and management of patients with complex and chronic multi-factorial problems
  • Associate findings such systemic skin problems with foundational metabolic disorders
  • Apply a systematic approach to functional laboratory diagnostics and associate the findings with the need for specific therapeutic strategies
  • Discuss the modification of your approach to case management based on outcome-assessment
  • Assess, diagnose, and treat patients with serious food allergy and sensitivity, dermatologic disorders, immune dysfunction, and persistent serious hypertension

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

Case Studies

$20.00 USD

Nutrition 113

Case Studies in Nutritional and Functional Medicine - Chronic GI Disorders and Fatigue


  • Identify the challenges inherent in the diagnosis and management of patients with complex and chronic multi-factorial problems
  • Associate a multitude of common symptomatic complaints with foundational metabolic disorders such as elevated total toxic load and "leaky gut"
  • Apply a systematic approach to functional laboratory diagnostics and associate the findings with the need for specific therapeutic strategies using nutrients, botanical medicines, and nutraceutical compounds
  • Demonstrate an ability to institute life-style modifications, such as dietary changes, stress management techniques, and exercise in the management of patients with complex chronic illness
  • Measure your ability to assess, diagnose, and treat patients with fatigue-related disorders, vague gastrointestinal complaints, cognitive dysfunction, thyroid-adrenal problems, food intolerance, and more

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

Case Studies
Downloadable Course in PDF

$20.00 USD