Below is a topic grid and list of courses that have been made available to other health professionals. Many of the following courses are available to meet specific state requirements. Click on any topic to view courses available in that topic with all details including format and pricing. Prices listed reflect the cost of each course if purchased individually. Substantial discounts may apply when you purchase Discounted course bundles or by using the Discounted PrePaid Credits option. Looking for Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Massage Therapists courses? Visit
Course Categories for Profession: Chiropractic Doctor | |
Category | Instructors |
Abuse - Child and Elder | Richard Saporito, DC |
Acupuncture | Ivo Waerlop, DC - Ivo Waerlop, DC/Russ Fasolino DC, Lic Ac - Paul Sherman, DC - Scott R Smith, L.OM - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Acupuncture - Certification | James Ventresca, DOM |
Acupuncture - Dry Needling | James Ventresca, DOM |
Addictions | Angelica Redleaf, DC |
AIDS and Infectious Disease | Brett Kinsler, DC - Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Paul Powers, DC, DABCN - Ron Steriti, ND, PhD - Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD |
Alabama Chiropractic Law | Paul Powers, DC, DABCN |
Allergy and Immunology | Grant Shapiro, DC |
Anatomy Dissections | Richard Saporito, DC - Robert Schwer, DC |
Animal Chiropractic | Ann Seefeldt, DC, CVSMT |
Anti Aging Certificate Program | Gary Italia, DC, PhD |
Athletic TIPS Certification Seminar - Non CE | multiple |
Athletic TIPS Certification Seminar for CE | multiple |
Biomechanics | Ivo Waerlop, DC/Scott Greenberg, DPT - Ivo Waerlop/Shawn Allen, DC - multiple |
Boundary Training | Angelica Redleaf, DC - Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN - Kathleen Boland, PhD, LCSW, ACSW |
Boundary Training - Patient Communications | Brett Kinsler, DC |
Breathing Essentials | Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT |
Childhood Developmental Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders Certification | Robert Melillo, DC, DABCN |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy | Jaynie Bjornaraa, PT, PhD, MPH, SCS, LAT, CSCS - Jennifer Illes, DC - Karen Gardner, DC - Matt Rushford, DC - multiple - Shanna Dyer PT, DPT, BCB-PMD, PRPC - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Compliance | Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC |
Concussion | Evan Mladenoff, DC, DIBAK - Todd Turnbull, DC |
Connecticut Laws and Regulations | Paul Powers, DC, DABCN |
Core Stability | Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT |
Cultural Competency | Angelica Redleaf, DC - Jodi Jacobs, DC - Richard Saporito, DC |
Dementia Training | Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT |
Diagnostic Imaging | Hector Rivera-Melo, DC, DACBR - Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR - Jeff Swift, DC, DABCN - Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR - multiple - Newsha Nanette Nargaski DC, DACBR, FCCR(c) - Paul Sherman, DC - Shawn Thistle, DC - Steven Weiner, MD, DC, DACBR |
Documentation | April Lee, DC, CPCO - Colleen Auchenbach, DC - David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN - Grant Shapiro, DC - Gregg Friedman, DC - Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC - Leanne Cupon, DC, DACRB and Warren Jahn, DC, DIANM (US) - Mario Fucinari, DC, CPCO, CPPM, CIC - multiple - Paul Sherman, DC |
Documentation - Clinical Justification | Gregg Friedman, DC |
Documentation - Got Documentation | Gregg Friedman, DC |
Electrodiagnosis | Jeff Swift, DC, DABCN |
Emergency Procedures | Brett Kinsler, DC |
Endocrine System | Robin Mayfield, DC - Ron Steriti, ND, PhD |
Ethics for Professionals | Angelica Redleaf, DC - Jacob Ladenheim, JD - Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC - Mario Fucinari, DC, CPCO, CPPM, CIC - Paul Powers, DC, DABCN - Peter Van Tyle, Esq - Richard Saporito, DC |
Evidenced Based Outcomes | David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN - Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Joshua Goldenberg, ND |
Florida Chiropractic Law and Rules | Paul Powers, DC, DABCN |
Forensic Science - Diplomate | Leanne Cupon, DC, DACRB and Warren Jahn, DC, DIANM (US) |
Functional Medicine | David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN - Grant Shapiro, DC - Michael Epitropoulos, DC - Michelle Binkowski, DC - multiple - Richard Powers, DC |
Functional Medicine & Nutrition Virtual Classroom with Dr. David Brady & Friends | David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN - Eleonora Gafton, MS, DCN - Mark J. Smith, PhD - Michael Jurgelewicz, DC, CNS - multiple - Oscar Coetzee, MS, DCN - Rob Boyd, ND, CNS - Robert Brody ND, MS - Sarah LoBisco, ND, IFMCP - Thomas Fabian, PhD, CNTP - Todd LePine, MD |
Gastroenterology | Joshua Goldenberg, ND |
Gender and Sensitivity | Angelica Redleaf, DC |
Georgia Jurisprudence Board Rules | Paul Powers, DC, DABCN |
Geriatrics | Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Michelle Binkowski, DC - multiple - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Government HIPAA & Cybersecurity Compliance | Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE |
HIPAA Training | Jill Foote - Healthcare IT Specialist - Paul Sherman, DC |
Homeopathy | Richard Powers, DC |
Human Trafficking | Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT - Richard Saporito, DC |
Illinois Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training | Angelica Redleaf, DC |
Impairment and Disability Rating Functional Capacity Exam | Leanne Cupon, DC, DACRB and Warren Jahn, DC, DIANM (US) |
Implicit Bias Training | Jeanine Abrons, PharmD, MS |
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage | Robert McCabe, PT, OCS |
Iowa Board Administrative Code | Paul Powers, DC, DABCN |
Laser Therapy | Brandon Brock, DC, DACNB - Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO - Erik Reis, DC, DACNB - Kirk Gair, DC, IDE - Kristin Hieshetter, DC - Michelle Binkowski, DC - multiple - Robert Silverman, DC, DABCN, DCBCN - S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC |
LGBTQ - Clinical Considerations | Richard Saporito, DC |
Management of Common Conditions | David Hannah, DC, DACO - Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT - Evan Mladenoff, DC, DIBAK - George Kukurin, DC, DACAN - Ivo Waerlop, DC - Jennifer Illes, DC - Lawrence Bagnell, DC - Linda Simon, DC - multiple - Nicholas Hedges DC, MS, CCSP - Robert McCabe, PT, OCS - Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP - Shawn Thistle, DC - Todd Turnbull, DC |
Manipulation, Mobilization, Technique | David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN - Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Ethan Feldman, DC - Jennifer Illes, DC - Lawrence DelRe, DC - Linda Simon, DC - multiple - Robert McCabe, PT, OCS - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Maryland Jurisprudence Board Rules | Paul Powers, DC, DABCN |
Medical Errors | Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Gregory Priest, DC, DABCO |
Medical Marijuana, CBD | Emmett Hughes, DC - Jodi Jacobs, DC |
Mental Health Conditions Common to Veterans | Richard Saporito, DC |
NeuroFascial Integration | Satya Sardonicus, DC, CACCP |
Neurology | Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO - David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN - Dean Smith, DC, PhD - George Kukurin, DC, DACAN - IACN Guest Instructor - Jeff Swift, DC, DABCN - Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN - multiple - Paul Powers, DC, DABCN - Robert Schwer, DC |
Neurology - Clinical Chiropractic Diplomate | Gregg Friedman, DC - Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN - multiple |
Nevada Jurisprudence Board Rules | Paul Powers, DC, DABCN |
Nutrition | Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO - Dan Schlenger, DC - Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Erica Oberg, ND MPH - Gary Italia, DC, PhD - Grant Shapiro, DC - Jennifer Illes, DC - Joshua Goldenberg, ND - Lawrence Bagnell, DC - multiple - Robert Silverman, DC, DABCN, DCBCN - Ron Steriti, ND, PhD - Tedd Koren, DC |
Nutrition - Anti Aging | Gary Italia, DC, PhD |
Nutrition And Functional Medicine | David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN |
Opioid Management | Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Shawn Thistle, DC - Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD |
Orthopedics | Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Gregory Priest, DC, DABCO - Leanne Cupon, DC, DACRB and Warren Jahn, DC, DIANM (US) - multiple - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Over The Counter Non Prescriptive Substances | multiple |
Pain Management | David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN - Dean Smith, DC, PhD - George Kukurin, DC, DACAN - Ron Steriti, ND, PhD - Shawn Thistle, DC - Travis Jewett, DC |
Pain Management - Foundation for Chiropractic Progress | multiple |
Pediatrics | Brett Kinsler, DC - Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Jennifer Illes, DC - Joyce Miller, BSc, DC, DABCO, PhD - Karen Gardner, DC - multiple - Robin Mayfield, DC - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Personal Injury | S. Scott Tauber, DC, DABCO, CPC - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Personal Injury with Dan Murphy | Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO |
Physical Diagnosis | Dan Schlenger, DC - David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN - Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT - James Strange, DC, MS - Jennifer Illes, DC - Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN - Joshua Goldenberg, ND - Jossue Ortiz, DC - Marc Lawson, DC - Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR - multiple - Richard Powers, DC - Richard Saporito, DC - Robert Schwer, DC - Robin Mayfield, DC - Ron Steriti, ND, PhD - Shawn Thistle, DC - Vincent DeBono, DC - Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD |
Physical Therapy | Brett Kinsler, DC - David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN - Jennifer Illes, DC - Leanne Cupon, DC, DACRB and Warren Jahn, DC, DIANM (US) - Michael Epitropoulos, DC - Paul Powers, DC, DABCN - Richard Saporito, DC - Robert Schwer, DC - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Rehabilitation | Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Gary Italia, DC, PhD - Ivo Waerlop/Shawn Allen, DC - Jennifer Illes, DC - Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC - Linda Simon, DC - multiple - Robert McCabe, PT, OCS - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Research Trends | Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Joshua Goldenberg, ND - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Rheumatology | Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD |
Risk Management and Malpractice | J. Michael Skiba, PhD - Jacob Ladenheim, JD - Jill Foote - Healthcare IT Specialist - Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC - Leanne Cupon, DC, DACRB and Warren Jahn, DC, DIANM (US) - Peter Van Tyle, Esq |
Soft Tissue Conditions | Linda Simon, DC |
Spinal Decompression | Brett Kinsler, DC |
Sports Medicine | Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Gary Italia, DC, PhD - multiple - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Stroke and Manipulation | Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN - multiple - Shawn Thistle, DC |
Subluxation | Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN - Tedd Koren, DC |
Suicide Assessment | Richard Saporito, DC |
Wellness | Dean Smith, DC, PhD - Matt Rushford, DC |
Whiplash | Dan Murphy, DC, DABCO |
Womens Health | Jennifer Illes, DC |
Courses | |
Abuse - Child 201 - Child Abuse and Mandatory Reporting | Abuse - Child 201a |
Abuse - Child for NY Mandated Reporters | Abuse - Child for PA Mandatory Reporters |
Abuse - Child for PA Mandatory Reporters for Initial Licensure | Abuse - Elder 202 - Elder Abuse and Mandatory Reporting |
Acupuncture 101 - History and Philosophy of Acupuncture |
Acupuncture 102 - Differentiating Yin Yang and the Five Elements and Phases |
Acupuncture 103 - Vital Substances and differentiating the Twelve Internal Organs |
Acupuncture 205 - Tongue Diagnosis |
Acupuncture 205 - 211 | Acupuncture 206 - Homeostatic Acupuncture Points |
Acupuncture 207 - Neurology of Acupuncture |
Acupuncture 208 - Needle Manipulation Technique |
Acupuncture 209 - Points and Acupuncture Points You Should Know |
Acupuncture 210 - The San Jiao: A Closer Look |
Acupuncture 211 - Qi and The Pertinent Pericardium |
Acupuncture 212 - The 8 Extra Vessels and Extraordinary Meridians |
Acupuncture 213 - Triple Warmer Metabolism and the Vital Substances |
Acupuncture 214 - Ren Mai, Du Mai, Liver 14 and Pulse Diagnosis |
Acupuncture 215 - Functional Neurology and Trigger Point Dry Needling |
Acupuncture 216 - The Physiological Effects of Dry Needling |
Acupuncture 217 - Mechanisms of Analgesia in Dry Needling |
Acupuncture 218 - Needle Manipulation Technique in Dry Needling and Acupuncture |
Acupuncture 219 - Needle Sterilization, Contraindication and Complications of Needling |
Acupuncture 220 - Trigger Points: Search, Find and Treat |
Acupuncture 221 - Acupuncture and Pain and Extremities & Migraine | Acupuncture 222 - Acupuncture for Foot Disorders - Introduction |
Acupuncture 222 - 228 - Acupuncture for Foot Disorders | Acupuncture 223 - Acupuncture for Foot Disorders - Sinus Tarsi Syndrome |
Acupuncture 224 - Acupuncture for Foot Disorders - Capsulitis and Mortons Metatarsalgia | Acupuncture 225 - Acupuncture for Foot Disorders - Metatarsophalangeal Joint |
Acupuncture 226 - Acupuncture for Foot Disorders - Plantar Fascia Disorders | Acupuncture 227 - Acupuncture for Foot Disorders - Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome |
Acupuncture 228 - Acupuncture for Foot Disorders - Achilles Tendinopathy | Acupuncture 400 - Acupuncture Program Introduction to 104-hour Acupuncture Certification Course |
Acupuncture 400 - 420 - Basic Theory Course Group |
Acupuncture 400 - 461 |
Acupuncture 401 - Development of Chinese Medicine and Yin and Yang I: Introduction to Yin and Yang Theory as it Applies to Acupuncture |
Acupuncture 402 - Yin and Yang II and The 8 Principles: Yin and Yang Theory and its Relationship to the 8 Principles of TCM Diagnosis |
Acupuncture 403 - The Theory of the 5 Elements: Concepts and Interrelationships of the TCM Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water |
Acupuncture 404 - 5 Element Correspondences: Specific Associations of the 5 Elements to Organs, Meridians, Emotions, Tissues, and More |
Acupuncture 405 - Chronotherapy and the Essential Substances: TCM Circadian Rhythms and an Introduction to Qi, Jing, Blood and Shen |
Acupuncture 406 - Energy and Nature: Qi and Blood: Introduction to the Bodys Motivating and Nurturing Forces |
Acupuncture 407 - Constitution and Consciousness: Jing, Shen and Fluid: Introduction to our Inherited Vitalities, and Minds |
Acupuncture 408 - Evil Winds and Emotions: Pathogenic Factors: Introduction to Exogenous and Endogenous Influences on Health |
Acupuncture 409 - The Zang Fu: Introduction to the Organs: Exploring the Concept of Organs as Spheres of Influence in the Body |
Acupuncture 410 - Lungs and Large Intestine: The Organs That Take in What We Need, and Let Go of What No Longer Serves Us |
Acupuncture 411 - Spleen and Stomach: The Organs of Nourishment |
Acupuncture 412 - Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium and San Jiao: Organs That Organize the Body, and Influence the Mind |
Acupuncture 413 - Liver and Gall Bladder: The Organs That Enable Free Flow of Qi, Blood and Emotions |
Acupuncture 414 - Kidney and Urinary Bladder: The Foundational Organs of the Body |
Acupuncture 415 - Understanding Points and Meridians: Introduction to Acupoints and Their Organization Into Meridians |
Acupuncture 416 - Meridian Pathways and Clinical Application: How Meridians are Used in Clinical Situations |
Acupuncture 417 - Extraordinary Organs and Meridians: Organs and Meridians Which Augment the Twelve Cardinal Meridians |
Acupuncture 418 - Essential Tongue Diagnosis: Observing the Appearance of the Tongue to Refine TCM Diagnosis |
Acupuncture 419 - Pulse Diagnosis: Using Palpation of the Radial Pulse to Refine TCM Diagnosis |
Acupuncture 420 - Clean Needle Technique: An Introduction to Clean and Safe Needle Handling in the Clinic |
Acupuncture 421 - Acupuncture Points and Meridians I: Overview of Each of the Main Meridians of Acupuncture |
Acupuncture 421 - 436 - Acupuncture Points and Meridians Group |
Acupuncture 422 - Acupuncture Points and Meridians II: Overview of Acupoints and Their Organization Into Clinically Useful Groups |
Acupuncture 423 - The Du Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Du/GV Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 424 - The Ren Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Ren/CV Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 425 - The Lung Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Lung Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 426 - The Large Intestine Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Large Intestine Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 427 - The Stomach Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Stomach Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 428 - The Spleen Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Spleen Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 429 - The Heart and Pericardium Meridians: In-depth Examination of the Heart and Pericardium Meridians and Their Points |
Acupuncture 430 - The Small Intestine Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Small Intestine Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 431 - The Bladder Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Bladder Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 432 - The Kidney Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Kidney Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 433 - The San Jiao Meridian: In-depth Examination of the San Jiao/Triple Burner Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 434 - The Gall Bladder Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Gall Bladder Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 435 - The Liver Meridian: In-depth Examination of the Liver Meridian and its Points |
Acupuncture 436 - Extraordinary Points: In-depth Examination of the Acupoints That Lie Off the Meridians |
Acupuncture 437 - Microsystems I: Introduction and Hand Acupuncture: Introduction to Acupuncture Microsystems Concepts and Techniques, and Select Hand Acupuncture Points |
Acupuncture 437 - 440 - Acupuncture Microsystems Group |
Acupuncture 438 - Microsystems II: Ear Acupuncture: Auricular Acupuncture Points and Techniques |
Acupuncture 439 - Microsystems III: Chinese Scalp Acupuncture: Scalp Acupuncture Points and Techniques Mainly Used for Cortical Disorders |
Acupuncture 440 - Microsystems IV: YNSA Scalp Acupuncture Scalp Acupuncture Points and Techniques Mainly Used for Painful Disorders |
Acupuncture 441 - Acupuncture Techniques I: Introduction and CNT: In-depth Course in Clean Needle Technique and Handling |
Acupuncture 441 - 446 - Acupuncture Techniques Group |
Acupuncture 442 - Acupuncture Techniques II: Needles and Needling: Foundational Information on Acupuncture Needle Types, Sizes, and Insertion Techniques |
Acupuncture 443 - Acupuncture Techniques III: Moxa and Moxibustion: Heat Therapy Using Traditional Herbal Methods |
Acupuncture 444 - Acupuncture Techniques IV: Electro-Acupuncture: Microcurrent Stimulation of Acupuncture Needles |
Acupuncture 445 - Acupuncture Techniques V: Cupping and Gua Sha: Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation Using Traditional Tools and Methods |
Acupuncture 446 - Acupuncture Techniques VI: Laser and TDP: Treating With Far-Infared Heat and Cold Laser |
Acupuncture 447 - Acupuncture for the Treatment of Pain I - Introduction to Pain Management with Classical Chinese Techniques |
Acupuncture 447 - 451 - Acupuncture for the Treatment of Pain Group |
Acupuncture 448 - Acupuncture Treatment of Pain II - Points, Meridians, and Techniques for the Treatment of Pain |
Acupuncture 449 - Acupuncture Treatment of Pain III - Sinew Meridians and Zonal Treatment for Pain: Specific techniques for treating pain using the Anterior, Lateral and Posterior Zones |
Acupuncture 450 - Acupuncture Treatment of Pain IV - Treating Pain in the Head, Neck, Trunk and Upper Extremity: Specific Techniques for Treating Pain in the Upper Body |
Acupuncture 451 - Acupuncture Treatment of Pain V - Treating Pain in the Back and Lower Extremity: Specific Techniques for Treating Pain in the Lower Body |
Acupuncture 452 - Yin and Yang: A Comprehensive Study of Yin and Yang |
Acupuncture 452 - 461 - Foundations of Chinese Medicine Group |
Acupuncture 453 - The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Study of Chinese Medical Thought |
Acupuncture 454 - The Functions of the Organs: A Comprehensive Study of the Interrelationships of the Main Organs of TCM |
Acupuncture 455 - External Causes of Disease: A Comprehensive Study of the Endogenous and Exogenous Pathogens |
Acupuncture 456 - Diagnosis by Palpation: A Comprehensive Study on Palpation, Focusing on the Radial Pulse |
Acupuncture 457 - Identification of Patterns - Heart, Pericardium and Liver: A Comprehensive Study of These Organs and Their Relationships |
Acupuncture 458 - Identification of Patterns - Lung, Spleen, Kidney and Stomach: A Comprehensive Study of These Organs and Their Relationships |
Acupuncture 459 - Identification of Patterns - Small/Large Intestine, Gall Bladder, Bladder, Six Stages and Four Levels: A Comprehensive Study of These Organs and an Introduction to the Progression of Disease |
Acupuncture 460 - Patterns According to the Three Burners, 12 Channels and Eight Extraordinary Vessels; Shu Points and Categories of Points: A Comprehensive Study of Pattern Discrimination in TCM |
Acupuncture 461 - The Eight Extraordinary Vessels; Principles of Treatment and Combination of Points: A Comprehensive Study on Crafting Acupuncture Treatment Strategies. |
Acupuncture National Exam Prep Course - Board Review for Those Taking the NBCE or ABCA Exam |
Addictions 101 - History of Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol/Strategies for Dealing With Addictions - One's Own and Those of One's Patients |
AIDS 103 - Manual Therapy Interventions for People Living with HIV Disease |
AIDS 104 - Nutritional Deficiencies in AIDS Patients |
AIDS 105 - Bioelectromagnetic Therapies for HIV/AIDS |
AIDS 106 - HIV Facts and Information |
AIDS 106 - 108 | AIDS 107 - Information for Health Care Workers |
AIDS 108 - HIV and AIDS Update: Caring for A Person With HIV and AIDS | AIDS 109 - AIDS: Clinical Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment |
AIDS 110 - HIV and Nutrition |
AIDS 111 - Global Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS |
AIDS 112 - Neurological and Cardiovascular Complications of HIV Infection |
AIDS 113 - Immune Response to HIV |
AIDS 114 - Immune Support | AIDS 115 - HIV AIDS: Principles and Practice |
Alabama Chiropractic Law 201 | Alabama Chiropractic Law 201 - 202 |
Allergy and Immunology 201 - A Primer of Cells, Signs, Symptoms, Testing, Development, Risk, Protection and Allergens | Allergy and Immunology 202 - Histamine, Mimicry, Natural Therapy |
Anatomy 101 - Anterior Cervical Musculature |
Anatomy 101 - 112 |
Anatomy 102 - Musculature of the Shoulder |
Anatomy 103 - Bones and Joints of the Hand |
Anatomy 104 - Musculature of the Hip |
Anatomy 105 - Anatomy of the Elbow |
Anatomy 106 - Osteology, Ligaments, and Prime Movers of the Shoulder |
Anatomy 107 - Neurovascular Structures of the Shoulder |
Anatomy 108 - Osteology of the Anterior Aspect of the Knee |
Anatomy 109 - Muscle Attachment Sites of the Knee |
Anatomy 110 - Ligaments and Menisci of Knee |
Anatomy 111 - Neurovascular Structures of the Knee |
Anatomy 112 - Muscles of the Knee |
Anatomy 113 - Osteology of Anterior Aspect of Foot and Ankle |
Anatomy 113 - 124 | Anatomy 114 - Ligaments of the Ankle and Foot |
Anatomy 115 - Muscles of the Foot and Ankle |
Anatomy 116 - Neurovascular Structures of the Foot and Ankle |
Anatomy 117 - Osteology of the Pelvis |
Anatomy 118 - Ligaments and Deep Muscles of the Pelvis |
Anatomy 119 - Neurological Structures of the Pelvis |
Anatomy 120 - Vascular Structures of the Pelvis |
Anatomy 121 - Osteology of Lumbar Spine |
Anatomy 122 - Ligaments and Deep Muscles of Lumbar Spine |
Anatomy 123 - Muscles of the Posterior Vertebral Column |
Anatomy 124 - Anatomy of the Brainstem and Spinal Cord |
Anatomy 125 - Cross Sectional Anatomy and Vascular Supply of Spinal Cord |
Anatomy 125 - 136 |
Anatomy 126 - Anatomical Considerations of the Lumbar Plexus |
Anatomy 127 - Osteology of the Cranium |
Anatomy 128 - Deep Muscles of Cranium and Pharynx |
Anatomy 129 - Intermediate Muscles of Cranium and Pharynx |
Anatomy 130 - Superficial Muscles of Cranium and Pharynx |
Anatomy 131 - Neurovascular Structures of Face and Head |
Anatomy 132 - Structures of Orbit and Eye |
Anatomy 133 - Structures of the Orbit: A Superior Axial View |
Anatomy 134 - Internal Structures of the Eyeball |
Anatomy 135 - Anatomy of the Ear |
Anatomy 136 - Anatomical Considerations of the TMJ |
Anatomy 137 - Wrist and Forearm Surface Anatomy |
Anatomy 225 - Trigger Point Therapy: Neck |
Anatomy 225 - 230 |
Anatomy 226 - Trigger Point Therapy: Muscles of Mastication |
Anatomy 227 - Trigger Point Therapy: Upper Limb 1 |
Anatomy 228 - Trigger Point Therapy: Upper Limb 2 |
Anatomy 229 - Trigger Point Therapy: Upper Limb 3 |
Anatomy 230 - Trigger Point Therapy: Trunk |
Anatomy 231 - Trigger Point Therapy: Lower Limb 1 |
Anatomy 231b - Trigger Point Therapy: Lower Limb 2 |
Anatomy 232 - Trigger Point Therapy: Lower Limb 3 |
Anatomy 233 - Trigger Point Therapy: Lower Limb 4 |
Animal Chiropractic 201 - Pain Presentations in Small Animals |
Anti Aging Certificate Program | Athletic TIPS Certification Seminar - Musculoskeletal Injuries, Nutrition, Dehydration and Concussion |
Athletic TIPS Certification Seminar - Non CE - Musculoskeletal Injuries, Nutrition, Dehydration and Concussion | Biomechanics 201 - Introduction to Gait: Pedographs and Gait Analysis |
Biomechanics 201 - 216 | Biomechanics 202 - Foot Function and the Effects on the Core and Body Dynamics |
Biomechanics 203 - Gait Analysis: Normal and Abnormal Gait and Factors Affecting Them |
Biomechanics 204 - Shoe Selection and the Effect and Impact on Gait: Running Shoes |
Biomechanics 205 - Barefoot Running and Gait: What You Need To Know |
Biomechanics 206 - A Case Study in Gait Analysis |
Biomechanics 207 - A Case Study in Gait Analysis: Focus on Torsions and Versions |
Biomechanics 208 - Case Studies in Gait Analysis: Challenges to the Knee During Gait |
Biomechanics 209 - Focus on the Hip |
Biomechanics 210 - Running vs. Walking - Key Differences in Gait Analysis |
Biomechanics 211 - Case Studies in Gait Analysis: Focus on the Short Leg |
Biomechanics 211 - 222 |
Biomechanics 212 - Case Studies in Gait Analysis: The Rearfoot |
Biomechanics 213 - A Closer Look at Gait Analysis |
Biomechanics 214 - A Closer Look at Foot Types |
Biomechanics 215 - Pedograph Use and Interpretation |
Biomechanics 216 - Focus on The Forefoot |
Biomechanics 217 - The Problematic Crossover Gait |
Biomechanics 218 - A Closer Look at Arm Swing in Gait |
Biomechanics 219 - The Biomechanics of Running Relative to Shoe Choice |
Biomechanics 220 - Common Cycling Injuries Related to Bike Fit |
Biomechanics 221 - Static Assessment and the Glass Pedograph |
Biomechanics 222 - Advanced Case Studies in Gait Analysis: Focus on Neurological Disorders |
Biomechanics 222 - 225 |
Biomechanics 223 - New Case Studies of Fixed Leg Length Discrepancies and the Compounding Biomechanical Compensations that Produce Pain |
Biomechanics 224 - How to Address Common Problems Associated With Prescribing Orthotics |
Biomechanics 225 - Current Concepts in Gait and Rehabilitation |
Biomechanics 225 - 228 |
Biomechanics 226 - Gait Analysis |
Biomechanics 227 - Building a Better bridge: A critical look at the bridging exercise |
Biomechanics 228 - Understanding the Glutes: A Literature Update | Biomechanics 229 - Sandals, Flip Flops and Open Back Footwear and their Biomechanics effects |
Biomechanics 230 - Gait - Split Treadmill | Biomechanics 231 - Advanced Concepts in Gait |
Biomechanics 231 - 235 | Biomechanics 232 - Advanced Case Studies in Gait Analysis: Putting it All Together |
Biomechanics 233 - The 3 Cardinal Planes of Loading: Power Leaks, Compensations and Load Adaptations | Biomechanics 234 - Callus patterns and what they mean |
Biomechanics 235 - A closer look at the Tibialis Posterior | Boundary Training 101 - Gender Roles and Traits |
Boundary Training 101 - 112 | Boundary Training 102 - Gender, Power and the Doctor Patient Relationship |
Boundary Training 103 - Sexuality and the Doctor Patient Relationship | Boundary Training 104 - Touch and the Doctor Patient Relationship |
Boundary Training 105 - Practical Applications Gender, Sexuality, Touch, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct | Boundary Training 106 - Examples and Common Fears About Sexual Misconduct; Caring for the Abused Patient |
Boundary Training 107 - Consent, Power Issues, Adherence vs.Compliance, Risk Levels One Faces as A Healthcare Provider |
Boundary Training 108 - Safe Touch Guidelines and Strategies For Safe Touching |
Boundary Training 109 - Safe Practice Analysis; Risk Factor Analysis - Self Assessments | Boundary Training 110 - Buddy and Supervisor Evaluations |
Boundary Training 111 - Making Necessary Changes in One's Office/Practice; Diffusing Attractions |
Boundary Training 112 - Dealing with Attractions; Creating A Safe Practice |
Boundary Training 113 - Issues of Sexual Misconduct and Gender Sensitivity |
Boundary Training 120 - Boundaries for Health Care Providers - Part 1 |
Boundary Training 121 - Boundaries for Health Care Providers - Part 2 | Breathing Essentials 201 - Mechanics of the Region: Biomechanics of the Cervical, Thoracic/Thorax and Shoulder Girdle |
Breathing Essentials 201 - 204 | Breathing Essentials 201 - 207 |
Breathing Essentials 202 - Function of Respiration |
Breathing Essentials 203 - Altered Breathing Patterns and Their Consequences |
Breathing Essentials 204 - Sleep Apnea |
Breathing Essentials 205 - Athletic Performance |
Breathing Essentials 206 - Diaphragm in Critical Care |
CBD 201 - CBD and Manual Therapy: The Unspoken Symbiosis |
Childhood Developmental Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders Certification 301 - Physical Exam for the Newborn & Infant | Childhood Developmental Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders Certification 302 - ADHD, OCD and Tourette's Part 1 |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 201 - The Five Common Neurological Complaints of Pregnancy |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 201 - 207 |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 202 - Case Management of Common Pregnancy Related Complaints |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 203 - Herbs and Homeopathy During Pregnancy |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 204 - Dietary and Exercise Concerns During Pregnancy |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 205 - Preventing Birth Trauma with Proper Pre-Natal Care |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 206 - Common Tests and Procedures - Risks and Benefits |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 207 - Case Studies of Breech Presentation and Various Common Complaints of Pregnancy |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 208 - Commonly Encountered Subluxation and Misalignment Patterns with Breech Presentations and Twin Breech Presentations | Chiropractic and Pregnancy 208 - 212 |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 209 - Correlating Pubic Bone Misalignment with Posterior Occiput Presentation of A Fetus and Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 210 - Chiropractic Care - Immediate Postpartum Period |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 211 - Pregnancy and Pediatric Treatment Evidence, Adverse Events and Clinical Considerations | Chiropractic and Pregnancy 212 - Acupuncture, Exercise, Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Function, Best Practices for Children |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 213 - Essential Oils for Pregnancy and Labor |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 214 - The Pregnant Chiropractic Patient. Now What |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 215 - The History, Science, Pathologization of Medicalized and Natural Childbirth and the Anatomy of Natural Childbirth | Chiropractic and Pregnancy 215 - 217 |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 216 - Best Practices for Chiropractic Care for Pregnant & Postpartum Patients | Chiropractic and Pregnancy 217 - History Taking & Physical Exam Procedures: History, Evaluation and Treatment Protocols for Pregnant Patients |
Chiropractic and Pregnancy 218 - History Taking & Physical Exam Procedures: Post-partum Care and Return to Previous Functional Activity Baseline | Clinical Justification 201 - Clinical Justification for Treatment of Low Back Pain |
Clinical Justification 202 - Clinical Justification for Treatment of Neck and Upper Back Pain |
Clinical Justification 203 - Clinical Justification for Treatment of the Shoulder |
Clinical Justification 204 - Clinical Justification for the Chiropractic Treatment of Headaches |
Compliance 202 - State and National Requirements for Office Policy and Procedure |
Compliance 204 - Improved Compliance via Self Audit |
Compliance 205 - Compliance Factors to Consider with Insurance Billing and Follow Up |
Compliance 206 - Year End Financial Compliance |
Compliance 207 - Patient Financial Standard Operating Procedure |
Compliance 209 - End of Year Compliance Activities | Concussion 201 - Concussion Inflammatory Cascade |
Concussion 201 - 202 | Concussion 202 - Concussion Stress Cascade |
Concussion 203 - Concussion Management: Binaural Beats | Core Stability 201 - Foundation Form and Function |
CT Laws and Regulations Course | Cultural Competency 201 - Developing the Knowledge and Skills in Caring for Those From Other Races and Cultures |
Cultural Competency 202 - How to Develop the Needed Skills and Understanding to Care for the Rising Latino Population in the US |
Cultural Competency 203 - Become a Culturally Competent Provider - Caring for: Asians, Blacks, Middle Easterners, etc. |
Cultural Competency 204 - Understanding Cultural Competence in Health Care |
Cultural Competency 205 - Culture: Perspectives, Myths, and Misconceptions |
Cultural Competency 206 - The case for cultural competence in Health Care | Cultural Competency 207 - Cultural competence: Behaviors in health care - Ethnic Disparities |
Cultural Competency 208 | Cultural Competency 209 - Standards and Expectations of a Culturally Competent Healthcare Provider |
Dementia Training - Presentation and Clinical Management of Dementia | Documentation 101 - Documentation and Insurance Protocols Related to Medical Record Keeping, Billing and Coding |
Documentation 102 - Medicare Documentation - Part 1 |
Documentation 103 - Medicare Documentation - Part 2 |
Documentation 104 - Documenting Medical Necessity | Documentation 105 - Avoiding Medicare ABN Pitfalls Establish a Compliant Process |
Documentation 149 - Avoiding Pitfalls with Evaluation & Management Services | Documentation 153 - Documenting Bodily/Personal Injury Cases |
Documentation 154 - Risk Management Considerations for Documentation |
Documentation 157 - Clinical Documentation |
Documentation 158 - ICD-10 |
Documentation 160 - ICD-10: Navigating the Coding Maze |
Documentation 161 - Keys to Clinical Documentation |
Documentation 162 - Regs and Risk Management with Maintenance Care |
Documentation 163 - Documenting for Medical Necessity of Manual Therapies |
Documentation 164 - Compliance with Federal Guidelines for Timed Physical Medicine Procedures |
Documentation 165 - Compliant Coding and Documentation for all Chiropractic Techniques |
Documentation 167 - The Life Cycle of a Patients Chart |
Documentation 168 - The Secrets of Chiro-Compliant Coding |
Documentation 169 - Triage Your Patients with Compliant Treatment |
Documentation 170 - Medicare and the Quality Payment Program |
Documentation 171 - Ancillary Services: Yes, You Have to Document Those Too |
Documentation 172 - In-Processing Federal Patients: Active or Maintenance |
Documentation 173 - Why Render A Prognosis? Defining the Problem |
Documentation 173 - 174 | Documentation 174 - Compliant Documentation for Adjusting Multiple Spinal Regions |
Documentation 176 - Document Clinical Rationale for Active Care Rehab |
Documentation 177 - The Ideal Documentation for an Episode of Care |
Documentation 178 - Documenting and Coding for Unproven, Investigational or Experimental Procedures |
Documentation 179 - Documentation Nuances for All Interested Parties |
Documentation 182 - The 5 Documentation Mistakes You're Probably Making | Documentation 184 - Minimize Medicare Risk for Peace of Mind |
Documentation 185 - Managing Risk through Compliant Documentation and Coding | Documentation 186 - Medicare Billing Compliance Made Simple |
Documentation 186 - 188 | Documentation 187 - Creating the End to Every Story with Proper Patient Discharge |
Documentation 188 - Documentation and Coding of Exercise Services | Documentation 189 - The Art and Science of Diagnosis Coding |
Documentation 191 - How to Perform a Baseline Documentation Audit | Documentation 192 - Medicare Mastery Part 1 Medicare Fundamental Regulations |
Documentation 193 - Medicare Mastery Part 2 Complicated Compliance in Medicare | Documentation 194 |
Documentation 197 - The Clinical and Written Diagnosis Process | Documentation 198 - Routine Visits are Often Far from Routine |
Documentation 199 - Documentation and Risk Management - From Medical Necessity to Clinical Appropriateness | Documentation 200 - ICD 10 Documentation |
Dry Needling 201 - Introduction | Dry Needling 201 - 206 |
Dry Needling 202 - Clean & Safe Needle Handling | Dry Needling 203 - Needles & Needling |
Dry Needling 204 - Trigger Points & Patterns | Dry Needling 205 - Treatment of Myofascial Stress Patterns |
Dry Needling 206 - Treating Specific Bodily Regions | Electrodiagnosis 101 - Electrodiagnostic and Nerve Pathology in Clinical Conditions Presenting in Chiropractic Practice, and How They Present on Electrodiagnostic Examination |
Emergency Procedures 101 - Preparing for Common Medical Emergencies |
Emergency Procedures 102 - Developing an Emergency Preparedness Manual for Your Office and Review CPR Changes |
Emergency Procedures 103 - Preparing for Altered Mental Status, Burns and Allergic Reactions |
Emergency Procedures 104 - Reacting to Emergencies Outside your Office |
Ethical Awareness 201 - Legal Foundations |
Ethical Awareness 202 - Ethical Foundations |
Ethical Awareness 203 - The Law of Health Care Malpractice |
Ethical Awareness 204 - Intentional Wrongs |
Ethical Awareness 205 - Ethical and Legal Issues in Employment |
Ethical Awareness 206 - Business Law and Ethics |
Ethical Awareness 207 - Legal and Ethical Issues in Education |
Ethical Awareness 208 - Ethics in Focus |
Ethics 101 - Ethical Communications |
Ethics 102 - The Ethics Of The Doctor/Patient Connection - Getting it Right! |
Ethics 103 - Avoiding Inappropriate Contact with Patients | Ethics 104 - Professional Boundaries and Ethics for the Business |
Ethics 105 - Ethics of Patient Encouragement - The Placebo Effect | Ethics 106 - Dealing with the Inappropriate Patient Ethically and Effectively |
Ethics 107 - Ethics and Law | Ethics and Aging 201 - Challenges to the Received View |
Ethics and Aging 202 - Aging and the Aged Body |
Ethics and Aging 203 - Anti-aging Medicine and Aging and Public Policy |
Ethics and Aging 204 - Care and Justice - Older People at Home | Ethics and Aging 205 - The Nursing Home - Beyond Medicalization |
Ethics and Aging 206 - Working With Clients and Patients | Ethics and Aging 207 - What Do We Do Now? Abuse, Neglect, and Self-Neglect |
Ethics and Aging 208 - Alzheimer's Disease and an Ethics of Solidarity | Ethics and Aging 209 - Beyond Rational Control: Caring at the End of Life |
Ethics and Aging 210 - Aging and Disasters - Facing Natural and Other Disasters | Ethics for Professionals 101 - Morality and Ethics in Professional Practice |
Ethics for Professionals 101 - 105 | Ethics for Professionals 102 - Ethical Problems, Ethical Distress and Ethical Dilemma's |
Ethics for Professionals 103 - The Analysis of Ethical Problems in Professional Life |
Ethics for Professionals 104 - Ethics of Confidential Information |
Ethics for Professionals 105 - Informed Consent |
Evidence Based Outcomes 201 - Outcomes Assessment in Chiropractic Practice - Reviewing the Current Literature |
Evidence Based Outcomes 202 - Evidence Based Practice: Asking the Questions and Searching For Evidence |
Evidence Based Outcomes 204 - Practical Guide to Using Outcome Assessment (Measures) in Your Clinical Practice |
Evidence Based Outcomes 211 - Cold and Flu - Vaccinations, Green Tea, Zinc, Probiotics and Neti Pots |
Evidence Based Outcomes 212 - A Primer for the Clinician |
Evidence Based Outcomes 213 - Critical Appraisal Bootcamp | Exploring Subluxation Neurology Part 1 - Bridging the Gap Part 1 |
Exploring Subluxation Neurology Part 2 | Exploring Subluxation Neurology Part 3 |
Florida Chiropractic Law and Rules | Forensic Diplomate 101 - Critical Issues Encountered in the Deposition and Trial |
Forensic Diplomate 102 - How to Get Started in Forensic Marketing and Finding Contract Work |
Forensic Diplomate 103 - Discovery and Impeachment in Civil and Criminal Cases |
Forensic Diplomate 104 - How to Formulate a Defensible Curriculum Vitae |
Forensic Diplomate 105 - Understanding the Concept of Absolute Immunity |
Forensic Diplomate 106 - Federal Rules of Evidence and Their Application in the Federal and State Legal Systems |
Forensic Diplomate 107 - The Cross Examination Process and How to Manage Scientific Issues and Trick Questions |
Forensic Diplomate 108 - How do Scientific Reasoning and Methodology Apply to Untestable Scientific Theories |
Forensic Diplomate 109 - What is the Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence and How to Read a Legal Opinion |
Forensic Diplomate 110 - Adequate Informed Consent and How it Applies to Malpractice |
Functional Medicine 201 - The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity-What Are the Connections and Do They Matter? Part 1 |
Functional Medicine 201 - 204 - The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity-What Are the Connections and Do They Matter? | Functional Medicine 201 - 205 |
Functional Medicine 202 - The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity-What Are the Connections and Do They Matter? Part 2 | Functional Medicine 203 - The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity-What Are the Connections and Do They Matter? Part 3 |
Functional Medicine 204 - The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity-What Are the Connections and Do They Matter? - Case Studies | Functional Medicine 205 - From outside-in, and Inside-out; The Environment-Intestine-Lung Axis |
Functional Medicine 206 - Disease and the Mind Body Connection | Functional Medicine 207 - Leaky Gut Syndrome |
Functional Medicine 208 - Glutathione Therapy | Functional Medicine 209 - Evaluating and Addressing Common Chronic Patient Conditions - Part One |
Functional Medicine 209 - 212 | Functional Medicine 210 - Evaluating and Addressing Common Chronic Patient Conditions - Part Two |
Functional Medicine 211 - A Practical Approach to Implementing Clinical Detoxification Programs in Your Practice | Functional Medicine 212 - Supporting Your Patients Before, During, and After a Cancer Diagnosis |
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 201 - GI Health from a Functional Perspective | Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 201 - 210 - 10-Course Basic Certificate Program |
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 202 - The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity | Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 203 - Detoxification and Environmental Health |
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 204 - Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health | Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 205 - Functional Endocrinology |
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 206 - Mitochondrial Health and Energy Metabolism | Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 207 - Mental Health from a Functional Perspective |
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 208 - Functional Medicine and Nutrition Lab Testing | Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 209 - Sports, Nutrition, Exercise & Fitness |
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 210 - Food As Medicine | Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 211 - Therapeutic Essential Oils Clinical Applications |
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 212 - Fibromyalgia Global Pain and Fatigue | Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 213 - Functional Approach to Pediatrics |
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 214 - Nutritional Genomics Foundations | Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 215 - Optimized Exercise & Fitness |
Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 216 - Nutritional Genomics of Autoimmunity and Chronic Inflammation | GA Chiropractic Board Rules 105 - A Comprehensive Review of GA Rules |
GA Chiropractic Board Statutes 106 | Gastroenterology 201 - Fecal Microbial Transplant Research Review |
Gastroenterology 203 - The Leaky Gut | Gastroenterology 204 - Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth |
Gastroenterology 205 - IBS/SIBO Research | Gastroenterology 206 |
Gastroenterology 207 - Proton Pump Inhibitors for Barret's Esophagus | Gastroenterology 208 - Handheld Device for SIBO |
Gastroenterology 209 - Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO | Gender and Sensitivity 101 - Professional Boundaries in Healthcare Relationship; Harassment vs. Misconduct |
Gender and Sensitivity 102 - Caring for Those Who Have Been Sexually Abused; Patient Protection Protocol |
Geriatrics 101 - Exercise Effects on Wound Healing, Balance, Depression, and Anxiety in Older Adults |
Geriatrics 102 - Mitochondrial Degeneration, Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress | Geriatrics 103 - Breaking down the biomechanical and biochemical aspects of longevity |
Geriatrics 103 - 106 | Geriatrics 104 - Psychology of mind/body as it relates to improvement of patient results |
Geriatrics 105 - Nutrition for the aging population |
Geriatrics 106 - Therapeutic clinical solutions to common geriatric conditions |
Geriatrics 106 - 108 | Geriatrics 107 - Clinical Care and Risk of Falls |
Geriatrics 108 - Older & Bolder: Chiropractic Care for Healthy Aging | Got Documentation 201 - The Problem Oriented Medical Record - Taking a Great History |
Got Documentation 201 - 204 | Got Documentation 202 - Medical Necessity - Determining the Justification of Treatment |
Got Documentation 203 - Assessment and Plan - The required elements of an Assessment and justification of therapeutic procedures, including CMT | Got Documentation 204 - Personal Injury - How to properly and ethically manage a traumatically injured patient |
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 201 - HIPAA Compliance & Cybersecurity: How they catch you off guard and what they demand you produce! | Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 201 - 208 |
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 202 - Required HIPAA policies and required OIG self-audits for those who treat Medicare patients | Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 203 - What to do if you are ever notified you are under investigation or audit and the new ONC law requirements |
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 204 - NO Surprises Law and latest from the Washington DC HIPAA and cybersecurity symposiums | Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 205 - No Risk analysis and no ISARs equals maximum HIPAA fines |
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 206 - Required Data Security and Fee Compliance | Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 207 - Medicare Compliance, ABN Form and Additional HIPAA Policies |
Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 208 - Required Staff Training, Physical Plant Audit and Disciplinary Policies | Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 209 - New HIPAA law requires changes to your HIPAA program |
HIPAA 201 - Security Risk Assessment - A Key Component of HIPAA Risk Management | HIPAA 202 - Security Risk Management- A HIPAA Requirement |
HIPAA 203 - Getting a Handle on HIPAA Privacy |
HIPAA Made Simple - HIPAA Protocols and Compliance Standards |
Homeopathy 201 - Acute Care Homeopathy for Knee Injuries |
Human Trafficking 201 - Human Trafficking Affecting Michigan |
Human Trafficking 202 - Human Trafficking Affecting Ohio | Human Trafficking 203 - Human Trafficking Affecting Florida |
Human Trafficking 205 - Human Trafficking Affecting Texas | Human Trafficking 206 - Important considerations regarding Human Trafficking |
IASTM 201 - 203 - Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilizations to the Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity and the Spine |
Illinois Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training - Sexual Harassment: A Challenge and an Opportunity |
Impairment 101 - AMA Guides; 5th Edition; Measuring Spinal Range of Motion and Combined Value Chart |
Impairment 102 - AMA Guides; 5th Edition; Apportionment |
Impairment 103 - AMA Guides; 5th Edition; Common Errors |
Impairment 104 - AMA Guides; 4th Edition; Writing Credible Impairment Rating Reports |
Impairment 105 - AMA Guides; 5th Edition; Rating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome |
Impairment 107 - Introduction to Impairment Rating |
Implicit Bias - The Connection of Implicit Bias: Barriers to Care and Disparities in Access to and the Delivery of Health Care | Independent Medical Exam 101 - Independent Medical Exam (IME) Methodology and Procedures |
Independent Medical Exam 102 - Independent Medical Examinations and Workers Compensation |
Independent Medical Exam 103 - Social Security Disability Assessment |
Infectious Disease 101 - Evidence Based Decontamination for Manual Providers | Intro to Hormones 101a - Overview of All Hormones With Special Focus on Estrogen Dominance, Metabolic Syndrome, Adrenal Fatigue |
Intro to Hormones 102 - Salivary Hormone Testing |
Iowa Board Administrative Code 202 |
Iowa Board Administrative Code 203 | Laser 201 - Revolutionary Wellness - An Integrative Approach to Health |
Laser 202 - Vitality - Management of Common Clinical Syndromes | Laser 207 - Get Back in the Game Body Recalibration through Laser Therapy |
Laser 210 - Personal Injury for Busy Providers | Laser 211 - Get Back in the Game Body Recalibration through Laser Therapy Part 2 |
Laser 212 - Create life-changing initiatives with Chiropractic, Lasers, Nutrition and Exercise | Laser 213 - Super Highway to Health - Advanced Protocols for Clinical Success |
Laser 214 - The Neuro-Orthopedic Cascade of Trauma and Whiplash | Laser 215 - A Comprehensive Analysis of Todays Healthcare Topics |
Laser 215 - 216 | Laser 216 - Joint and Biomechanical Restoration: Stopping the Pain Cycle |
Laser 217 - Advanced Pain Solutions with Next Gen Laser Therapy | Laser 219 - Practical Personal Injury |
Laser 220 - A comprehensive overview of the use of light lasers in the clinic, including their principles, applications, safety considerations, and recent advancements | LGBTQ 201 - Body Image and Eating Disorders, Sociocultural Factors and Questioning in an Inclusive and Affirmative Environment |
Management of Common Conditions 201 - Lumbar Disc Management I |
Management of Common Conditions 202 - Lumbar Disc Management II |
Management of Common Conditions 203 - Concussion Management - Part 1 |
Management of Common Conditions 203b - Concussion Management - Part 2 |
Management of Common Conditions 204 - Cervical Disc Management 1 |
Management of Common Conditions 204 - 209 |
Management of Common Conditions 205 - Cervical Disc Management II |
Management of Common Conditions 206 - Evaluation of the Adolescent Overhead Athlete |
Management of Common Conditions 207 - Joint and Soft Tissue Mobilization Techniques for the Shoulder-Scapula Complex |
Management of Common Conditions 208 - Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Scapula Dyskinesia |
Management of Common Conditions 209 - Evaluation and Management of the TMJ |
Management of Common Conditions 210 - Upper Extremity I |
Management of Common Conditions 212 - Concussion Rehabilitation |
Management of Common Conditions 213 - Conservative Management of Parkinson's Disease |
Management of Common Conditions 214 - Shoulder Pain |
Management of Common Conditions 215 - Concussion: Return to Play Guidelines |
Management of Common Conditions 216 - Evaluation and Management of Common Upper and Lower Extremity Conditions |
Management of Common Conditions 216 - 221 |
Management of Common Conditions 217 - Acute Concussion Management |
Management of Common Conditions 218 - Cervicogenic and Tension Headache Research |
Management of Common Conditions 219 - Evaluation and Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis |
Management of Common Conditions 220 - Pelvic Crossed Syndrome |
Management of Common Conditions 221 - Autonomic Nervous System Response to Injury | Management of Common Conditions 222 - Return to Participation Guidelines |
Management of Common Conditions 223 - Cerebellar Response to Injury | Management of Common Conditions 224 - Identification and Treatment of Scoliosis |
Management of Common Conditions 225 - Shoulder Crossed Syndrome |
Management of Common Conditions 226 - Soft Tissue Treatment Adhesive Capsulitis |
Management of Common Conditions 227 - Evaluation and Treatment of Non-Surgical SLAP Lesions | Management of Common Conditions 228 - Evaluation and Treatment of Shoulder Instability: Non-Surgical and Surgical Conditions |
Management of Common Conditions 229 - Neck Pain & Whiplash | Management of Common Conditions 230 - Soft Tissue Treatment - Iliotibial Band Syndrome at the Hip |
Management of Common Conditions 231 - Soft Tissue Treatment - Plantar Fasciitis | Management of Common Conditions 232 - Clinical Research of the Elbow and Shoulder |
Management of Common Conditions 233 - Lumbar Spinal Stenosis | Management of Common Conditions 234 - Fibromyalgia Assessment and Conservative Management |
Management of Common Conditions 235 - Viscerosomatic, Somatovisceral and Psychosomatic Reflexes: Diagnosis and Management of Common Patient Scenarios | Management of Common Conditions 236 - Scapular Dyskinesis: How to Manage Common Shoulder Pain |
Management of Common Conditions 237 - Evaluation and Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis | Management of Common Conditions 239 - Cervical Spinal Stenosis Management |
Management of Common Conditions 240 - Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Neurological Rehabilitation | Management of Common Conditions 241 - Migraine Headache |
Management of Common Conditions 242 - Foot & Ankle | Management of Common Conditions 243 - Patellofemoral Pain |
Management of Common Conditions 244 - Conservative management of femoro-acetabular impingement | Management of Common Conditions 244 - 247 |
Management of Common Conditions 245 - PatelloFemoral Pain Syndrome | Management of Common Conditions 246 - Making Sense of Hip Pain |
Management of Common Conditions 247 - Soft Tissue Injuries of the Cervical Spine | Management of Common Conditions 249 - Chiropractic Checkup from the Neck Up |
Management of Common Conditions 250 - Soft Tissue Injury of the Elbow Wrist and Hand | Management of Common Conditions 251 - Thoracic spine and ribs |
Management of Common Conditions 252 - Chiropractic & Healthy Aging | Management of Common Conditions 253 - Injuries in rock climbers |
Management of Common Conditions 254 - Low Back Pain Treatment Updates | Management of Common Conditions 255 - Hamstrings, Achilles Tendinopathy, Ankle Sprains & Plantar Heel Pain |
Management of Common Conditions 256 - Soft Tissue Treatment Lumbopelvic Spine |
Management of Common Conditions 257 - The TMJ |
Management of Common Conditions 257 - 259 | Management of Common Conditions 258 - Soft Tissue Injury and Treatment |
Management of Common Conditions 259 - The TMJ: Examination and Treatment | Management of Common Conditions 260 - Soft Tissue Injury of the Ankle and Foot |
Management of Common Conditions 260 - 266 | Management of Common Conditions 261 - Headaches: Classifications and Conditions |
Management of Common Conditions 262 - Soft Tissue Treatment of the Shoulder | Management of Common Conditions 263 - Craniopathy and Headaches |
Management of Common Conditions 265 - Association Between Sitting & Low Back Pain | Management of Common Conditions 266 - Soft Tissue Injuries of the Hip and Knee |
Management of Common Conditions 269 - Diagnosis and Management of Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia - What Nobody Told You About Headache & Head Injury | Management of Common Conditions 272 - TMJ & Facial Pain |
Management of Common Conditions 273 - Important Low Back Pain Papers | Management of Common Conditions 274 - Lumbar Spinal Stenosis |
Management of Common Conditions 275 - Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Headache Reduction | Manipulation 103 - 114 |
Manipulation 104 - Chiropractic and Movement Time, Heart Rate Variability |
Manipulation 105 - Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation and Cervicogenic Headaches, Autonomic Output |
Manipulation 106 - Chiropractic and Spinal Manipulation: Epidemiology, Cost-Effectiveness, Patient Outcomes, and Theories |
Manipulation 107 - Chiropractic and Spinal Manipulation: Sensorimotor Integration and Neurophysiology, Human Performance, and Visceral Function |
Manipulation 109 - Cervical Spine | Manipulation 110 - Review of Journal Articles Regarding Efficacy of SMT |
Manipulation 111 - Review of Journal Articles Regarding Lumbar Manipulation | Manipulation 112 - Efficacy and Factors Involved with Cervical Manipulation |
Manipulation 113 - Disc Herniation, Radiculopathy and Chronic Neck Pain |
Manipulation 115 - How does Chiropractic Affect Your Patient? |
Manipulation 117 - Important papers on: Maintenance Care, Effects on Biomechanical Markers, Association with Acute Lumbar Disc Herniation |
Manipulation 117 - 122 |
Manipulation 118 - Maintenance Care, Cervical Hemodynamics & Neurophysiological Effects of the Adjustment | Manipulation 119 |
Manipulation 120 | Manipulation 121 - Extremity Adjustment - Foot and Ankle |
Manipulation 122 - Upper Extremities Manipulation - Hand, Wrist and Shoulder | Manipulation 123 - Research Updates on Mechanisms, Targeting, Adverse Events & Immunity |
Manipulation 124 - Adverse Events Associated with Spinal Manipulation and Manual Therapy | Manipulation 125 - Sensor-Based-Technique |
Manipulation 126 - Chiropractic & Radicular Low Back Pain | MD Jurisprudence Board Rules Course - A Review of Board Rules affecting Chiropractors in Maryland |
Medical Errors 202a - 202b - Definitions, Concepts, Scope of the Problem and Types of Errors | Medical Errors 202b - Types of Medical Errors, Risk Factors and Prevention |
Medical Errors 202c - Reporting, Root Cause Analysis, What To Do When Things Go Wrong |
Medical Errors 203 |
Medical Errors 205 | Medical Marijuana 201 - Eligibility and Use |
Mental Health Conditions Common to Veterans | Mobilization 201 - Joint Mobilizations for the Upper Quarter |
Mobilization 202 - Joint Mobilizations for the Lower Quarter | Mobilization 203 - Releasing Subluxations through Comfort and Ease |
MRI 101 - Basic Principles of MRI Imaging as it Relates to the Lumbar Spine |
NeuroFascial Integration 201 - Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes Module 1 |
NeuroFascial Integration 201 - 203 - Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes | NeuroFascial Integration 202 - Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes Module 2 |
NeuroFascial Integration 203 - Chronic Stress & Chiropractic: New Approaches for Better Outcomes Module 3 | Neurological Exam 101 - The Patient Interview |
Neurological Exam 101 - 107 | Neurological Exam 102 - Cranial Nerves |
Neurological Exam 103 - Somatic Motor System, Involuntary Movements and Non-Paralytic Movement Disorders |
Neurological Exam 104 - The Reflex Systems |
Neurological Exam 105 - Examination of the Cerebellar Systems |
Neurological Exam 106 - Clinical Assessment of Pain and Function |
Neurological Exam 107 - Record Maintenance and Narrative Report Writing |
Neurology 101 - The Neurological Aspects of Manipulation |
Neurology 102 - The Neurological Effects of Manipulation |
Neurology 103 - Inflammatory Neuropathy |
Neurology 104 - Differential Diagnosis with Nerve Conduction and EMG |
Neurology 106 - Modular Theory of Headache |
Neurology 108 - Chiropractic and Motor Control, Theories, Assessment |
Neurology 109 - Functional Symptoms in Neurology and Neuropathic Pain |
Neurology 110 - Neuropathic Pain - Part I |
Neurology 111 - Neuropathic Pain - Part 2 |
Neurology 113 - Neck Adjustments and Stroke: Just the Facts |
Neurology 115 - Neuropathy Advanced Labs - Chiropractic Applications |
Neurology 115 - 116 | Neurology 116 - Neuropathy - Treatment Applications |
Neurology 116 - 124 | Neurology 117 - Neuropathy Management - Part 1 |
Neurology 117 - 121 | Neurology 118 - Pharmacognosy: Signaling Pathways in Neuropathy |
Neurology 119 - Pharmacognosy: Neurotransmitters |
Neurology 120 - Non-Invasive Neuromodulation in Neuropathy Treatment |
Neurology 121 - Neuromodulation: Use of Transcutaneous Vagal Nerve Stimulation |
Neurology 122 - Trans-spinal Direct Current Stimulation (ts-DC) |
Neurology 123 - Neuromodulation with Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS) |
Neurology 124 - Neuromodulation with tDC |
Neurology 125 - Neuromodulation and Balance |
Neurology 126 - Neurological Conditions in Chiropractic Practice |
Neurology 126 - 127 | Neurology 127 - Trophic Subluxation Theory and How it Affects Your Patient |
Neurology 128 - The Neurological Evaluation: What You Need to Know (And Why You Need to Know It) |
Neurology 128 - 129 |
Neurology 129 - Motor Control in Chiropractic Practice |
Neurology 133 - Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 1 |
Neurology 134 - Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 2 | Neurology 135 - Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 3 |
Neurology 136 - Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 4 | Neurology 137 - Small Fiber and Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy Management - Part 5 |
Neurology 138 - The Neurological Physiological Lesion | Neurology 139 - Concussion - Signs and Symptoms |
Neurology 140 - Innovative and practical applied clinical neuroscience applications for ADHD patients | Neurology 141 - Introduction and overview, Parkinson's Disease rating scales A |
Neurology 142 - Neurobiology: Biomarkers Foundation for Treatment and Rehabilitation | Neurology 143 - Neurodegeneration: a-Synuclein Neuroinflammation |
Neurology 144 - Parkinson Disease: SARM1 Pathway, Prion Pathology | Neurology 145 - Neurogenesis and neurotrophic factors |
Neurology 146 - Neuromodulation: Specific rehabilitation protocols | Neurology 147 - Non-Invasive Stimulation of Deep Brain Targets |
Neurology 148 - Parkinsons Disease - Specific Rehabilitation Protocols | Neurology 149 - Rehab of Hypomimia, drooling and swallowing deficits in Parkinsons Disease |
Neurology 150 - Rehab of Hypomimia, drooling and swallowing deficits in Parkinson?s Disease | Neurology 151 - Axial Signs and Symptoms |
Neurology 201 - Basic Brain Anatomy and Function: The Motor Cortex |
Neurology 201 Session 1 |
Neurology 201-intro - Anatomy of the Skull and Spine With Dissection of the Cervical Spine |
Neurology 201a - Introduction to Chiropractic Clinical Neurology: Basic Lower Brain, Brainstem and Spinal Cord Anatomy: A Clinical Perspective |
Neurology 201b-c100 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 100 |
Neurology 201c - Syndromes Involving the Spinal Cord |
Neurology 201d - Clinical Aspects of Spinal Cord Disease |
Neurology 202 - The Patient Interview, Cranial Nerves, Cervical Adjustments and Strokes: The Complete Story |
Neurology 202 Session 2 | Neurology 202-c101 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 101 |
Neurology 202-c102 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 102 |
Neurology 202-c103 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 103 |
Neurology 202-c104 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 104 |
Neurology 202-c105 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 105 |
Neurology 202a - The Patient Interview |
Neurology 202b - The Assessment of Mental Status |
Neurology 202c - Examination of the Head and Neck |
Neurology 202d - Aspects of Functional Versus Organic Illness |
Neurology 202e - The Ophthalmoscopic Examination |
Neurology 202f - Cervical Spinal Manipulative Therapy (CSMT) and Vertebrobasilar Ischemia (VBI) |
Neurology 203 - The Somatic Motor System, Involuntary Movements and Non-Paralytic Movement Disorders, The Reflex System and Ancillary Neurologic Examination Procedures |
Neurology 203 c106-c107 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 106 and 107 |
Neurology 203 c108 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 108 |
Neurology 203 c109 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 109 |
Neurology 203 Session 3 | Neurology 203-intro - Introduction to the Neurological Examination |
Neurology 203a - The Cranial Nerve Examination |
Neurology 203b - Blind Spot Testing and Cortical Perceptual Mapping |
Neurology 203c - The Voluntary Somatic Motor System Examination |
Neurology 203d - The Somatic Reflex Examination |
Neurology 204 Session 4 | Neurology 204a - The Somatic Sensory Examination |
Neurology 204b - The Examination of Station, Movement and Gait |
Neurology 204c - The Examination of Communication and Knowledge |
Neurology 204d - Ancillary Neurologic Examination Procedures |
Neurology 204e - The Cerebellar Systems and Spinal Analysis |
Neurology 204f - Mental Status Examination: A Detailed Discussion and Complete Neurological Examination - Case 110 |
Neurology 205 c112 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 112 |
Neurology 205 c113 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 113 |
Neurology 205 c114 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 114 |
Neurology 205 c115 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 115 |
Neurology 205 c116 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 116 |
Neurology 205 c117 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 117 |
Neurology 205 c118 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 118 |
Neurology 205 c119 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 119 |
Neurology 205 c120 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 120 |
Neurology 205 c121 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 121 |
Neurology 205 c122 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 122 |
Neurology 205 c123-125 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 123-125 |
Neurology 205 c126 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 126 |
Neurology 205 c128-130 - Complete Neurological Examination - Case 128 - 130 |
Neurology 205 Session 5 |
Neurology 206 c110c137 - Electrodiagnosis Case: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome |
Neurology 206 c129 - Cases in Neurology: Multiple Symptoms in a 35 Year Old Female |
Neurology 206 c131 - Video Case: Pain, Weakness and Unsteadiness |
Neurology 206 c132 - Cases in Neurology: Numbness and Weakness in a 50 Year Old Male |
Neurology 206 c133 - Cases in Neurology: Concussion. Assault on an 18 Year Old Female |
Neurology 206 Session 6 |
Neurology 206a1 - Electrodiagnostic Testing I |
Neurology 206a2 - Electrodiagnostic Testing II |
Neurology 206a3 - Electrodiagnostic Testing III |
Neurology 207 Session 7 |
Neurology 207a - Introduction to Electrodiagnostic Medicine |
Neurology 207b - Physiological Basis of Nerve Conduction and Bioinstrumentation |
Neurology 207c - Aspects of the Clinical Examination |
Neurology 208 Session 8 |
Neurology 208a - Demyelinating Disease, Recognition and Chiropractic Management |
Neurology 208b - Recognizing Tumors Involving the CNS |
Neurology 208c - Congenital Disorders of the Nervous System |
Neurology 208d2 - Neurodegeneration: Mechanisms, Pathways and Therapeutic Actions. |
Neurology 208e - Toxic, Metabolic and Neurodegenerative Diseases Affecting the Nervous System |
Neurology 209 Session 9 |
Neurology 209a - Issues of Sexual Misconduct and Gender Sensitivity |
Neurology 209b - Considerations in Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome |
Neurology 209c - Professional Boundaries and Ethics - An Interactive Discussion |
Neurology 209d - Upper Extremity Neurovascular Entrapment Syndromes |
Neurology 209e - CVD Vessel Anatomy, Irrigation Areas and Related Agnosias, Apraxic and Aphasic Syndromes |
Neurology 209f - Aspects of Lower Motor Neuron Paralysis, Anterior Poliomyelitis, Polio Vaccination and Chiropractic Treatment |
Neurology 210 Session 10 | Neurology 210a - The Subluxation Complex and the Chiropractic Adjustment |
Neurology 210b - Documentation Of Chiropractic Subluxation: The Medicare Standard |
Neurology 211 Session 11 |
Neurology 211a - Clinical Assessment of Pain, Function, and Neuropathic Pain, Lower Back Pain and Spinal Decompressive Traction, Disorders Presenting with Dizziness |
Neurology 211b - Headache: A Clinical Discussion |
Neurology 211c - Dealing with the Dizzy Patient |
Neurology 211d1 - Dealing with the Dizzy Patient: Part 1 |
Neurology 211d2 - Dealing with the Dizzy Patient: Part 2 |
Neurology 212 c173 - A Case of Facial Spasms: Functional or Organic? |
Neurology 212 Session 12 | Neurology 212a - Physical Diagnosis 1: Physical Examination of Peripheral Arteries and Veins |
Neurology 212b - Exam of the Thyroid and Lymphatic System and Thoracic Landmarks |
Neurology 212c - Examination of The Lungs |
Neurology 212d - Physical Diagnosis: Cardiac Auscultation Points, Breath Sounds and Breathing Abnormalities |
Neurology 212e - Cases in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease |
Neurology 212e2 - Grand Rounds in Family Medicine |
Neurology 212f - Grand Rounds in Family Practice |
Neurology 212f2 - Grand Rounds in Family Practice |
Neurology 212f3 - Interesting Cases in Family Practice |
Neurology 212f4 - Orthopedic Surgery and Joint Replacement |
Neurology 212g - Physical Diagnosis: Evaluation of the Abdomen |
Neurology 212h - Evaluation of the External Eye |
Neurology 212i - Physical Diagnosis: Evaluation of the Internal Eye |
Neurology 213 Session 13 | Neurology 213a - Neuroradiology for the Chiropractic Neurologist |
Neurology 214 Session 14 | Neurology 214a - Ethical Issues for Doctors of Chiropractic |
Neurology 214c1 - Record Maintenance and Narrative Report Writing |
Neurology 214c2 - Documentation for the Neurologist |
Neurology 214d - Neurological Examination Flow: A Brief Review |
Neurology 214e - Review: History and Mental Status |
Neurology 214e2 - Bedside Neurological Examination Review |
Neurology 214e3 - Somatoform Disorders and Malingering |
Neurology 214e4 - The Cortex: Communication and Knowledge |
Neurology 214e5 - A Brief Review of the Neurological Examination: Ferezy's MSR's |
Neurology 214e6 - Non-Organic Physical Signs: Are Tests for "Fakers" Credible? Plus Fundamentals and Mechanics of the Neurological Examination |
Neurology 217 c135 c143 c163 - Meralgia Paresthetica & Cluster Headache |
Neurology 217 c136 c140 - A case of surgical severance of cranial nerve 11 and a case of alleged stroke cause by a chiropractor | Neurology 217 c137 - A Published Case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome |
Neurology 217 c139 c141 | Nevada Jurisprudence Board Rules - Review of NAC Codes Pertaining to Chiropractic in Nevada |
Nutrition 101 - Resistance Exercise and Lipoprotein, and the Effects of Boswelia and Green Tea | Nutrition 102 - Blood Lipids, Probiotics and the Effects of Bromelain and Tea Tree Oil |
Nutrition 103 - Antioxidants, Vitamin E, Silymarin, Magnesium and Whole Grains |
Nutrition 104 - Nutritional Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease |
Nutrition 105 - Nutritional Treatment for Hypertension, Peripheral Vascular Disease and Other CV Conditions |
Nutrition 106 - Herbal Therapies I |
Nutrition 107 - Herbal Therapies II |
Nutrition 108 - Herbal Therapies III |
Nutrition 109 - Nutrition and the Elderly |
Nutrition 110 - Female Nutrition - Osteoporosis, Pregnancy and Lactation |
Nutrition 111 - Childhood Nutrition - Vitamins, Minerals, Fiber, Growth and Obesity |
Nutrition 112 - Obesity - Calculations, Body Composition, Diet, and Exercise |
Nutrition 113 - Case Studies in Nutritional and Functional Medicine - Chronic GI Disorders and Fatigue |
Nutrition 114 - Case Studies in Nutritional and Functional Medicine - Hypertension and Food Allergy |
Nutrition 115 - Clinical Detoxification: Part 1 |
Nutrition 116 - Clinical Detoxification: Part 2 |
Nutrition 117 - Drug, Herb and Nutrient Interactions and Toxicity |
Nutrition 118 - Co Q10: Functions, Use in Performance, Parkinson Disease and Migraines |
Nutrition 119 - Natural Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Agents |
Nutrition 120 - Management of Functional GI Disorders |
Nutrition 121 - Nutrition and Exercise, Muscle Physiology, Training Methods, Weight Training |
Nutrition 122 - Nutritional Support for Alzheimer's Disease |
Nutrition 123 - Nutritional Support for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) |
Nutrition 124 - Nutritional Support for Cognitive Enhancement and Mental Decline |
Nutrition 125 - Drug-Vitamin-Herb Interactions |
Nutrition 128 - Nutritional Support for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |
Nutrition 129 - Nutritional Support for Obesity and Weight Loss - Part 1 |
Nutrition 130 - Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment and Management: A Functional and Nutritional Perspective |
Nutrition 131 - Gluten Sensitivity |
Nutrition 132 - Celiac Disease Mechanisms and Related Topics |
Nutrition 133 - When to Begin a Gluten Free Diet |
Nutrition 134 - Supplements for Exercise and Sport, Vitamins, Minerals, Fluids, Sport Drinks and Antioxidants - Part 1 |
Nutrition 136 - Nutrition and the Gastrointestinal System, IBS, Constipation, IBD |
Nutrition 138 - Nutrition for Exercise and Sport, Carnitine, Glutamine, DHEA, Caffeine and Ribose - Part 2 |
Nutrition 139 - Nutrition for Exercise and Sport, Bioenergetics, Fat/Carb/Protein Metabolism and Meal Timing - Part 3 |
Nutrition 140 - Nutritional Support for Obesity and Weight Loss - Part 2 |
Nutrition 141 - Nutrition and Fitness Assessment, Body Fat, BMI and Fitness Tests |
Nutrition 143 - IBS/SIBO |
Nutrition 145 - Nutritional Health for Chronic Diseases |
Nutrition 145 - 146 |
Nutrition 146 - Basic Clinical Concepts of Nutrition Therapy |
Nutrition 148 - Sugar Imbalances: Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia |
Nutrition 148 - 154 | Nutrition 149 - Clinical Nutrition - 10 Common Pathologies Patients Present With |
Nutrition 153 - Nutrition and the GenitoUrinary System |
Nutrition 154 - Nutrition and the Muscular System |
Nutrition 155 - Nutrition and Arthritis | Nutrition 156 - Nutrition and Heart Disease |
Nutrition 157 - Flavanoids | Nutrition 157 - 158 |
Nutrition 158 - Common Herbal and Prescription Drug Interactions | Nutrition 159 - Innate Nutrition for the Practicing Chiropractor |
Nutrition 160 - A Review of the New Guidelines on Red Meat Consumption | Nutrition 161 - Keto Diets |
Nutrition 162 - Nutrition and the Gastrointestinal System | Nutrition 163 - Nutrition: Inflammation and Natural Anti-Inflammatories |
Nutrition 164 - Nutrition and the Immune System | Nutrition 164 - 168 |
Nutrition 165 - Ideal Nutrition for Optimal Health | Nutrition 166 - Nutrition and Osteoporosis |
Nutrition 167 - Natural Anti-Inflammatories | Nutrition 168 - Nutrition and the Gastrointestinal System - Part II |
Nutrition 169 - Nourishing the Brain & Hidden Triggers of Early Aging | Nutrition 170 - Nutrition and the Neurological System |
Nutrition 171 - Nutritional Considerations of Artificial Sweeteners | Nutrition 171 - 172 - Nutritional Considerations of Artificial Sweeteners and Nutrition for Exercise |
Nutrition 172 - Nutrition and Exercise | Nutrition 173 - Restoring Gut Health and Brain Performance |
Nutrition 174 - Health and Aging | Nutrition 175 - Nutrition Genetics and Headaches |
Nutrition 201 - The Facts of Life Extension and Aging Theories |
Nutrition 201 - 212 |
Nutrition 202 - The Relationship Between Exercise, Health and Aging |
Nutrition 203 - How Stress Affects Health and Aging |
Nutrition 204 - Aging and Social Relationships, Alcohol and Smoking |
Nutrition 205 - Smoking, Aging, Antioxidants and Cardiovascular Disease |
Nutrition 206 - Antioxidants and Cancer - Food Quantity and Control and How it Affects Aging |
Nutrition 207 - Diet Patterns, Types and Habits and How They Affect Health and Aging |
Nutrition 208 - The Antiaging foods; Fish, Fruits and Vegetables and Garlic |
Nutrition 209 - The Antiaging Foods; Grains, Nuts, Soy and Legumes |
Nutrition 210 - The Antiaging Foods; Yogurt, Chocolate and Tea |
Nutrition 211 - The Antiaging Foods; Wine and Water. Nutrient Deficiencies and Aging |
Nutrition 212 - Antiaging Hormones; DHEA, Testosterone, Growth Hormone and Melatonin |
Opioid Management 201 - Manual Therapies for Chronic Pain Management of Patients During Opioid Crisis |
Opioid Management 202 - Addiction and the Opioid Crisis: Is Cannabis Oil (CBD Oil) the Answer? |
Opioid Management 203 - Impact of Chiropractic Care |
Oregon Suicide Awareness | Ortho 102 - Posture: Biomechanics and Control, Relation to Injuries |
Ortho 102 - 117 | Ortho 103 - Cervical Spine Biomechanics and Whiplash, Muscle Adaptation to Stretching, Manipulation and EMG |
Ortho 104 - Muscular Strength in Clinical Practice: Influence of Chiropractic, Assessment with Dynamometry, Training Principles and Guidelines |
Ortho 105 - Postural and Spinal Stability: Introduction, Changes with Posture and Strength Training |
Ortho 109 - Neck Pain and Dysfunction: Anticipatory Control, Fatigue, Rehabilitation Through Exercise |
Ortho 111 - Back Belts: Biomechanics, Recommendations and Use of, Affordances |
Ortho 112 - Low Back Pain and Disorders: Health Status and Risk, Lumbar Curvature, Movement Impairments |
Ortho 113 - Backpacks: Research, Health Effects and Clinical Recommendations |
Ortho 114 - Low Back Pain: Causes, Ergonomics and Exercise |
Ortho 115 - Waddell Signs and Non-Organic Pain |
Ortho 116 - Back Pain, Neck Pain and Tension Type Headaches in Children | Ortho 117 - Postural Control: Principles, Assessment, Rehabilitation |
Ortho 120 - Lumbar Disc & Sciatica: Testing, Treatment & Outcomes | Ortho 121 - Utilizing Orthopedic Test Item Clusters: The Evidence-Based Orthopedic Examination |
Over The Counter Non Prescriptive Substances 201 | Pain 105 - Cancer: Pathology, Physical Activity, Nutrition, Massage Therapy and Acupuncture |
Pain 106 - Pain, Inflammation, Back Pain, Fibromyalgia and Peripheral Neuropathy |
Pain 108 - Pain Diagrams, Neuropathic Pain and Neuroplasticity, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome |
Pain 109 - Pain Management |
Pain 111 - Chronic Pain |
Pain 112 - Clinical Pearls | Pain 113 - Relevant Research for Chiropractors |
Pain 114 - Chiropractic and Interventional Pain Management | Pain 115 - Patient Care Tips & Clinical Correlates |
Pain 116 - An Introduction to Central Pain Syndromes | Pain 116 - 121 |
Pain 117 - Interoception, sensation from inside the body and how it relates to the development and treatment of centrally generated chronic pain states | Pain 118 - Thermosensory Disinhibition and the cold pathway as it relates to the development and treatment of centrally generated chronic pain states |
Pain 119 - Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. The autonomic nervous systems involvement in the development and treatment of centrally generated chronic pain states | Pain 120 - The Descending Noxious Inhibitory Control circuits. How they may contribute to and ameliorate centrally generated chronic pain states |
Pain 121 - The Cingulate Cortex, its emerging role in central pain states and its potential for novel pain treatments | Pain 200 - Fundamental concepts of pain and How pain assessed, quantified, and communicated |
Pain 200 - 201 | Pain 201 - Collaborative approaches to decision-making, diversity of treatment options, the importance of patient agency, risk management, flexibility in care, and treatment based on appropriate understanding of the clinical condition |
Patient Communications 201 - Improving Patient-Provider Communications |
Patient Communications 202 - Age, Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status |
Patient Communications 203 - Detecting Dishonesty: Why Our Patients Lie and What To Do About It | Patient Communications 204 - Four Habits of Highly Effective Clinicians: Evidence-Based Ways to Improve Your Bedside Manner |
Patient Communications 205 - Communicating Risk and Harms |
Pediatrics 108 - Pediatric Research VIII |
Pediatrics 114 - Low Back Pain in Children and Adolescents |
Pediatrics 115 - Varying Viewpoints on Vaccinations with Alternative Schedule and Homeopathic Remedies |
Pediatrics 116 - Evaluating and Correcting Retained Primitive Reflexes |
Pediatrics 116 - 119 |
Pediatrics 117 - An Introduction to the Pediatric Examination: Clinical Pearls and Tips Explored | Pediatrics 118 - Evidence-Based Chiropractic Care for Infants |
Pediatrics 119 - Infants to School Aged Children: Staying in the Game as a Health Care Provider | Pediatrics 120 - Clinical Considerations for Younger Patients |
Personal Injury 201 - Mitigating Risk and Liability with Acute Trauma Patients | Personal Injury 201 - 202 |
Personal Injury 201 - 204 | Personal Injury 202 |
Personal Injury 203 | Personal Injury 204 - Personal Injury Diagnostic Imaging and Testing; Documentation and Record Keeping |
Personal Injury 205 - Introduction to Personal Injury Case Management | Personal Injury 205 - 212 - Personal Injury Case Management Series |
Personal Injury 206 - Post-Injury Case Management | Personal Injury 207 - Physical Examination in Case Management |
Personal Injury 208 - Conservative Care and Therapeutic Modalities | Personal Injury 209 - Diagnostic Imaging and Case Management |
Personal Injury 210 - Humanizing Injuries in Case Management | Personal Injury 211 - Personal Injury Co-Management |
Personal Injury 212 - Personal Injury Co-Management II | Personal Injury 213 - 5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Personal Injury Cases Immediately |
Personal Injury 214 - Motor Vehicle Collisions | Physical Diagnosis 102 - Joint Diagnosis |
Physical Diagnosis 103 - Shoulder Pathology | Physical Diagnosis 106 - Patellofemoral Syndrome |
Physical Diagnosis 107 - Shoulder Impingement Syndrome |
Physical Diagnosis 108 - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome |
Physical Diagnosis 119 - Rheumatoid Arthritis: Current Literature in Diagnostic Imaging and C.A.M. Treatments |
Physical Diagnosis 121 - Congestive Heart Failure |
Physical Diagnosis 123 - Breast Cancer: Risk Factors, Screening, Assessment and Treatment |
Physical Diagnosis 124 - Low Back Injuries and Complaints in the Work Place: Diagnosis and Treatment |
Physical Diagnosis 128 - Cases in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease |
Physical Diagnosis 129 - Womens Health |
Physical Diagnosis 130 - Natural Treatments and Diagnosis of Common Female Disorders |
Physical Diagnosis 131 - Fibromyalgia: Myths and Realities |
Physical Diagnosis 132 - Keeping up with Inflammation | Physical Diagnosis 133 - 10 Tests You Can Use In Your Clinic Tomorrow |
Physical Diagnosis 134 - Human Genetics: Testing in the Physicians Office |
Physical Diagnosis 135 - Fibromyalgia - Myths and Realities |
Physical Diagnosis 136 - Neurotransmitter Testing and Treatment |
Physical Diagnosis 137 - Migraine Headaches, Cluster Headaches and More: Differential Diagnosis |
Physical Diagnosis 139 - Complete Orthopedic and Neurological Examination of the Low back for the Busy Clinician | Physical Diagnosis 146 - Ankle and Foot Diagnosis |
Physical Diagnosis 146 - 159 | Physical Diagnosis 149 - Chiropractic, Orthopedic, and Neurological Examination of the Elbow for the Busy Clinician |
Physical Diagnosis 150 - Complete Orthopedic and Neurological Examination of the Hip for the Busy Clinician | Physical Diagnosis 150 - 153 |
Physical Diagnosis 151 - Chiropractic, Orthopedic, and Neurological Examination of the Neck for the Busy Clinician |
Physical Diagnosis 152 - Chiropractic, Orthopedic, and Neurological Examination of the Shoulder for the Busy Clinician |
Physical Diagnosis 153 - Adult Lung Examination from Inspection to Auscultation: For Health Care Practitioners |
Physical Diagnosis 155 - The Eye Exam |
Physical Diagnosis 156 - School Enrollment and Sports Pre-participation Physicals |
Physical Diagnosis 157 - The Heart Exam: Made Simple |
Physical Diagnosis 159 - Recurrent Ankle Sprain, Plantarfascitis, Foot Orthoses, Ankle Evaluation |
Physical Diagnosis 160 - DD of Low Back Pain and Prostate Patholgies with Case Studies |
Physical Diagnosis 161 - Chiropractic, Orthopedic, and Neurological Examination of the Wrist and Hand for the Busy Clinician | Physical Diagnosis 162 - Shoulder - Adhesive Capsulitis and Cervical Spine Considerations |
Physical Diagnosis 164 - Complete Orthopedic and Neurological Examination of the Mid-Back for the Busy Clinician | Physical Diagnosis 165 - Genomic Medicine |
Physical Diagnosis 166 - Differential Diagnosis - Exposing Spinal Pain Imposters |
Physical Diagnosis 166 - 169 - Differential Diagnosis in Physical Therapy |
Physical Diagnosis 167 - Cervical Spine Differential Diagnosis |
Physical Diagnosis 168 - Thoracic Spine Differential Diagnosis |
Physical Diagnosis 169 - Lumbar Spine, Pelvis and Hip Differential Diagnosis |
Physical Diagnosis 170 - Clinical Value of Gait Analysis, Functional Assessment Screens for Lower Extremities and Orthotic Modifications for Clinical Cases |
Physical Diagnosis 171 - The Abdominal Examination Made Easy | Physical Diagnosis 172 - Assessing the Thyroid |
Physical Diagnosis 173 - Assessing Peripheral and Vascular Problems in Your Patients | Physical Diagnosis 173 - 175 |
Physical Diagnosis 174 - Nonspecific Spinal Pain | Physical Diagnosis 175 |
Physical Diagnosis 176 - Tremors | Physical Diagnosis 177 - Chiropractic, Orthopedic, and Neurological Examination of the Knee for the busy Clinician |
Physical Diagnosis 178 - Rotator Cuff Tears (RCTs): Etiology, Epidemiology, and Differentials to Consider | Physical Diagnosis 179 - Clinical Diagnosis |
Physical Diagnosis 180 - Patient Expectations, Communication & Context | Physical Diagnosis 181 - Lumbar Disc & Sciatica |
Physical Diagnosis 182 - Biology of Low Back Pain | Physical Diagnosis 183 |
Physical Diagnosis 184 - The Connection Between Sleep and Chronic Pain | Physical Diagnosis 185 - Statins in the Musculoskeletal Landscape |
Physical Diagnosis 186 - Hip Diagnosis & Clinical | Physical Diagnosis 187 - Chiropractic In Office Neurological Examination |
Physical Diagnosis 188 - The Middle Cross Syndrome - Innovations in Myofascial Assessment | Physical Therapy 101 |
Physical Therapy 102 - Physical Therapy Applications |
Physical Therapy 103 - Ultrasound: An Underused Modality |
Physical Therapy 104 - Introduction to Low Level Lasers |
Physical Therapy 105 - Treating Patients with Light Energy, LASERS, LEDs and UV |
Physical Therapy 106 - US, Cryotherapy, E-stim, Phonophoresis and Safety |
Physical Therapy 107 - Elastic Therapeutic Taping |
Physical Therapy 108 - Patellofemoral Pain and Tendinopathy |
Physical Therapy 109 - Low Level Laser Therapy - A Primer for the Clinician. |
Physical Therapy 110 - Whole-Body Vibration, Thumb OA & Plantar Heel Pain | Physical Therapy 111 - Micro Current Therapy |
Rehab 101 - Sensory Motor Control and Rehabilitation, Aerobic Exercise for Motor Performance and Back Pain |
Rehab 102 - Spinal Rehabilitation - Hip Vs. Spinal Motion, Exercise for Neck Disorders, Neural Adaptations to Exercise |
Rehab 103 - Low Back Pain: Long Term Course, Movement Impairments, Sources of Pain |
Rehab 104 - Strength Training |
Rehab 105 - Proprioception: Definition, Measurement, Clinical Rehabilitation |
Rehab 106 - Cardiovascular Exercise: Principles, Mechanisms, Training Effects |
Rehab 107 - Spinal Stabilization and Core Strength: Anatomy, Principles and Assessment |
Rehab 108 - Spinal Stabilization: Muscular Fatigue, Muscles Used in Exercise, Manipulation and Functional Restoration in Low Back Pain |
Rehab 109 - Low Back Pain: Health Care Utilization, Predicting Outcomes with Spinal Stabilization, Spinal Kinematics |
Rehab 110 - Whiplash and Neck Pain: Manipulation Vs. Mobilization, Effect on Muscle Strength, Thoracic Spine Manipulation |
Rehab 111 - Spinal Cord and Head Injury Rehabilitation |
Rehab 112 - Cervical Spine Proprioception: Anatomy, Clinical Use, Spinal Manipulation |
Rehab 113 - Muscle Metabolism in Health and Disease: Hormones, Maximizing Mass |
Rehab 114 - Performance Theories and Core Training Concepts |
Rehab 115 - Core Activation Training |
Rehab 115 - 125 |
Rehab 116 - Advanced Core Stabilization Concepts |
Rehab 117 - Lunges, Squats, Advanced Squats and Gluteal Exercises |
Rehab 118 - Spinal Exercise and Rehab |
Rehab 119 - Exercise and Rehab |
Rehab 120 - Exercise and Chronic Disease |
Rehab 121 - Neuroendocrine-Immune Responses to Exercise, Interval vs. Endurance, and other Training, Dehydration |
Rehab 122 - ACL Rehab and Injury Prevention, Patellofemoral Pain, Quadriceps and OA |
Rehab 123 - Active Rehabilitation and Exercise Prescription |
Rehab 124 - Spinal Stabilization and Rehabilitation Concepts | Rehab 125 - Exercise and Brain Health: Neurobiology and Motor Performance |
Rehab 126 - Spinal Considerations of Radiculopathy, Hyperkyphosis, Cervical Impulsive Loads | Rehab 127 - Implement and Execute a Simple and Effective Active Rehab Program |
Rehab 128 - Clinical Conditions of the Lower Extremity |
Rehab 130 - Evaluation and Treatment of Non-Surgical Rotator Cuff Disorders |
Rehab 131 - Rehabilitation Following Rotator Cuff Repair |
Rehab 132 - Rehabilitation of the Spine Made Easy |
Rehab 133 - Quadriceps/ Patella Tendon Repair | Rehab 134 - Cartilage Restoration |
Rehab 135 - The Overhead Athlete: Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation & Performance Training | Rehab 135 - 136 |
Rehab 136 - The Athlete's Lumbar Spine: Evaluation and Treatment | Rehab 137 - Fascial Resiliency and Performance |
Rehab 138 - History and Examination of the Knee Focusing on ACL and the Post-op Rehabilitation Process | Rehab 139 - ACL Rehab & OA Updates |
Rehab 140 - Concepts in CORE Conditioning | Research Trends 102 - Spinal Manipulation: Neurophysiology, Fixation and Degeneration, Chronic Pain, Neck Pain |
Research Trends 103 - Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: Epidemiology, Costs, Injury, Inflammatory Process |
Research Trends 104 - Spinal Manipulation: Neural Plasticity and Low Back Pain, Whole Spine Manipulation in Primary Care |
Research Trends 105 - Spinal Manipulation: Dose-Response, Muscle Relaxers Vs. Manipulation for LBP, Relationship (or Lack Thereof) with Disc Herniations |
Research Trends 106 - Chiropractic Care: Maintenance Care, Comparing Individuals with and Without Chiropractic Coverage, Predictors for Successful Outcome with Low Back Pain |
Research Trends 107 - Health Behavior Change: Principles, Theories, Clinical Techniques |
Research Trends 108 - Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Neck Pain and Headaches |
Research Trends 109 - Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Acute and Chronic Low Back Pain |
Research Trends 110 - Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Pregnancy Related Low Back Pain and Post-Partum Pain |
Research Trends 111 - Update on Back Pain, CAD, Whiplash |
Research Trends 112 - Where to Manipulate, Back Pain and Decision Rules |
Research Trends 113 - Spinal Manipulation - Neural Plastic Changes, Effect on Heart Rate and SEP's |
Research Trends 114 - Muscle Activity Patterns with Pain, Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Trigger Points |
Research Trends 115 - Effect of Facet Fixation and Thrust on Muscle Spindal Activity, Contact Site for SMT and Sensory Input to CNS |
Research Trends 116 - Current Research on SMT |
Research Trends 117 - Adverse Events Involving Manual Therapy Providers, Role of the Cervical Spine with PCS, Effects of Chiropractic Treatment of GI Disorders |
Research Trends 119 - Sacroiliac Joint & Pelvic Pain |
Research Trends 120 - Low Back Pain Clinical Factors | Research Trends 121 - Neck Pain Assessment, "Text Neck" and Forward Head Posture |
Research Trends 122 - Update on chiropractic research |
Research Trends 123 - Important Low Back Pain Papers |
Research Trends 124 - Unraveling the Veil of Bias: Conflict of Interest in Research | Research Trends 125 - Cervical Spine Involvement in Common Headaches |
Research Trends 126 - Chiropractic?s Healthcare System Impact | Research Trends 127 - Clinical Considerations for Younger Patients |
Rheumatology 101 - Fibromyalgia: Facts, Diagnosis and Treatment | Rheumatology 102 - Chiropractic and Rheumatology - The Perfect Marriage |
Risk 103 - Introduction to Documentation Principles |
Risk 105 - Georgia Workers' Compensation Act Laws, Rules and Regulations |
Risk 106 - How to Minimize Risks and Avoid Malpractice Actions |
Risk 107 - The Informed Consent Process and How to Avoid Malpractice Actions |
Risk 108 - Identifying and Managing a Complication of Neural Injury From Manipulation |
Risk 110 - How to Review Legal Opinions |
Risk 111 - Malpractice Primer: The Basics | Risk 112 - Fee-Splitting, Self Referrals and Kickbacks: Steering Clear of Prohibited Healthcare Arrangement |
Risk 113 - Avoiding Ethical Landmines and Criminality in Your Healthcare Employment Agreement |
Risk 114 - Selling a Healthcare Practice: Ethical, Legal, Financial and Tax Considerations |
Risk 115 - Administrative and Clinical Risk Management Protection Strategies |
Risk 116a - Recordkeeping and Documentation Rules Part 1 |
Risk 116b - Recordkeeping and Documentation Rules Part 2 |
Risk 116c - Recordkeeping and Documentation Rules Part 3 |
Risk 117a - Pretrial and Trial Preparation Part 1 |
Risk 117b - Pretrial and Trial Preparation Part 2 |
Risk 117c - Pretrial and Trial Preparation Part 3 |
Risk 118 - Business Structure and Other Risk Reduction Strategies |
Risk 119 - Understanding the Legalities of Fee Discounts, Particularly Time-of-Service Discounts and Hardship Discounts - 6 Hour |
Risk 120 - Understanding the Legalities of Fee Discounts, Particularly Time-of-Service Discounts and Hardship Discounts - 3 Hour |
Risk 121 - Nutritional Supplementation and Counseling: Tackling Some Legal Issues |
Risk 122 - Treating the Athlete: Unique Malpractice Issues |
Risk 123 - Avoiding Charges of Patient Abandonment, Terminating the Doctor/Patient Relationship Lawfully and Ethically |
Risk 124 - Fee Splitting |
Risk 125 - Introduction to Forensic Science |
Risk 126 - Risks and Liabilities Encountered with Electronic Communications |
Risk 127 - Why Become an Ethical Expert Witness? |
Risk 128 - Daubert Criteria and its Challenges |
Risk 129 - An Introduction to the Basics of a Deposition |
Risk 130 - Legal and Regulatory Issues Associated with Healthcare Marketing |
Risk 131 - Risk Management Considerations of Patient Financial Matters |
Risk 132 - Protect Your Practice with Innovative Risk Management Techniques |
Risk 133 - Legal Do's and Don'ts All Chiropractors Should Know |
Risk 135 - Record Retention and Disposal and the 18 PHI Identifiers |
Risk 136 - Managing Risk Using the 2018 OIG Chiropractic Portfolio |
Risk 137 - Minimizing Risk by Preventing Medicare Improper Payments |
Risk 138 - Self-Auditing: Making Your Documentation Work for You | Risk 139 - Prohibited Patient Solicitation |
Risk 140 - Good Samaritan Laws | Risk 141 - Safe and Compliant Marketing |
Risk 142 - Ethical Aspects of Placebos | Risk 143 - Required Compliance Components of the No Surprises Act |
Risk 144 - Biosensor Data Collection, Scopes of Practice, and Preventative Medicine | Risk 145 - Psychology of Fraud: Inside the Criminal Mind of a Fraudster |
Risk 146 - Chiropractic Patients: Obligations in the Context of Patients Rights | Risk 147 - Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare: Move Over - AI is Here |
Risk 148 - Social Media & HIPAA Compliance- Identifying & Managing Risk | Risk 149 - Patient Complaints and Negative Reviews: Learn from them, Shape them, Defend against them |
Risk 150 - The Doctor-Patient Contract: Keep Adjusting, Not Arguing/Litigating | Risk 151 - HIPAA's Privacy and Security Rule |
SacroOccipital Technique 101 - Theory, Diagnosis and Application |
Soft Tissue Injuries 101 - Soft Tissue Injury: The Neglected Cause of Musculoskeletal Disorders |
Soft Tissue Injuries 101 - 104 | Soft Tissue Injuries 103 - Comprehensive Introduction to Soft tissue Injury and Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 104 - The Shoulder: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 105 - Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 105 - 107 | Soft Tissue Injuries 106 - The Cervical Spine: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 107 - The TMJ: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 108 - Thoracic Spine and Rib Cage: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 109 - Lumbopelvic Spine: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 110 - Hip and Knee: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 111 - Ankle and Foot: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment | Soft Tissue Injuries 112 - Strain/Counterstrain: Theory, Technique and Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 113 - Therapeutic Stretching and Exercise Rehabilitation | Soft Tissue Injuries 114 - Deep Tissue Muscle and Fascial Release: Evaluation and Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 115 - Active Myofascial Rehabilitation | Soft Tissue Injuries 116 - Understanding Acceleration/Deceleration Impact: Crash Reconstruction, Research, Injury and Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 117 - Functional Kinesiology and Movement; Biomechanics, Pathology and Treatment | Soft Tissue Injuries 118 - Soft Tissue Injury Examination |
Soft Tissue Injuries 119 - Treatments for Soft Tissues of the Musculoskeletal Frame | Soft Tissue Injuries 120 - Modalities: Theories, Application and Treatment |
Soft Tissue Injuries 121 - Posture; Normal Biomechanics, Pathology and Treatment for Scoliosis and Spinal Distortion Syndromes. |
Soft Tissue Injuries 122 - Headaches: Classifications, Examination, Pathological Conditions and Treatments of the Cranial Bones, Temporomandibular Joints and Cervical Spine Complex |
Spinal Decompression 101 - Science and Clinical Application |
Sports Medicine 101 - Golf: Overview of Injury Assessment and Rehab, Balance, Coordination |
Sports Medicine 102 - Golf: Muscles Used in the Swing, Chiropractic's Influence, Practical Swing Suggestions, Physical Conditioning |
Sports Medicine 103 - Golf: Fundamentals of the Swing and Ball Flight, Golf Injuries, Injury Prevention, Shoulder Muscles Used in the Swing |
Sports Medicine 105 - Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Assessment and Exercise Prescription |
Sports Medicine 109 - Caring for Golfers |
Sports Medicine 109 -113 | Sports Medicine 110 - Ober Test, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, Femoroacetabular Impingement and Movement Screening |
Sports Medicine 112 - Exercise Guidelines for Special Populations | Sports Medicine 113 - Rehab and Personal Training |
Sports Medicine 114 - Common Injuries and Nagging Conditions | Stroke and Manipulation 101 - Stroke and Spinal Manipulation: Anatomy, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis of Dissections and Triggers, Neurological Syndromes, Clinical Management |
Stroke and Manipulation 101 - 104 | Stroke and Manipulation 102 - SMT in the Medicare Population - Risks, Facts, and Figures |
Stroke and Manipulation 103 - Risk, Association, Screening and Blood Flow | Stroke and Manipulation 104 - Cervical Spinal Manipulative Therapy (CSMT) and Vertebrobasilar Ischemia (VBI) |
Stroke and Manipulation 105 - Clinical Aspects of Cervical Artery Strokes | Stroke and Manipulation 106 - Cervical Spinal Manipulative Therapy (CSMT) and Vertebrobasilar Ischemia (VBI) |
Stroke and Manipulation 107 - Artery Forces & Epidemiology Updates | Subluxation 201 - The Posture of Subluxation |
Subluxation 202 - Subluxation From A Chiropractic Neurologists Perspective | Suicide Assessment 201 - Suicide and Non-Suicide Self-Injury, Inward-Focused Emotions: Suicide and Assessmet of Risk for In-Hospital Suicide and Aggression in High-Dependency Care Environments |
Suicide Assessment 202 - Veterans, Veterans Administration Health Care, and Palliative Care, Veterans Mental Health Issues and Suicide Awareness and Strategies and Management of Suicide Risk | Washington State Suicide Assessment and Referral |
Wellness 101 - Obesity: Epidemiology, Etiology, Theories, Pathophysiology, Risks and Morbidities |
Wellness 102 - Obesity: Assessment and Management (Dietary and Exercise) |
Wellness 103 - Body Composition: Principles, Anthropometric Measures, Circumference Measures, Lab Measures |
Wellness 104 - Health and Wellness: Definition and Components, Dimensions of Wellness, Healthy People Initiative |
Wellness 106 - Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction | Whiplash and Spinal Trauma |
Whiplash Overview Part I: The Must Know Topics | Whiplash Overview Part II: Specialty Topics for Whiplash Injury Expertise |
Whiplash Overview Part III Clinical Management - Clinical Management | Womens Health 202 - Examination and Diagnostic Considerations Unique to Women |
Womens Health 203 - Special Considerations for Chiropractors when Treating Female Athletes | Xray 103 - 118 |
Xray 107 - LBP Origins and How Different Spine Conditions Could Affect Chiropractic Treatment |
Xray 108 - Pediatric and Adult Anterior Knee Pain |
Xray 110 - An Interactive, In-Depth Look at Anatomy of the Knee | Xray 112 - What is MRI with Indications and Contraindications for Use |
Xray 113 - Ligamentous and Osteochondral Injuries of the Knee |
Xray 114 - Differentiating Types of Calcification and Ossification on X-Ray |
Xray 115 - A Systematic Approach to Interpreting Plain Film Radiographs of the Spine/Pelvis |
Xray 116 - Identifying Aneurysm on X-Ray |
Xray 117 - Identifying the Three Most Common Cancers of Bone on Diagnostic Imaging |
Xray 118 - Imaging of Musculoskeletal Trauma - An Overview |
Xray 119 - Osteoporosis and the Use of DEXA for Diagnosis |
Xray 119 - 127 |
Xray 123 - Diagnostic Imaging and the Diabetic Foot |
Xray 124 - Ankylosing Spondylitis |
Xray 124 - 146 | Xray 125 - Gout: Diagnosis and Diagnostic Imaging |
Xray 126 - Imaging and Conservative Management of Osteoarthritis |
Xray 127 - Disc Herniations and Degenerative Disc Disease: Clinical Findings and Diagnostic Imaging |
Xray 129 - Vertebral Compression Fractures |
Xray 129 - 134 |
Xray 130 - Extremity Fractures |
Xray 131 - Dislocations and Diagnostic Imaging |
Xray 132 - Pediatric Safety Concerns with Diagnostic Imaging |
Xray 133 - Diagnostic Imaging and the Fetus |
Xray 133 - 144 | Xray 134 - Pediatric Fractures |
Xray 135 - Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scans) | Xray 136 - Tumor-Like Conditions Found on Plain Film Xray |
Xray 137 - Ordering Proper Diagnostic Imaging for Common Chiropractic Conditions | Xray 138 - Imaging and Imaging Features Related to Back Pain |
Xray 139 - The Imaging of Upper Cervical Spine Trauma |
Xray 140 - Chest X-Ray |
Xray 141 - AP Open Mouth Projection - A Simple yet Complicated View. |
Xray 142 - Differential Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Conditions Mimicked by Sinus/Chest Conditions |
Xray 143 - Radiation Protection |
Xray 144 - Imaging of Lower Cervical Spine Trauma |
Xray 145 - Abdominal Calcifications on Plain Film |
Xray 146 - The Imaging of Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma |
Xray 147 - Imaging Sports Injuries |
Xray 150 - Common Surgical Hardware Seen on Plain Film Radiographs |
Xray 150 - 153 | Xray 151 - Geriatric Conditions Seen on Plain Film - Part 1 |
Xray 152 - Geriatric Conditions Seen on Plain Film - Part 2 | Xray 153 - Geriatric Conditions Seen on Plain Film - Part 3 |
Xray 154 - Cancer Metastasizing to Bone |
Xray 154 - 158 |
Xray 155 - Conditions of the Middle Aged Adult |
Xray 155 - 165 |
Xray 156 - Pediatric Bone Scintigraphy - Common Indications |
Xray 157 - Spondylolisthesis and Transitional Segments |
Xray 158 - Ostepenia in Chiropractic Patients and its Relevance |
Xray 159 - Diagnostic Imaging of Breast Cancer and CAM |
Xray 160 - Fractures with Surgical Repair | Xray 161 - Conditions Affecting the Vertebrae Seen on Plain Film Radiographs |
Xray 162 - Spine Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging |
Xray 163 - Inflammatory Arthritis |
Xray 164 - Differentiating Common Arthritides | Xray 165 - Problem Solving Approach to Arthritis |
Xray 166 - Metal in the Patient, Safety and Usage of Diagnostic Imaging |
Xray 167 - Fractures Through the Ages |
Xray 168 - Case Reviews of Common Shoulder Pathologies Seen in Practice | Xray 169 - Problem Solving Approach to Degenerative Conditions of the Spine |
Xray 170 - How To Get Great X-rays in Your Office | Xray 171 - An Introduction to Various Abdominal Imaging Procedures |
Xray 171 - 173 | Xray 172 - Non-traumatic compression fracture |
Xray 173 - Selecting imaging for head, neck and brain conditions | Xray 174 - Intra-Abdominal Calcifications |
Xray 175 - A Systematic Approach to Interpreting Plain Film X-rays of the Spine | Xray 176 - Problem Solving Approach to Degenerative Conditions of the Spine |
Xray 177 - Conditions of the Teenager | Xray 178 - Chest Radiology - Normal Series |
Xray 178 - 180 - Chest Radiology - Normal and Abnormal | Xray 179 - Chest Radiology - Consolidation |
Xray 180 - Chest Radiology - Interstitial/Infiltrative Diseases | Xray 181 - Hilum, Mediastinum, Diaphragm |
Xray 182 - Pleural Diseases | Xray 183 - Lung Tumors, Cavities, Cysts |
Xray 184 - Pneumothorax, COPD and Pneumoconiosis | Xray 185 - Chest: Granulomatous Diseases |
Xray 186 - Malignant tumors in the extremities | Xray 187 - Pathology of the foot seen with plain film x-ray |
Xray 188 - Diagnostic Imaging and Pathology of the Hand | Xray 189 - Hidden fracture to be on the lookout for with a sprained ankle |
Xray 190 - Non-traumatic foot pain | Xray 191 - Foot alignment - relevance and applications |
Xray 192 - Diagnostic imaging and pathology of the head | Xray 193 - Non-traumatic wrist pain |
Xray 193 - 195 | Xray 194 - Clinical Utility & Outcomes |
Xray 195 - Diagnostic Imaging for Clinical Practice | Xray 196 - Meniscal Dysfunction |
Xray 197 - Anatomy and dysfunction of groin and hip pain | Xray 198 - Global approach to bone lesions |