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Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 202
The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity


  • Describe the current epidemiologic trends in autoimmune incidence, morbidity and mortality.
  • Associate the linkage between autoimmune disease prevalence and factors including the GI microbiota composition, food immune reactions, stealth infections, molecular mimicry, lack of early diverse antigen exposure, and other elements.
  • Examine the available clinical laboratory testing related to autoimmune disease risk assessment, diagnosis, and clinical management, including qPCR molecular-based evaluation of the GI microbiota.
  • Explain the difference between quantitative molecular testing (qPCR) versus next-generation sequencing of the GI microbiota in the support of clinical decision making.
  • Appraise the available evidence-based integrative and complementary therapeutic interventions for autoimmune disorders.

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

AudioVisual Course

$95.00 USD

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