Chiropractic Assistant CE Course - Evidence Based Outcomes 212 : A Primer for the Clinician

Chiropractic Assistant

Evidence Based Outcomes 212 : A Primer for the Clinician

David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

  • Recognize the initiation and growth of evidence-based  (EBP) or evidence informed practice (EIP)
  • Interpret the need to utilize EBP
  • Define EBP.
  • Explain the levels of evidence and applications to practice
  • Contrast EBP/EIP with what is not EBP/EIP and relate to your clinical expertise.
  • Evaluate the research evidence for application to practice
  • Locate the literature that applies to the doctor’s patient
  • Integrate the literature research with their clinical expertise and the patient preferences
  • Recognize patient preferences
  • Distinguish your patients from the benchmarks of care
  • Distinguish the different types of evidence
  • Synthesize EBP/EIP into case studies
  • Implement EBP/EIP procedures to your practice for increased patient compliance,
  • Differentiate individual patient cases with similar diagnoses
  • Identify actions contingent upon the level of evidence

Approved States/Territories
  • FLFlorida