Biomechanics - Holistic Health Counselor

Biomechanics 204

Shoe Selection and the Effect and Impact on Gait


$20.00 USD

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  • Describe and identify how the parts of a running shoe affect running biomechanics
  • Compare and contrast different shoe constructions to the biomechanical needs of an individual
  • Determine the appropriate last shape for different foot types
  • Discuss the biomechanical consequences of improper vs. proper selection of last types
  • Predict which features in a shoe are necessary to correct faulty gait patterns

Ivo Waerlop/Shawn Allen, DC

AudioVisual Course

Biomechanics 203

Gait Analysis: Normal and Abnormal Gait and Factors Affecting Them


$60.00 USD

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  • Discuss the normal walking gait cycle
  • Apply the biomechanics of the pelvis and lower kinetic chain during walking to clinical practice
  • Predict and discuss problems and clinical strategies that can arise from altered lower extremity biomechanics
  • Apply visual analysis skills
  • Evaluate case studies in gait analysis
  • Clinically apply solutions for gait abnormalities

Ivo Waerlop/Shawn Allen, DC

AudioVisual Course

Biomechanics 202

Foot Function and the Effects on the Core and Body Dynamics


$20.00 USD

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  • Describe how the motor and sensory homunculus relate to the foot and are integral to training and rehabilitation
  • Discuss the 3 rockers of the foot
  • Give examples of problems that result from a loss of the 3 rockers of the foot
  • Explain the concept of pelvis neutrality and its effect on training
  • Describe and examine the tripod of the foot
  • Breakdown most movement into 2 basic rules or tenets
  • Give examples of the problems which can arise if the 2 basic rules or tenets of movement are not followed
  • Discuss the clinical consequences of loss of the medial and lateral tripods of the foot

Ivo Waerlop/Shawn Allen, DC

AudioVisual Course

Biomechanics 201

Introduction to Gait: Pedographs and Gait Analysis


$80.00 USD

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  • Explain the phases of human walking gait
  • Discuss the biomechanical events associated with stance phase of gait
  • Discuss the biomechanical events associated with swing phase of gait
  • Explain biomechanically what is happening during each phase of gait in the foot, ankle, knee and hip
  • Discuss the 3 rockers of the foot and how they apply to the gait cycle
  • Understand the calcaneocuboid locking mechanism and defend it's importance in the stance phase of gait
  • Summarize the ranges of motion of the foot, ankle, knee and hip and their importance in normal gait
  • Explain how stance phase abnormalities would impact the gait cycle
  • Demonstrate competency in obtaining a reproducible Pedograph print
  • Interpret rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot mechanics as seen on a pedograph print
  • Identify and interpret problem areas in a pedograph print
  • Identify stance phase abnormalities on a Pedograph print
  • Extrapolate pathomechanics which would occur rostrally in the kinetic chain during pathomechanics occurring in the gait cycle
  • Evaluate the impact of gait abnormalities on human locomotion

Ivo Waerlop/Shawn Allen, DC

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