Naturopathic Doctor CE Course - Soft Tissue Injuries 116 : Understanding Acceleration/Deceleration Impact: Crash Reconstruction, Research, Injury and Treatment

Naturopathic Doctor

Soft Tissue Injuries 116 : Understanding Acceleration/Deceleration Impact: Crash Reconstruction, Research, Injury and Treatment

Linda Simon, DC

$240.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

  • Describe the kinematics of acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Comprehend the history and development of acceleration/deceleration research.
  • Defend injury manifestation using Whiplash guidelines and models.
  • Apply current model theories to better understand injury from acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Explain to the patient the effects on the body during front, rear and side collisions.
  • Educate the patient on variables such as vehicle size and direction and the effects on the human frame during acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Apply the variables of patient age, gender, size, etc during acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Express an understanding of incidence, prevalence, injury and risk factors associated with acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Describe the normal biomechanics of the cervical spine.
  • Discuss cervical spinal anatomy vulnerable to injury.
  • Define the nature of soft tissue structures; joints, ligaments, muscles, bursa, nerves, blood vessels and fascia.
  • Inform your patients of the symptoms and changes to soft tissue structures after acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Explain the differences between scleratomal, dermatomal and myofascial pain.
  • Discuss prognosis after acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Describe the normal biomechanics of the TMJ and associated soft tissue structures.
  • Discuss injury to the TMJ and associated soft tissue structures.
  • Explain the effects of trauma to the soft tissue of the spine, structures of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot after acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Describe the normal biomechanics of the thoracic spine and rib cage.
  • Describe the normal biomechanics of the lumbopelvic spine.
  • Educate the patient on complicating factors for treatment after acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Determine the necessity and value of imaging and advanced diagnostic imaging after acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Perform complete examination of the soft tissue structures of the cervical spine, TMJ, thoracic spine, rib cage, lumbopelvic spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot after acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Utilize treatment protocols for soft tissue damage after acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Perform soft tissue treatments such as strain/counterstrain, postisometric relaxation, postfacilitation stretch, somatic technique, active and myofascial release, exercise and stretch, mobilization, manipulation and modalities.
  • Utilize above mentioned soft tissue techniques to treat the cervical spine, TMJ, thoracic spine, rib cage, lumbopelvic spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot after acceleration/deceleration impact.
  • Communicate to your patients the late effects of soft tissue injury after acceleration/deceleration impact.

Approved States/Territories
  • ALAlabama
  • AKAlaska
  • ABAlberta
  • AZArizona
  • ARArkansas
  • BCBritish Columbia
  • COColorado
  • CTConnecticut
  • DEDelaware
  • DCDistrict of Columbia
  • FLFlorida
  • GAGeorgia
  • GUGuam
  • IDIdaho
  • ILIllinois
  • INIndiana
  • IAIowa
  • KSKansas
  • KYKentucky
  • LALouisiana
  • MEMaine
  • MBManitoba
  • MDMaryland
  • MAMassachusetts
  • MIMichigan
  • MNMinnesota
  • MSMississippi
  • MOMissouri
  • MTMontana
  • NENebraska
  • NVNevada
  • NHNew Hampshire
  • NJNew Jersey
  • NYNew York
  • NLNewfoundland and Labrador
  • NCNorth Carolina
  • OHOhio
  • OKOklahoma
  • ONOntario
  • OROregon
  • PAPennsylvania
  • PRPuerto Rico
  • QCQuebec
  • RIRhode Island
  • SKSaskatchewan
  • SCSouth Carolina
  • SDSouth Dakota
  • TNTennessee
  • TXTexas
  • UTUtah
  • VTVermont
  • VAVirginia
  • WAWashington
  • WVWest Virginia
  • WYWyoming