New Course Released!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
New Course: NeuroFascial Integration 201 – 203
According to the American Institute of Stress, 75-80% of people regularly experience the physical symptoms of chronic stress. Stress disrupts sleep, compromises relationships, and devastates long-term health. By deepening our understanding of innate mechanisms used to regulate the stress response, we can as chiropractors apply these principles (regardless of specific adjustive technique) to dramatically improve resilience and advance patient outcomes.
Join Dr. Satya Sardonicus for an illuminating + inspiring program to update your understanding of the science behind chronic stress, and the role of chiropractic care in powerfully addressing the stress epidemic to inspire a thriving practice more effortlessly. The next step in the evolution of chiropractic care, Dr. Sardonicus presents a unified framework for understanding the human body and approaching patient care in a way that bridges the gap between structural, tonal, neurological, and other models of chiropractic care - as well as craniosacral, neuroenergetic, and fascial therapeutics. This model provides chiropractors an expanded context for the structural and neurological dynamics surrounding chronic subluxation patterns, and translation to care delivery based on these considerations – regardless of technique. Through this framework, we can intelligently influence structural balance with finesse and efficiency so adjustments last longer, patients become increasingly resilient, and the doctor has more energy available with which to serve our community.
Attendees will return to the office Monday morning with a clearer understanding of the gestalt of signs + symptoms of chronic stress, history collections, objective diagnostic tests, and clinical considerations for management of patients with a history of trauma and/or chronically elevated sympathetics, including complex and challenging cases. Special attention will also be called to Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia, an extremely common yet frequently misdiagnosed condition (1 in 20 patients with neck pain and no known trauma history; 1 in 4 patients with neck pain and a history of whiplash). Attendees will also gain a greater understanding of the complex and delicate effects that fascia and dura may have on clinical presentation, how this can help inform treatment strategies, and promote more effective and long-lasting results.