Prince Edward Island Chiropractic Continuing Education

Prince Edward Island Accepts Online Courses


Prince Edward Island Continuing Education Requirements: 30 hours every 2 years. License renewal is every 2 years on the anniversary of original licensure.

Prince Edward Island Accepts 6 hours of online continuing education per 2 year renewal period.


The following Courses have been approved by the PEICA:

Nutrition 101 through 139
Physical Diagnosis 101 through 153
Xray 101 thorugh 151


Special Note:: No practice management hours are accepted.

Prince Edward Island Continuing Education Requirements

Prince Edward Island Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Prince Edward Island continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Prince Edward Island Chiropractic licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Prince Edward Island continuing education requirements.

Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for Prince Edward Island Chiropractic Physicians (DC). The online courses enhance the knowledge bases of Doctor of Chiropractic to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online home study CE credit course for new Prince Edward Island Chiropractic Physician registered users at

  • Found 99 courses in 3 seconds

  • Nutrition 101
    Resistance Exercise and Lipoprotein, and the Effects of Boswelia and Green Tea


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify the correlation of resistance exercise and lipoprotein Patterns
    • Discuss the effect of boswelia on arthritis
    • Review the effect of green tea on weight loss
    • Establish the relationship of exercise and water replacement
    • Identify the relationship of red wine and the cardiovascular system

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

    AudioVisual Course

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    Nutrition 102

    Blood Lipids, Probiotics and the Effects of Bromelain and Tea Tree Oil


    $20.00 USD

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    • Distinguish how orange juice can improve blood lipid profiles
    • Discuss dietary aspects for the vegetarian athlete
    • Identify the relationship between bromelain and acute inflammation
    • Develop the anti-septic activity of tea tree oil
    • Describe Probiotics

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

    AudioVisual Course

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    Nutrition 103

    Antioxidants, Vitamin E, Silymarin, Magnesium and Whole Grains


    $20.00 USD

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    • Review aspects of antioxidants and free radicals
    • Discuss how silymarin can improve an alcohol-damaged liver
    • Describe the connection/mechanism between atherosclerosis and vitamin E
    • Identify research evidence between whole grains and disease
    • Delineate the relationship of magnesium and hypertension

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

    AudioVisual Course

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    Nutrition 104

    Nutritional Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify risk factors of cardiovascular disease
    • Construct a list of appropriate food and food groups associated with cardiovascular disease prevention
    • Evaluate various supplements that are beneficial in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease
    • Differentiate various diets in regard to cardiovascular disease

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 105

    Nutritional Treatment for Hypertension, Peripheral Vascular Disease and Other CV Conditions


    $20.00 USD

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    • Discuss various diet and lifestyle factors involving hypertension
    • Recognize the relationship between various minerals and hypertension
    • Distinguish the nutritional aspects of various related cardiovascular conditions
    • Identify the relationship between various herbs and peripheral vascular diseases

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 106

    Herbal Therapies I


    $20.00 USD

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    • Discuss the basics of herbal medicine
    • Identify the conditions treated with herbs
    • List the effects, indications and dosages for T Bilberry and Black Cohosh

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 107

    Herbal Therapies II


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify the conditions treated with specific herbs
    • List the effects, indications and dosages for Boswellia, Burdock Root, Bromelain, Calendula, Cascara sagrada, Cayenne, CBD (cannabis), Chamomile, Echinacea

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 108

    Herbal Therapies III


    $20.00 USD

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    • Discuss the mechanism and effects of Feverfew, Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Gugulipid, Gymnena Sylvestre, Horse Chestnut, Lemon Balm, Licorice, Milk Thistle, Nettle, Passionflower, Psyllium, Pygeum, Senna, Shiitake, St. Johns Wort, Saw Palmetto, Tea Tree Oil, Tumeric, Valerian Root, and White Willow

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 109

    Nutrition and the Elderly


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify changes in vitamin needs and status that occurs with aging and in the elderly
    • List changes in mineral needs and status that occurs with aging and in the elderly
    • Demonstrate an understanding of protein, fiber and water needs of the elderly
    • Identify important antioxidants in the elderly and the interactions that exist between them
    • Create a list of nutritional deficiencies and how they can lead to disease and illness in the elderly

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 110

    Female Nutrition - Osteoporosis, Pregnancy and Lactation


    $20.00 USD

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    • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of calcium and other minerals in osteoporosis
    • Design a treatment protocol for the osteoporotic patient
    • Create nutritional guidelines for the pregnant female
    • Identify changes in vitamin and mineral requirements in pregnancy
    • Review the nutritional changes that occur with lactation

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 111

    Childhood Nutrition - Vitamins, Minerals, Fiber, Growth and Obesity


    $20.00 USD

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    • Understand proper growth rates and weight gain in early childhood
    • Identify specific minerals involved in childhood nutrition
    • Explain the stages of obesity development in childhood
    • Review the importance and problems associated with childhood obesity
    • Evaluate the role of fiber in childhood

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 112

    Obesity - Calculations, Body Composition, Diet, and Exercise


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify the link between obesity and disease
    • Understand body composition and assessment methods
    • Design a practical weight loss diet program
    • Perform obesity related calculations quick and easily in the office
    • Recognize the role of exercise and other lifestyle factors that can influence obesity.

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 113

    Case Studies in Nutritional and Functional Medicine - Chronic GI Disorders and Fatigue


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify the challenges inherent in the diagnosis and management of patients with complex and chronic multi-factorial problems
    • Associate a multitude of common symptomatic complaints with foundational metabolic disorders such as elevated total toxic load and "leaky gut"
    • Apply a systematic approach to functional laboratory diagnostics and associate the findings with the need for specific therapeutic strategies using nutrients, botanical medicines, and nutraceutical compounds
    • Demonstrate an ability to institute life-style modifications, such as dietary changes, stress management techniques, and exercise in the management of patients with complex chronic illness
    • Measure your ability to assess, diagnose, and treat patients with fatigue-related disorders, vague gastrointestinal complaints, cognitive dysfunction, thyroid-adrenal problems, food intolerance, and more

    David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

    Case Studies
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    Nutrition 114

    Case Studies in Nutritional and Functional Medicine - Hypertension and Food Allergy


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify the challenges inherent in the diagnosis and management of patients with complex and chronic multi-factorial problems
    • Associate findings such systemic skin problems with foundational metabolic disorders
    • Apply a systematic approach to functional laboratory diagnostics and associate the findings with the need for specific therapeutic strategies
    • Discuss the modification of your approach to case management based on outcome-assessment
    • Assess, diagnose, and treat patients with serious food allergy and sensitivity, dermatologic disorders, immune dysfunction, and persistent serious hypertension

    David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

    Case Studies

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    Nutrition 115

    Clinical Detoxification: Part 1


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify the sources of toxic exposure in modern industrial society, the prevalence of exposure, and the health ramifications of elevated total toxic body burden
    • Associate a multitude of common symptomatic complaints (ie: fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, skin problems, global pain, etc.) with foundational metabolic disorders related to issues such as elevated total toxic load and "leaky gut"
    • Discover the specific biochemical methodology utilized by human metabolism to render toxins harmless and excrete them from the body
    • Explain the inherent complications within the normal detoxification process related to the formation of toxic intermediates and the increase in oxidative stress
    • Explore the effect of elevated oxidative stress on mitochondrial function and cellular energy production

    David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

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    Nutrition 116

    Clinical Detoxification: Part 2


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify various pathologies associated with increased toxicity and total oxidative stress
    • Outline specific strategies of patient assessment to determine toxic load and individual hepatic detoxification capacity
    • Discriminate between the various pathways of hepatic detoxification biochemistry and objectively assess each pathway
    • Explain the use of specific nutrients, nutraceutical compounds, botanical medicines, and foods to lower oxidative stress
    • Explore the benefits and complications of adjunctive therapies in the management of patients with elevated toxic load and poor detoxification capacity

    David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

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    Nutrition 117

    Drug, Herb and Nutrient Interactions and Toxicity


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify common drug and nutrient interactions
    • Identify herbal interactions
    • Identify nutrient and nutrient interactions
    • Recognize different toxicity levels for various nutrients
    • To formulate treatment recommendations based a patient's medication intake.

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 118

    Co Q10: Functions, Use in Performance, Parkinson Disease and Migraines


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify some of the functions of Co Q10
    • Use Co Q10 for as appropriate as a supplement
    • List the issues of performance changes with Co Q10
    • Discuss the reasons for, and application of, Co Q10 for patients with Parkinson Disease and migraines

    Dean Smith, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 119

    Natural Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Agents


    $40.00 USD

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    • Identify how free radicals are formed and what parts of the body are affected.
    • Determine the relationship between antioxidants and cardiovascular disease and cancer
    • Discuss the role that vitamins, amino acids and herbs have in pain control.
    • Examine inflammation and the pro-inflammatory state.
    • Construct an anti-inflammatory diet
    • Determine which vitamins, minerals and herbs are useful as natural anti-inflammatories.
    • Identify the role of Proteolytic enzymes and inflammation and review sources of fatty acids.

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 120

    Management of Functional GI Disorders


    $24.00 USD

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    • Frame the problem and basic epidemiology of chronic G.I. disorders
    • Present evidence of linkage between chronic G.I. disorders with other common medical conditions
    • Discuss the current hypothesis of associations between intestinal hyperpermeability and systemic illnesses
    • Review cutting edge assessment tools and tests for G.I. disorders
    • Outline and suggest rational and efficacious cutting-edge non-drug treatment interventions for functional G.I. disorders.

    David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

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    Nutrition 121

    Nutrition and Exercise, Muscle Physiology, Training Methods, Weight Training


    $40.00 USD

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    • Understand how muscle contraction occurs
    • Review practical muscle physiology
    • Determine how the body responds to exercise
    • Discuss the role of hormones in regards to muscle
    • Identify the components of proper assessment for physical fitness
    • Review the main components of a weight training exercise program
    • Identify various exercise training methods
    • Discuss the practical aspects of body composition
    • Review basic nutrition and how it relates to sport and exercise
    • Determine the energy needs and energy balance of the athlete

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 122

    Nutritional Support for Alzheimer's Disease


    $60.00 USD

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    • Discuss the causes and genetics of Alzheimer's Disease
    • Review the diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease, including symptoms, incidence, course, and risk factors
    • Understand conventional lab tests for Alzheimer's Disease
    • Review the conventional treatment options for Alzheimer's disease, including drug therapies
    • Understand new drug research and innovative drug strategies for Alzheimer's disease
    • Utilize nutritional strategies for Alzheimer's disease, including vitamin, mineral and herbal therapies
    • Discuss and define drug-vitamin-herb interactions for nutritional supplements recommended for Alzheimer's disease

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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    Nutrition 123

    Nutritional Support for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)


    $60.00 USD

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    • Define the common signs and symptoms leading to the diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
    • Utilize conventional and alternative lab test for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
    • Learn about the conventional treatment options for ALS, including drug therapies and new drug research
    • Utilize nutritional support strategies for ALS, including diet, and nutritional supplements
    • Coordinate care with the Medical Profession for innovative drug strategies for ALS

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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    Nutrition 124
    Nutritional Support for Cognitive Enhancement and Mental Decline


    $60.00 USD

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    • Review Age-Associated Mental Decline, including its symptoms, causes and innovative drug therapies
    • Discuss and define nutritional support strategies for Age-Associated Mental Decline, including vitamins, hormones and antioxidants
    • Outline innovative drug strategies for cognitive enhancement
    • Apply nutritional support strategies for cognitive enhancement

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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    Nutrition 125

    Drug-Vitamin-Herb Interactions


    $20.00 USD

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    • Discuss the interactions between nutritional supplements and diuretics, statins and anticoagulant drugs
    • Discuss the interactions between nutritional supplements and antidepressants, antidiabetic medications, and antibiotics
    • Discuss the interactions between drugs and the B vitamins, fat soluble vitamins
    • Discuss the interactions between drugs and vitamin C, folic acid, PABA, progesterone, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and therapeutic oils

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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    Nutrition 128

    Nutritional Support for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


    $20.00 USD

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    • Define the criteria for diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome
    • Outline the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome
    • Summarize the relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome and the endocrine system
    • Discuss natural therapies that may be helpful for CFS patients
    • Describe the relationship between neurotransmitters and chronic fatigue syndrome

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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    Nutrition 129

    Nutritional Support for Obesity and Weight Loss - Part 1


    $20.00 USD

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    • Define obesity, including its symptoms, epidemiology and effects on health and wellness.
    • Review conventional treatments for obesity
    • Discuss popular diets for obesity and weight loss, and the macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fats
    • Review nutritional support strategies for weight loss.

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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    Nutrition 130

    Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment and Management: A Functional and Nutritional Perspective


    $40.00 USD

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    • Adequately frame the problem and basic epidemiology of cardiovascular disorders (CVD)
    • Present evidence of the relationship between obesity, insulin resistance, inflammation, stress and CVD
    • Summarize the standard medical and laboratory evaluation techniques and why they may only screen for approximately 50% of people at significant risk for CVD
    • Appraise the latest laboratory evaluations, including Lp (a), Apo A1, Apo B, hs-CRP, homocysteine, fibrinogen, AA/EPA, LDL-subclass and others to determine CVD risk
    • Critique the current dietary, lifestyle, nutritional supplement, nutraceutical, and herbal strategies as therapeutic management options to reduce CVD risk and for the treatment of those who already have cardiovascular issues, including: high cholesterol and dyslipidemia, genetic susceptibilities, chronic inflammation, coagulation abnormalities, and insulin resistance-related risk factors

    David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

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    Nutrition 131

    Gluten Sensitivity


    $60.00 USD

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    • Generate a list of disorders associated with gluten sensitivity
    • Describe to patients where gluten is likely to be found and which foods are generally safe for a gluten sensitive patient
    • Interpret journal articles or general publication articles in the light of the history of gluten sensitivity diagnosis
    • Critique articles and authors who claim that celiac disease is the only proven form of gluten reaction
    • Detect and differentiate chronic gluten reactions in patients from other causes of inflammation and disease

    Dan Schlenger, DC

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    Nutrition 132

    Celiac Disease Mechanisms and Related Topics


    $20.00 USD

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    • Describe the historical context of celiac understanding
    • Document reasons why celiac disease is nearly always misdiagnosed
    • Present valid arguments from cited literature how celiac disease is an autoimmune condition
    • Defend recent scientific advances for the leaky gut syndrome
    • Discuss reasons why celiac disease is a global concern, not just an American issue.

    Dan Schlenger, DC

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    Nutrition 133

    When to Begin a Gluten Free Diet


    $20.00 USD

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    • Defend the implementation of a gluten free diet in celiac and non-celiac gluten sensitive patients based on sound evidence from current literature
    • Document reasons why a first-degree relative of a known celiac should be gluten-free
    • Summarize the current rate of celiac diagnosis in the US
    • Contrast the expected findings of a celiac patient and non-celiac gluten intolerant patient
    • Recognize that neurological signs can result from gluten intolerance

    Dan Schlenger, DC

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    Nutrition 134

    Supplements for Exercise and Sport, Vitamins, Minerals, Fluids, Sport Drinks and Antioxidants - Part 1


    $60.00 USD

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    • Identify which supplements are commonly used in exercise and sport
    • Determine the benefits and risks of individual ergogenic aids
    • Discuss the role that individual vitamins have in exercise and sport
    • Examine the role that individual minerals have in exercise and sport
    • Investigate the value of sport drinks
    • Ascertain when fluids are most beneficial in sport
    • Apply how exercise effects the immune system
    • Review the positive and negative effects of exercise
    • Identify the role of antioxidants in sport and exercise

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 136

    Nutrition and the Gastrointestinal System, IBS, Constipation, IBD


    $60.00 USD

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    • Summarize the bowel protective mechanisms and their role in health and disease
    • Outline a treatment strategy for imbalanced gut flora/leaky gut
    • Identify common food allergies and determine appropriate nutritional therapy
    • Examine the role of fiber in gastrointestinal health
    • Create a treatment plan for common GI complaints of constipation and diarrhea
    • Determine appropriate nutritional treatments for ulcers
    • Theorize how diet can affect Inflammatory bowel disease
    • Understand how to successfully use nutrition to treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders
    • Comprehend a rationale treatment protocol for Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Determine correct doses of supplements used for various gastrointestinal disorders
    • Ascertain the safety and risks associated with commonly prescribed gastrointestinal supplements

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 138

    Nutrition for Exercise and Sport, Carnitine, Glutamine, DHEA, Caffeine and Ribose - Part 2


    $60.00 USD

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    • Identify which supplements are commonly used in exercise and sport
    • Ascertain the rationale of using specific individual sport supplements
    • Differentiate between fact and fiction of the supplement in relation to sport and exercise
    • Determine the practical use in sport for individual supplements
    • Determine the benefits of individual ergogenic supplements
    • Examine the risks associated with individual supplements
    • Investigate the value of specific supplements via studies
    • Define contraindications and interactions with the supplement
    • Recommend the correct dose of the supplement for sport and exercise

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Nutrition 139

    Nutrition for Exercise and Sport, Bioenergetics, Fat/Carb/Protein Metabolism and Meal Timing - Part 3


    $60.00 USD

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    • Identify various energy systems of the body and how they relate to exercise and sport
    • Theorize which energy system is used for a specific sport event/activity
    • Summarize the physiology of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and utilization in exercise and sport
    • Understand the relationship between the energy systems and various exercise parameters
    • Create a diet protocol for the athlete prior to their sport or exercise activity
    • Determine and understand the timing of meals in exercise and sport
    • Outline a useful program for a person to maximize carbohydrate stores
    • Theorize how glycemic index can affect exercise and sport activity
    • Ascertain differences between food variables and how they affect exercise and sport performance

    Gary Italia, DC, PhD

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    Physical Diagnosis 102
    Joint Diagnosis


    $20.00 USD

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    • Construct examination/radiographic criteria for Osteochondritis Dissecans
    • Dissect the elbow as it relates to lateral epicondylitis
    • Develop a diagnostic and treatment approach for adhesive capsulitis
    • Review possible causes of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
    • Create a list of differential diagnoses of foot pain

    Robert Schwer, DC

    Interactive Dissection

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    Physical Diagnosis 103
    Shoulder Pathology


    $23.00 USD

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    • Develop an understanding of shoulder anatomy and motion as they pertain to diagnosis and treatment of the injured shoulder
    • Review examination techniques relative to diagnosis of injury in the overhead athlete
    • Review the characteristics and diagnosis of shoulder injuries common to overhead athletes
    • Understand the functional anatomy of joint and the classification of traumatic injuries of the acromioclavicular joint
    • Develop understanding of the mechanisms, examination, diagnosis, radiography and treatment of common acromioclavicular joint injuries

    Robert Schwer, DC

    Interactive Dissection

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    Physical Diagnosis 106

    Patellofemoral Syndrome


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify common causes of patellofemoral syndrome
    • Understand knee mechanics relative to patellofemoral syndrome
    • Differentially diagnose patellofemoral syndrome from other knee conditions
    • Define an appropriate treatment program for patellofemoral syndrome

    Robert Schwer, DC


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    Physical Diagnosis 107

    Shoulder Impingement Syndrome


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify common causes of shoulder syndrome
    • Understand functional mechanics of the shoulder relative to impingement syndrome
    • Differentially diagnose shoulder impingement from other shoulder conditions
    • Define an appropriate treatment program for impingement syndrome.

    Robert Schwer, DC

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    Physical Diagnosis 108

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify common risk factors and causes for CTS
    • Define tests and examination procedures to diagnose CTS
    • List the common conditions important in the differential diagnosis of CTS
    • Develop a chiropractic treatment plan for CTS

    Robert Schwer, DC

    Interactive Dissection

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    Physical Diagnosis 119

    Rheumatoid Arthritis: Current Literature in Diagnostic Imaging and C.A.M. Treatments


    $20.00 USD

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    • Understand the use of plain film and advanced imaging for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • Identify conservative treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis
    • Discuss supplements relative to alleviating Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms as well as other treatment additions to the patient's drug regimen
    • Provide an overview of the rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis and traditional treatments

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR


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    Physical Diagnosis 121

    Congestive Heart Failure


    $20.00 USD

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    • Understand the general features of congestive heart failure, a condition which currently affects 4.9 million Americans
    • Determine physical examination and diagnostic imaging findings in patients with congestive heart failure
    • Discuss treatment, including conservative management, for congestive heart failure patients
    • Discuss conditions commonly associated with congestive heart failure

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Physical Diagnosis 123

    Breast Cancer: Risk Factors, Screening, Assessment and Treatment


    $40.00 USD

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    • Define the classifications of Breast cancer and compare the stage
    • List some of the major risk factors for Breast Cancer
    • List some of the screening techniques for the detection of Breast Cancer
    • Discuss some main options in evaluating breast cancer
    • List some of the treatment options that are available for women with a genetic predisposition for Breast Cancer

    Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD

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    Physical Diagnosis 124
    Low Back Injuries and Complaints in the Work Place: Diagnosis and Treatment


    $40.00 USD

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    • List some of the risk factors for low back injuries in the work place
    • List the classes of low back etiologies and describe some of the spinal diseases that may cause low back syndrome exacerbation
    • List some of the protocols for documenting and managing repetitive stress type injuries and low back pain and describe some of the factors to consider when documenting
    • List some of the clinical manifestations of pain
    • Describe some of the orthopedic tests that may be utilized in the examination for low back pain
    • List some treatment options for Low back injuries

    Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD

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    Physical Diagnosis 128

    Cases in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease


    $20.00 USD

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    • Relate relatively common but sometimes challenging patient cases
    • Explain diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in thyroid disease
    • Give examples of diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in drug toxicity
    • Describe diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in diabetic neuropathy
    • Demonstrate diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in vitamin deficiency

    • NOTE: This course contains the same content as Neurology 212e

    Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

    AudioVisual Course
    Case Studies

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    Physical Diagnosis 129

    Womens Health


    $20.00 USD

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    • Summarize premenstrual syndrome, its diagnosis, causes and natural therapies
    • Understand premenstrual dysphoric disorder, its diagnosis, causes and natural therapies
    • Outline polycystic ovarian syndrome, its diagnosis, causes and natural therapies
    • Illustrate menopause, its diagnosis, causes and natural therapies
    • Discuss nutritional support for womens health

    Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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    Physical Diagnosis 130

    Natural Treatments and Diagnosis of Common Female Disorders


    $20.00 USD

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    • Differentiate between premenstrual disorder, menopause and perimenopause
    • Identify the causes of Estrogen Dominance in the typical patient for patient education
    • Assess hormone levels and diagnosis with saliva and blood spot testing with reputable labs listed
    • Observe recorded changes in actual patient histories with treatments and results
    • Apply products listed by Brand Names to use for treatments, with suggested dosages

    Robin Mayfield, DC

    AudioVisual Course

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    Physical Diagnosis 131

    Fibromyalgia: Myths and Realities


    $20.00 USD

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    • Diagnose Fibromyalgia and Discuss the modern research that contradicts older ideas about the syndrome, separating myth from fact
    • Obtain an accurate diagnosis and differentiate from other syndromes
    • Recognize prescription medication side effects
    • Apply appropriate movement and exercise therapy
    • Select the best alternative and holistic treatments and design a treatment plan
    • Treat using integrated care, including physical, emotional and spiritual support as needed

    Robin Mayfield, DC

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    Physical Diagnosis 132
    Keeping up with Inflammation


    $40.00 USD

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    • Detect Intracellular inflammation and its effects on the entire body
    • Define Oxidation and illustrate the importance of quality anti-oxidants
    • Discover affordable tests you can easily run in your office to determine levels of oxidative stress
    • Recall what causes free radicals and discover what resolves the problem
    • Summarize environmental toxins and their realistic effects on the health of your patients, your family and you
    • Show that Insulin resistance is yesterday’s news, now it’s Hormonal resistance Analyze weight loss resistance and how to correct it
    • Analyze lifestyle choices that "pull the trigger" for epigenetics and how to reverse it
    • Describe the new catch-all term: Mitochondrial diseases. Formerly known as “no known cause, no known cure”
    • Summarize Methylation, Methyl donors, and its depletion
    • Examine cell membrane impermeability and its effect on your paradigm of health
    • Determine the role of antioxidants, fatty acids, and vitamin D: what you should use in your clinic now to get people well

    Robin Mayfield, DC

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    Physical Diagnosis 133
    10 Tests You Can Use In Your Clinic Tomorrow


    $40.00 USD

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    • Utilize Salivary pH readings to determine the need for Fatty Acid Supplementation and dietary modification
    • Discuss Candidiasis with your patient and interpret the results of their home self-test
    • Determine if your patient is best served with a vegetarian lifestyle, and if not, measures you can take to improve their health
    • Interpret the Zinc Tally test for your patient and prescribe a treatment plan that can greatly improve the overall health and longevity of your patient
    • Measure specific blood pressure readings to demonstrate adrenal hypofunction
    • Formulate your treatment plan based upon your results Discover an affordable and simple test for Sick Building Syndrome, Toxic Mold and other toxic loads
    • Rate a patient’s need for calcium and mineral supplementation with the easily-performed Tissue Calcium Test
    • Identify important underlying factors in weight loss or gain with Barne’s Thyroid Test
    • Diagnosis an underlying deficiency that contributes to immune dysfunction, metabolic dysfunction, weight gain, skin rashes and more
    • Quickly determine a definitive need for hydrochloric acid supplementation in every patient with gastric upset

    Robin Mayfield, DC

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    Physical Diagnosis 134

    Human Genetics: Testing in the Physicians Office


    $20.00 USD

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    • Define Genetic Testing and name some of the components in the gene that are being examined.
    • List some laboratory techniques used in genetic testing.
    • Name some types of genetic tests and explain the purpose of the tests. 
    • Describe some of the methods of obtaining gene samples for laboratory analysis
    • List some of the limitations and risks for genetic testing
    • Discuss some of the ethical issues in genetic testing

    Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD

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    Physical Diagnosis 135

    Fibromyalgia - Myths and Realities


    $60.00 USD

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    • Define Fibromyalgia from an allopathic perspective
    • Review historical treatment by traditional medical community
    • Examine current allopathic theories and treatments
    • Review signs and symptoms, demographics and presentation of the fibromyalgia patient
    • Obtain an accurate diagnosis through labwork and history as it pertains to the fibromyalgia patient.
    • Differentially Diagnosis adrenal fatigue, perimenopause, myofascial pain syndrome, chronic fatigue
    • Determine the Labwork needed to evaluate a fibromyalgia patient
    • Discuss the fibromyalgia patient’s point of view of symptoms and treatments
    • Contrast the varying possible diagnoses from the alternative healer viewpoint
    • Explain the Fibromyalgia “personality type”
    • Create a team approach with other practitioners in the treatment of the fibromyalgia patient
    • Determine the appropriate organic treatments that may be needed to treat the fibromyalgia patient including Gluten intolerance, Food allergies, and Supplementation
    • Discuss Musculoskeletal treatments for fibromyalgia patients including Adjustments, Massage, and Prolo therapy
    • Integrate appropriate exercise and home remedies for the fibromyalgia patient including 5 Tibetan Rites, Yoga, Walking, and swimming

    Robin Mayfield, DC

    AudioVisual Course

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    Physical Diagnosis 136

    Neurotransmitter Testing and Treatment


    $40.00 USD

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    • Describe reasons for including neurotransmitter evaluation in a clinical practice
    • Recognize that common symptom patterns that can occur from neurotransmitter imbalance
    • Defend the use of urinary neurotransmitter evaluation as valid biomarkers
    • Document reasons for neurotransmitter depletion
    • Summarize methods of neuropharmacology intervention
    • Select the appropriate test for symptom pattern Interpret neurotransmitter patterns from test results

    Dan Schlenger, DC

    AudioVisual Course

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    Physical Diagnosis 137
    Migraine Headaches, Cluster Headaches and More: Differential Diagnosis


    $40.00 USD

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    • Discuss the effects of spinal manipulation on headache
    • Refer for alternative remedies for headaches
    • Evaluate the emotional and mind-body connections as it relates to headaches
    • List 14 different categories of foods that can trigger a Migraine
    • Discover the eastern diagnosis of underlying conditions for headaches, including emotional and spiritual blockages
    • Create a treatment plan for addressing the headache and potential underlying conditions
    • Differentially diagnose underlying conditions related to headache
    • Educate your patients on home remedies for their headaches
    • Examine the economic impact of headaches
    • Discriminate between headache pains and locations
    • Recognize migraine headaches, even when head pain is not present
    • Specify musculoskeletal treatments to reduce or eliminate headache symptoms

    Robin Mayfield, DC

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    Physical Diagnosis 139
    Complete Orthopedic and Neurological Examination of the Low back for the Busy Clinician


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Recognize the signs and symptoms of a low back disorder
    • List the differential diagnosis of low back disorders
    • Outline the different elements of a low back examination
    • Identify “red flags” in the examination and evaluation of low back patients
    • Summarize additional low back tests that can be performed and the reasons why to use them

    Marc Lawson, DC

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    Physical Diagnosis 146
    Ankle and Foot Diagnosis


    $20.00 USD

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    • Compare knee joint biomechanics during running and cutting tasks performed with and without ankle taping
    • Review common and unusual causes of lateral ankle pain
    • Examine the effects of foot orthotics on overpronation and gait
    • Relate the current state of knowledge about the pathogenesis of hallux valgus
    • Apply contemporary knowledge to the assessment, management and prevention of ankle sprains
    • Appraise the relationship between posterior lower limb muscle tightness and plantar fasciitis

    Shawn Thistle, DC

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    Physical Diagnosis 150
    Complete Orthopedic and Neurological Examination of the Hip for the Busy Clinician


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify and describe the signs and symptoms hip disorders
    • Synthesize differential diagnosis of hip disorders
    • Outline and analyze the different elements of a hip exam
    • Comprehend the nature of spinal cord and cauda equina injuries and determine their importance in hip disorders
    • Apply knowledge of available hip assessments and evaluate how each can best be utilized

    Marc Lawson, DC

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    Physical Diagnosis 151

    Chiropractic, Orthopedic, and Neurological Examination of the Neck for the Busy Clinician


    $20.00 USD

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    • Recognize the signs and symptoms of a neck disorder
    • Differentially diagnose neck disorders
    • Perform the different elements of a neck exam
    • Comprehend the importance of "red flags" in the exam and evaluation of neck complainants
    • Summarize additional neck tests that can be performed and under what conditions to use them

    Marc Lawson, DC

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    Physical Diagnosis 152
    Chiropractic, Orthopedic, and Neurological Examination of the Shoulder for the Busy Clinician


    $20.00 USD

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    • Recognize the signs and symptoms of a shoulder disorder
    • Be able to list differential diagnosis of shoulder disorders
    • Outline the different elements of a shoulder exam
    • Understand the importance of “red flags” in the exam and evaluation of shoulder complainants
    • Be able to summarize additional shoulder tests that can be performed and under what conditions to use them

    Marc Lawson, DC

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    Physical Diagnosis 153

    Adult Lung Examination from Inspection to Auscultation: For Health Care Practitioners


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify important chest and thorax landmarks in order to perform a lung examination.
    • Summarize the various musculature associated with adult breathing mechanics.
    • Demonstrate the differences between consolidation and effusion lung pathologies.
    • Diagnose common adult lung pathologies with use of a medical history and full physical examination.

    Jennifer Illes, DC

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 107

    LBP Origins and How Different Spine Conditions Could Affect Chiropractic Treatment


    $20.00 USD

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    • Discuss a common origin of lumbar disc pain
    • Describe the orientation of lumbar facet joints
    • Identify the effect of lordosis on the position of the nucleus pulposis
    • Establish how injuries of the annulus fibrosus can cause nerve root changes
    • Identify the dynamic stenosis of the lumbar spine

    Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 108

    Pediatric and Adult Anterior Knee Pain


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify anatomical structures of the knee involved with anterior knee pain
    • Diagnose fat pad and bursitis syndromes
    • Establish pathologies of the patellar tendon in adults and children
    • Differentiate different causes of patellofemoral pain
    • Match clinical syndromes of knee pain with radiological appearances

    Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 110
    An Interactive, In-Depth Look at Anatomy of the Knee


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify the general anatomy of the knee joint
    • Develop an intimate knowledge of the anatomy of the menisci and ligaments of the knee using gross dissection and cross-sectional imaging
    • Understand the functional anatomy of the menisci of the knee and define the type and grade of meniscal tears
    • Establish the conditions discoid lateral meniscus and meniscal cyst and understand the spectrum of treatment available
    • Identify what type treatment is available for meniscal injuries and when it would be prudent to reevaluate a post-op patient with new knee pain

    Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

    Interactive Dissection
    Multiple Formats

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    Xray 112

    What is MRI with Indications and Contraindications for Use


    $20.00 USD

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    • Outline the physical basis of magnetic resonance imaging
    • Identify patients that are candidates for an MRI
    • Recognize categories of pathology in the spine that are imaged well with MRI
    • Recognize cases that require contrast
    • List contraindications for an MRI

    Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 113

    Ligamentous and Osteochondral Injuries of the Knee


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify and classify injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament
    • Diagnose and develop treatment for injuries to the posterior cruciate ligament
    • Diagnose and develop treatment for injuries to the medial collateral ligament
    • Diagnose and develop treatment for injuries to the lateral collateral ligament
    • Describe and classify ostochondritis dissecans of the knee

    Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 114

    Differentiating Types of Calcification and Ossification on X-Ray


    $20.00 USD

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    • Differentiate ossification from calcification
    • Identify the categories of ossification
    • Differentiate myositis ossificans progressiva from myositis ossificans traumatica
    • Discuss imaging utilization with regards to ossification
    • Review common and uncommon entities predisposed to ossification or calcification

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 115

    A Systematic Approach to Interpreting Plain Film Radiographs of the Spine/Pelvis


    $40.00 USD

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    • Recognize and identify important key factors for interpreting plain film x-rays of the spine and pelvis
    • Recognize important medical/legal issues regarding interpreting plain films of the spine and pelvis and be able to apply appropriate radiographic documentation requirements when charting x-ray findings in the medical record
    • Identify, analyze and interpret normal and abnormal anatomical osseous structures, common congenital and acquired pathologies, common normal radiographic variants and soft tissue calcifications/structures of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, lumbosacral spine and pelvis

    Paul Sherman, DC

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    Xray 116

    Identifying Aneurysm on X-Ray


    $20.00 USD

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    • Alert your clinical consciousness to prevent complacency
    • Explain ways to identify the most common aneurysms clinically and on x-ray in the abdominal aorta, thoracic aorta, and splenic artery
    • Differentiate aneurysm from dissection and pseudoaneurysm

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 117

    Identifying the Three Most Common Cancers of Bone on Diagnostic Imaging


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify the source of metastatic lesions
    • Determine an advanced imaging protocol once a metastatic lesion is found
    • Discuss how to identify on radiographs the two most common primary malignancies of bone - multiple myeloma and osteosarcoma

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 119

    Osteoporosis and the Use of DEXA for Diagnosis


    $20.00 USD

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    • Understand Osteoporosis - (risk factors, incidence, prevalence, morbidity, etc.)
    • Understand the fundamentals of DEXA (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry), the gold standard in bone density testing
    • Explain how to interpret the results
    • Investigate the advantages and limitations of DEXA
    • Investigate the indications and contraindications for utilization of DEXA

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 119 - 127

    $120.00 USD

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    • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed in Xray 119, and, Xray 123 through 127

    Course Group includes all Xray Courses numbered 119 thru 127

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR


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    Xray 123

    Diagnostic Imaging and the Diabetic Foot


    $20.00 USD

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    • Use plain film to identify imaging findings of common diabetic foot fractures
    • Discuss foot ulcers and using diagnostic imaging to rule out secondary osteomyelitis
    • Identify diagnostic imaging findings of neuropathic osteoarthropathy (Charcot foot)

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 124

    Ankylosing Spondylitis


    $20.00 USD

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    • Explain the clinical presentation, physical examination findings, orthopedic tests, laboratory findings, and radiographic findings associated with ankylosing spondylitis
    • Discuss the extraskeletal manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis
    • Explain the similarities and differences between the spondyloarthropathies
    • Discuss the surgical and pharmacological management
    • Discuss treatment that promotes spine mobility including the chiropractic adjustment

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 124 - 146

    $408.00 USD

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    • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Xray 124 through 146

    Course Group includes all Xray Courses numbered 124 thru 146


    AudioVisual Course
    Multiple Formats

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    Xray 125

    Gout: Diagnosis and Diagnostic Imaging


    $20.00 USD

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    • Explain the origin and pathophysiology of gout
    • Understand how to prevent and monitor gout
    • Examine gout on plain film
    • Determine the clinical presentation of gout
    • Describe the differences between the crystal arthritides on plain film

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 126

    Imaging and Conservative Management of Osteoarthritis


    $20.00 USD

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    • Describe the patients that are at risk for developing osteoarthritis
    • Summarize the pathophysiology behind the disease
    • Discuss what osteoarthritis looks like on plain film and which joints are most likely affected
    • Discuss the use of advanced imaging in osteoarthritis
    • Present the research on many conservative treatment options including: physiotherapy, physical therapy/exercise, diet, and acupuncture

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 127

    Disc Herniations and Degenerative Disc Disease: Clinical Findings and Diagnostic Imaging


    $20.00 USD

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    • Describe the anatomy of the disc and what causes the disc herniation
    • Discuss the clinical presentation and who is at risk for a disc herniation
    • Explain the diagnostic imaging findings for the disc herniation patient
    • Evaluate the treatment options for disc herniation patients

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 129

    Vertebral Compression Fractures


    $20.00 USD

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    • Assess the clinical presentation and diagnostic imaging procedure for vertebral compression fractures
    • Discuss the use of plain film, CT, MRI, and DEXA
    • Discuss treatments for vertebral compression fractures
    • Identify other causes of vertebral fractures
    • Identify other fractures besides vertebral fractures

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 129 - 134

    $120.00 USD

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    • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Xray 129 to Xray 134

    Course Group includes all Xray Courses numbered 129 thru 134

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 130

    Extremity Fractures


    $20.00 USD

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    • Summarize the current literature on fracture prevention
    • Discuss diagnostic imaging and treatment of hip fractures
    • Evaluate common lower extremity fractures, including stress fractures
    • Discuss common upper extremity fractures, including the Colle's fracture and stress fractures
    • Demonstrate knowledge of fractures in special populations, including adolescents and the developmentally disabled

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR


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    Xray 131

    Dislocations and Diagnostic Imaging


    $20.00 USD

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    • Evaluate the plain film images of upper and lower extremity dislocations
    • Determine the mechanism of action and clinical presentation for upper and lower extremity dislocations
    • Summarize the treatment options for the different upper and lower extremity dislocation
    • Use assessment tools to determine treatment outcomes for extremity dislocations

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 132

    Pediatric Safety Concerns with Diagnostic Imaging


    $20.00 USD

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    • Determine the risk of MRI procedures and gadolinium contrast agents with respect to children
    • Discuss the consequences of ionizing radiation in plain film, computed tomography, nuclear medicine, and fluoroscopy
    • Demonstrate procedures to lessen the consequences of diagnostic imaging and discuss alternatives to the riskier modalities

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 133
    Diagnostic Imaging and the Fetus


    $20.00 USD

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    • Determine the risks of ionizing radiation on the fetus
    • Demonstrate the usefulness and limitations of ultrasound with regards to the pregnant woman
    • Analyze the appropriate usage of magnetic resonance imaging in fetal diagnoses

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 134

    Pediatric Fractures


    $20.00 USD

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    • Demonstrating the differences between pediatric fractures and adult fractures
    • Looking at the red flags for reporting non-accidental trauma (child abuse)
    • Identifying fractures in children with osteopenia
    • Discussing common upper extremity and lower extremity fractures
    • Assessing proper protocol in imaging pediatric fractures, namely the use of plain film, ultrasound, MRI and CT

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 135
    Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scans)


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identifying bone and joint uses for PET
    • Discussing neurological uses of PET, focusing on Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis
    • Demonstrating the oncology use of PET
    • Comparing PET with other diagnostic imaging modalities

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 136

    Tumor-Like Conditions Found on Plain Film Xray


    $20.00 USD

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    • Determine the skeletal manifestations of neurofibromatosis and Paget’s disease
    • Assess the diagnostic features of someone with neurofibromatosis or Paget’s disease
    • Identify benign and malignant tumors commonly associated with neurofibromatosis and Paget’s disease
    • Discuss the pathophysiology of neurofibromatosis and Paget’s disease

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 137
    Ordering Proper Diagnostic Imaging for Common Chiropractic Conditions


    $20.00 USD

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    • Order proper diagnostic imaging for the lumbar spine
    • Determine appropriate imaging for various pediatric musculoskeletal complaints
    • Use plain film imaging for extremity complaints
    • Determine what advanced imaging is appropriate for different extremity pathology

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 138

    Imaging and Imaging Features Related to Back Pain


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify common causes of back pain
    • Assess pro and con of different imaging modalities related to back pain
    • Identify imaging features that may relate to back pain
    • Develop imaging strategy for back pain

    Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 139

    The Imaging of Upper Cervical Spine Trauma


    $20.00 USD

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    • Recognize normal bony and soft tissue anatomy of the upper cervical spine.
    • Describe the direct and indirect signs of cervical trauma.
    • Identify the more common mimics to cervical spine trauma.
    • Summarize specific traumatic conditions affecting the upper cervical spine and their imaging findings.
    • Assess which traumatic conditions of the upper cervical spine are stable, which are unstable, and how to manage each.

    Steven Weiner, MD, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 140
    Chest X-Ray


    $20.00 USD

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    • Determine the diagnostic imaging findings consistent with a diagnosis of emphysema
    • Discuss the plain film findings of congestive heart failure and conservative treatment options for these patients
    • Determine the stage of sarcoidosis on plain film
    • Identify the most common mediastinal masses of the chest
    • Analyze different diagnostic imaging manifestations of pneumonia

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 141

    AP Open Mouth Projection - A Simple yet Complicated View.


    $20.00 USD

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    • Point out the anatomy of the upper cervical spine and associated regional anatomy as seen on the APOM
    • Identify variants of anatomy on APOM, noting if they are clinically relevant in providing Chiropractic care
    • Differentially Diagnosis pathology noted in the region
    • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of imaging modalities for the upper cervical spine and maxillofacial region

    Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 142

    Differential Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Conditions Mimicked by Sinus/Chest Conditions


    $20.00 USD

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    • Recognize the signs and symptoms of patients entering the chiropractic with flu and sinusitis that may mimic musculoskeletal conditions
    • Identify radiographic features of sinusitis on standard chiropractic projections and differentially diagnose from other musculoskeletal conditions
    • Identify radiographic features of flu on standard chiropractic projections  and differentially diagnose from other musculoskeletal conditions
    • Examine basic treatment options within chiropractic scope of practice and when to refer

    Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 143

    Radiation Protection


    $20.00 USD

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    • Analyze the debate between ALARA and AHARS with respect to the allowable amount of artificial radiation
    • Express the cost vs. benefit of using CT, the imaging modality with the highest radiation risk
    • Understand the added risk of radiation consequences in children
    • Identify the different types of ionizing radiation

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 144

    Imaging of Lower Cervical Spine Trauma


    $20.00 USD

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    • Assess cervical radiographs to identify the radiographic signs of lower cervical spine trauma, recognizing which views are most diagnostic.
    • Recognize, differentiate, and classify cervical hyperflexion and hyperextension injuries with respect to spinal stability.
    • Identify and describe the imaging findings of neural arch trauma in the lower cervical spine.
    • Discuss and categorize the complications of lower cervical spine trauma.
    • Summarize the gravity as well as the evolving imaging and management protocols of penetrating neck injury.

    Steven Weiner, MD, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 145

    Abdominal Calcifications on Plain Film


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify plain film features of abdominal pathology that may present in the Chiropractic office, with an emphasis on calcifications
    • Differentiate cystic from solid mass lesions
    • Classify vascular calcifications
    • Recognize when calcifications need immediate medical referral

    Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 146

    The Imaging of Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma


    $20.00 USD

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    • Summarize the radiographic findings of simple compression fractures and discuss how spinal biomechanics predispose to their occurrence.
    • Describe the radiographic signs and sequelae of burst fractures and differentiate them from simple compression fractures.
    • Identify the imaging findings of Chance type fractures and discuss their most common complications.
    • Recognize the common radiographic manifestations of posterior arch trauma.
    • Categorize the different types of intervertebral disc lesions and summarize their imaging findings.

    Steven Weiner, MD, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 147

    Imaging Sports Injuries


    $20.00 USD

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    • Identify imaging modalities used in sports and musculoskeletal imaging
    • List indications for advanced imaging in the athlete
    • Explain why imaging of the weekend “athlete” could save your practice
    • Integrate imaging into treatment plans
    • Assess progress of care with imaging

    Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

    AudioVisual Course

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    Xray 150
    Common Surgical Hardware Seen on Plain Film Radiographs


    $20.00 USD

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    • Examine common orthopedic hardware on plain film and what needs to be reported
    • Explain Xray findings which require Orthopedic referral and the various options
    • Determine when advanced imaging is appropriate and what modality to use
    • Discuss possible complications when finding orthopedic hardware

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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    Xray 151

    Geriatric Conditions Seen on Plain Film - Part 1


    $20.00 USD

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    • Discuss congestive heart failure: diagnosis, imaging, and treatment
    • Understand the imaging and treatment of multiple myeloma
    • Understand the nature of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, specifically emphysema
    • Evaluate the use of DXA in the diagnosis of osteoporosis
    • Determining appropriate care for patients with osteoarthritis

    Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

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