Arkansas Veterinary Tech Continuing Education

Arkansas Accepts Online Continuing Education Courses for License Renewal

Arkansas Continuing Education Requirements:

Veterinarian Tech: Arkansas Accepts 12 hours of Distasnced Based Learning Courses.  6 can be done using on demand, online classes and 6 hours can be done using live webinars

All license renewals are due by March 31st of each year

Special Requirements:  Veterinary Technicians must have 8 hours of medicine and surgery.


State of Arkansas Continuing Education Requirements

Arkansas Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Arkansas continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Arkansas licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Arkansas continuing education requirements.

Found 40 courses
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Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicine 210 : Microbiology

Jeff Bender, DVM

$48.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Multiple Formats, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • Identify bacterial antimicrobial resistance mechanisms for resisting antimicrobial agents
  • Discuss the molecular basis for bacterial antimicrobial resistance
  • Explain laboratory methods for detecting and measuring antimicrobial resistance

RACE does not accredit or endorse or certify any program or person, nor does RACE approval validate the content of the program

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicine 210 - 213

Jeff Bender, DVM

$192.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Multiple Formats, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicine 210 through Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicine 213

RACE does not accredit or endorse or certify any program or person, nor does RACE approval validate the content of the program
Course Group includes all Courses numbered 210 thru 213
Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicine 211 : Beef and Dairy Cattle

Jeff Bender, DVM

$48.00 USD

RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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Parts 1-3

  • Demonstrate understanding of how preconditioning and other preventive management procedures can reduce the frequency of antibiotic treatments for Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD).
  • Describe the components of a good preconditioning program and how BRD can be prevented in the feedlot.
  • Describe how preventing BRD tends to cost less than clinical treatments with antibiotics.
Parts 4 - 5
  • Describe medicated milk replacer and how it is regulated under the Veterinary Feed Directive.
  • Identify antibiotics that historically were most commonly added to medicated milk replacer.
  • List the disadvantages associated with using medicated milk replacer.
  • Describe proper management and preventive medicine that are critical to long-term calf health.
  • Describe a good colostrum management program for dairy calves.
Parts 6 - 9
  • Describe the management practices that can prevent scours in calves, such as high quality colostrum management, sanitation and proper isolation procedures.
  • Explain the proper role of antimicrobial agents in treating calves with scours.
Parts 10 - 11
  • Discuss the general guidelines for the judicious use of antibiotics in the treatment of mastitis.
  • Describe the factors to consider in the selection of an antimicrobial drug for mastitis treatment.
  • Outline the preventive measures that may be taken on a dairy farm with regards to mastitis.
  • Discuss proper indications for the use of antimicrobials for contagious mastitis in dairy cattle.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the need to follow proper treatment protocols when using an antibiotic to treat individual cows for contagious udder pathogens.
  • Explain how somatic cell counts and culture results are used to formulate a herd antibiotic treatment plan for contagious udder pathogens.
  • Describe how antimicrobial treatment of contagious udder pathogens can be greatly reduced in herds by using effective mastitis prevention and control programs.
  • Recognize the futility of using antibiotics to treat cases of contagious mastitis if the cow is to be returned to a herd where she will quickly become reinfected.

RACE does not accredit or endorse or certify any program or person, nor does RACE approval validate the content of the program

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicine 212 : Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Companion Animal Medicine

Jeff Bender, DVM

$72.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Multiple Formats, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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Part 1 and 2
  • Identify the frequency of antimicrobial use in small animal practice
  • Summarize the classes and types of antimicrobials commonly used in small animal practice
Discuss the clinical applications where antimicrobial use may be reduced
  • Describe the association between antimicrobial use and the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance
  • Demonstrate understanding of the use of bacterial culture with antimicrobial susceptibility testing as an important diagnostic tool to support antimicrobial therapy
Part 3
  • Identify how antibiotics are frequently used in the pocket pet industry and how the use of antibiotics in pocket pets may select for antimicrobial resistance
  • Discuss how animal and human health may both be impacted by antimicrobial resistance
  • Describe how veterinarians in agriculture departments work with veterinarians and other health professionals in local, state, and federal health departments to investigate and control zoonotic disease
  • Summarize how the use of antibiotics may select for the dissemination of gene cassettes conveying resistance to multiple antibiotics
Part 4
  • Discuss how antibiotics are frequently used in treatment of canine pyoderma
  • List the factors to be considered when choosing antibiotic therapy
  • Identify the underlying causes of canine pyoderma and possible diagnostic and treatment options
  • Describe the importance of bacterial culture and susceptibility testing, and effective communication with the client
  • Demonstrate understanding of how animal and human health can both be affected by antibiotic resistance
Part 5
  • Discuss the use antibiotics to treat feline lower urinary tract disease
  • List factors that need to be considered when using antibiotic therapy in cases of feline lower urinary tract disease
  • Identify the importance of bacterial culture results in the selection of an antibiotic
Part 6
  • Be aware of the guidelines for feline upper respiratory infections set by the International Society for Companion Animal Infectious Diseases (ISCAID)
  • Name the underlying causes of feline upper respiratory infections
  • Determine the appropriate diagnostic tests and interpretations for cases of feline upper respiratory infection
  • Explain when the use of antibiotics is appropriate for cases of feline upper respiratory infections and which 2 antibiotics would be appropriate to use empirically
  • Identify 3 alternative treatment options for antibiotics in cases of feline upper respiratory infection and describe when these treatment options are appropriate

RACE does not accredit or endorse or certify any program or person, nor does RACE approval validate the content of the program

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicine 213 : Pharmacology

Jeff Bender, DVM

$24.00 USD

AudioVisual Course, Multiple Formats, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • Outline how antibiotics were discovered and what drives the discovery of new antimicrobial drugs.
  • Define and differentiate the following related terms: antibiotic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, antiparasitic, and antifungal.
  • Describe the different mechanisms of action for antimicrobial drugs, and associate these mechanisms with the common classes of antimicrobial drugs.
  • Explain pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic factors that affect dose and duration of treatment needed to provide effective therapy for bacterial infections.
  • Describe some important considerations in prescribing antimicrobial drugs to successfully treat infections in animals without promoting microbial drug resistance.

RACE does not accredit or endorse or certify any program or person, nor does RACE approval validate the content of the program

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Common Disease of Companion Animals 201 : Dogs and Cats - Part 1

Linda DuPont, DVM

$144.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.
  • Explain to clients how cardiovascular disease affects the patient.
  • Explain diagnostic and treatment plans to clients.
  • Answer clients’ questions concerning the medications needed by the patient.
  • Explain the basic anatomic arrangement of the mammalian digestive system.
  • Relate changes in the digestive system to the development of disease symptoms.
  • Explain to owners why their pet is ill and how the problem is best treated.
  • Explain the interrelationship between the nervous system and the endocrine system.
  • Understand the clinical pathologic changes that occur with each endocrine disease.
  • Describe how the absence of a specific hormone can have clinical effects on the animal.
  • Explain to owners the treatment regime necessary for their pets.
  • Explain the structures of the eye and the purpose of each.
  • Describe how changes from normal result in clinical disease.
  • Discuss and demonstrate the proper treatments for common eye problems in small animals.
  • Describe the cellular components of blood.
  • Relate changes in blood components to common blood diseases seen in dogs and cats.
  • Discuss with owners treatment options for specific blood dyscrasias seen in dogs and cats.
  • Describe the arrangement and importance of the skin as an organ.
  • List common ectoparasites that produce skin disease in companion animals.
  • Demonstrate the ability to explain parasite control for the most common ectoparasites.
  • Relate diagnosis and treatment of skin lumps and bumps, for example,tumors,abscesses, and cysts.

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Common Disease of Companion Animals 201 - 202 : Dogs and Cats - Part 1 and Part 2

Linda DuPont, DVM

$288.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.
  • Explain to clients how cardiovascular disease affects the patient.
  • Explain diagnostic and treatment plans to clients.
  • Answer clients’ questions concerning the medications needed by the patient.
  • Explain the basic anatomic arrangement of the mammalian digestive system.
  • Relate changes in the digestive system to the development of disease symptoms.
  • Explain to owners why their pet is ill and how the problem is best treated.
  • Explain the interrelationship between the nervous system and the endocrine system.
  • Understand the clinical pathologic changes that occur with each endocrine disease.
  • Describe how the absence of a specific hormone can have clinical effects on the animal.
  • Explain to owners the treatment regime necessary for their pets.
  • Explain the structures of the eye and the purpose of each.
  • Describe how changes from normal result in clinical disease.
  • Discuss and demonstrate the proper treatments for common eye problems in small animals.
  • Describe the cellular components of blood.
  • Relate changes in blood components to common blood diseases seen in dogs and cats.
  • Discuss with owners treatment options for specific blood dyscrasias seen in dogs and cats.
  • Describe the arrangement and importance of the skin as an organ.
  • List common ectoparasites that produce skin disease in companion animals.
  • Demonstrate the ability to explain parasite control for the most common ectoparasites.
  • Relate diagnosis and treatment of skin lumps and bumps, for example,tumors,abscesses, and cysts.
  • Describe how muscles and bones act together to result in purposeful movement.
  • List various musculoskeletal problems with respect to bone, muscle, joint, or combinations of each as the cause.
  • Discuss various musculoskeletal problems, treatments, therapy with clients.
  • Know what diagnostic tests are needed for the diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases.
  • Describe the arrangement of the nervous system.
  • Relate the dysfunctions of various portions of the nervous system to diseases seen in companion animals.
  • Discuss symptoms and treatments of neuronal disease with clients.
  • Relate the specific cause of disease with the pansystemic clinical signs seen in dogs and cats.
  • Initiate the proper safety methods to prevent spread of these transmissible or infectious dis-eases within the clinic.
  • Discuss with clients the necessity of an effective vaccination program.
  • Explain how environment and husbandry conditions affect the health of the young or immunosuppressed older pet.
  • Explain to clients the health reasons for ovariohysterectomy or castration of their pets.
  • Recognize the problem areas in the reproductive system of the male and female and relate them to the clinical symptoms.
  • Advise clients on pregnancy-related problems.
  • Review the anatomy of the respiratory system.
  • Recognize the difference between the upper and lower respiratory diseases.
  • Discuss with owners the prescribed medications and treatments commonly used for respiratory diseases in the small-animal clinic.
  • Recommend vaccination to owners as a way to prevent some of the viral and bacterial respiratory diseases.
  • Explain the anatomy of the urinary system and the functions it performs.
  • Describe how bacterial and viral infections can occur and how these may lead to the formation of stones.
  • Identify the most commonly seen canine bladder stones.
  • Explain the benefits of castration as it relates to prostate disease in the male dog.
  • Discuss the cause of urinary incontinence in spayed female dogs.

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Common Disease of Companion Animals 202 : Dogs and Cats - Part 2

Linda DuPont, DVM

$144.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe how muscles and bones act together to result in purposeful movement.
  • List various musculoskeletal problems with respect to bone, muscle, joint, or combinations of each as the cause.
  • Discuss various musculoskeletal problems, treatments, therapy with clients.
  • Know what diagnostic tests are needed for the diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases.
  • Describe the arrangement of the nervous system.
  • Relate the dysfunctions of various portions of the nervous system to diseases seen in companion animals.
  • Discuss symptoms and treatments of neuronal disease with clients.
  • Relate the specific cause of disease with the pansystemic clinical signs seen in dogs and cats.
  • Initiate the proper safety methods to prevent spread of these transmissible or infectious dis-eases within the clinic.
  • Discuss with clients the necessity of an effective vaccination program.
  • Explain how environment and husbandry conditions affect the health of the young or immunosuppressed older pet.
  • Explain to clients the health reasons for ovariohysterectomy or castration of their pets.
  • Recognize the problem areas in the reproductive system of the male and female and relate them to the clinical symptoms.
  • Advise clients on pregnancy-related problems.
  • Review the anatomy of the respiratory system.
  • Recognize the difference between the upper and lower respiratory diseases.
  • Discuss with owners the prescribed medications and treatments commonly used for respiratory diseases in the small-animal clinic.
  • Recommend vaccination to owners as a way to prevent some of the viral and bacterial respiratory diseases.
  • Explain the anatomy of the urinary system and the functions it performs.
  • Describe how bacterial and viral infections can occur and how these may lead to the formation of stones.
  • Identify the most commonly seen canine bladder stones.
  • Explain the benefits of castration as it relates to prostate disease in the male dog.
  • Discuss the cause of urinary incontinence in spayed female dogs.

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Diagnoses and Treatments in Equine Medicine 201 : Diagnosis from Abortions to Burns

Linda DuPont, DVM

$144.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss the epidemiology of 53 conditions (Abortions to Burns) affecting the horse
  • Recognize the clinical presentation of 53 conditions (Abortions to Burns) affecting the horse
  • Differentially diagnose 53 conditions (Abortions to Burns) affecting the horse
  • Apply therapeutic goals and treatments of 53 conditions (Abortions to Burns) affecting the horse
  • Discuss prognosis and outcomes of 53 conditions (Abortions to Burns) affecting the horse
  • Educate clients about conditions (Abortions to Burns) affecting their horse

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Diagnoses and Treatments in Equine Medicine 202 : Candidiasis to Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate

Linda DuPont, DVM

$144.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss the epidemiology of 51 conditions (Candidiasis to Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate) affecting the horse
  • Recognize the clinical presentation of 51 conditions (Candidiasis to Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate) affecting the horse
  • Differentially diagnose 51 conditions (Candidiasis to Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate) affecting the horse
  • Apply therapeutic goals and treatments of 51 conditions (Candidiasis to Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate) affecting the horse
  • Discuss prognosis and outcomes of 51 conditions (Candidiasis to Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate) affecting the horse
  • Educate clients about conditions (Candidiasis to Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate) affecting their horse

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Diagnoses and Treatments in Equine Medicine 203 : Diagnosis of Early Embryonic Loss to Fumonisin Toxicosis

Linda DuPont, DVM

$144.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss the epidemiology of 42 conditions (Early Embryonic Loss to Fumonisin Toxicosis) affecting the horse
  • Recognize the clinical presentation of 42 conditions (Early Embryonic Loss to Fumonisin Toxicosis) affecting the horse
  • Differentially diagnose 42 conditions (Early Embryonic Loss to Fumonisin Toxicosis) affecting the horse
  • Apply therapeutic goals and treatments of 42 conditions (Early Embryonic Loss to Fumonisin Toxicosis) affecting the horse
  • Discuss prognosis and outcomes of 42 conditions (Early Embryonic Loss to Fumonisin Toxicosis) affecting the horse
  • Educate clients about conditions (Early Embryonic Loss to Fumonisin Toxicosis) affecting their horse

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Diagnoses and Treatments in Equine Medicine 204 : Diagnosis from Gasterophilus to Hypoxemia

Linda DuPont, DVM

$144.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss the epidemiology of 49 conditions (Gasterophilus to Hypoxemia) affecting the horse
  • Recognize the clinical presentation of 49 conditions (Gasterophilus to Hypoxemia) affecting the horse
  • Differentially diagnose 49 conditions (Gasterophilus to Hypoxemia) affecting the horse
  • Apply therapeutic goals and treatments of 49 conditions (Gasterophilus to Hypoxemia) affecting the horse
  • Discuss prognosis and outcomes of 49 conditions (Gasterophilus to Hypoxemia) affecting the horse
  • Educate clients about conditions (Gasterophilus to Hypoxemia) affecting their horse

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Diagnoses and Treatments in Equine Medicine 205 : Diagnosis from Ileus to Myonecrosis

Linda DuPont, DVM

$144.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss the epidemiology of 64 conditions (Ileus to Myonecrosis) affecting the horse
  • Recognize the clinical presentation of 64 conditions (Ileus to Myonecrosis) affecting the horse
  • Differentially diagnose 64 conditions (Ileus to Myonecrosis) affecting the horse
  • Apply therapeutic goals and treatments of 64 conditions (Ileus to Myonecrosis) affecting the horse
  • Discuss prognosis and outcomes of 64 conditions (Ileus to Myonecrosis) affecting the horse
  • Educate clients about conditions (Ileus to Myonecrosis) affecting their horse

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Diagnoses and Treatments in Equine Medicine 206 : Diagnosis from Nasal Polyps to Pythiosis

Linda DuPont, DVM

$144.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss the epidemiology of 87 conditions (Nasal Polyps to Pythiosis) affecting the horse
  • Recognize the clinical presentation of 87 conditions (Nasal Polyps to Pythiosis) affecting the horse
  • Differentially diagnose 87 conditions (Nasal Polyps to Pythiosis) affecting the horse
  • Apply therapeutic goals and treatments of 87 conditions (Nasal Polyps to Pythiosis) affecting the horse
  • Discuss prognosis and outcomes of 87 conditions (Nasal Polyps to Pythiosis) affecting the horse
  • Educate clients about conditions (Nasal Polyps to Pythiosis) affecting their horse

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Diagnoses and Treatments in Equine Medicine 207 : Diagnosis from Rabies to Spinal Injury

Linda DuPont, DVM

$144.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss the epidemiology of 61 conditions (Rabies to Spinal Injury) affecting the horse
  • Recognize the clinical presentation of 61 conditions (Rabies to Spinal Injury) affecting the horse
  • Differentially diagnose 61 conditions (Rabies to Spinal Injury) affecting the horse
  • Apply therapeutic goals and treatments of 61 conditions (Rabies to Spinal Injury) affecting the horse
  • Discuss prognosis and outcomes of 61 conditions (Rabies to Spinal Injury) affecting the horse
  • Educate clients about conditions (Rabies to Spinal Injury) affecting their horse

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Diagnoses and Treatments in Equine Medicine 208 : Diagnosis from Splenic Abscess to Zygomycosis

Linda DuPont, DVM

$144.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Discuss the epidemiology of 63 conditions (Splenic Abscess to Zygomycosis) affecting the horse
  • Recognize the clinical presentation of 63 conditions (Splenic Abscess to Zygomycosis) affecting the horse
  • Differentially diagnose 63 conditions (Splenic Abscess to Zygomycosis) affecting the horse
  • Apply therapeutic goals and treatments of 63 conditions (Splenic Abscess to Zygomycosis) affecting the horse
  • Discuss prognosis and outcomes of 63 conditions (Splenic Abscess to Zygomycosis) affecting the horse
  • Educate clients about conditions (Splenic Abscess to Zygomycosis) affecting their horse

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Diagnostic Parasitology 201 : The Language of Veterinary Parasitology and Parasites that Infect and Infest Domestic Animals

Linda DuPont, DVM

$24.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Briefly discuss the importance of veterinarians in public health
  • Briefly discuss the importance of veterinary parasitology
  • Describe the important types of symbiotic relationships
  • Become fluent in the language of veterinary parasitology
  • Utilize the Linnaean classification scheme within the discipline of veterinary parasitology
  • Define and describe terms associated with veterinary parasitology and give examples of parasites that exemplify these terms
  • Understand that many types of living “creatures” are capable of parasitizing domesticated, wild, exotic, and laboratory animals
  • Understand that the Linnaean classification scheme is an important tool for studying veterinary parasitology

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Diagnostic Parasitology 202 : Nematodes That Infect Domestic Animals

Linda DuPont, DVM

$120.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Briefly discuss the importance of nematodes in veterinary practice
  • Describe the important external morphologic features for identifying nematodes
  • Name the important parts of the male nematode’s reproductive system
  • Name the important parts of the female nematode’s reproductive system
  • Determine which reproductive system (male or female) is more important in veterinary parasitology (diagnostically speaking)
  • Describe the four types of nematode eggs
  • Determine the difference among these reproductive terms: oviparous, ovoviviparous, and larviparous
  • Describe the “typical life cycle” of a representative nematode
  • Explain the difference between a direct life cycle and an indirect life cycle
  • Remember scientific names and corresponding common names for major parasites affecting domestic and laboratory animals
  • Recognize pathology produced by nematodes of domesticated and laboratory animals
  • Recognize ova and distinctive larval stages of major parasites affecting domestic and laboratory animals
  • Understand the life cycles of: Canine roundworm (Toxocara canis), Canine hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum), Canine whipworm (Trichuris vulpis), Canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis),  Feline heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis),  Ruminant lungworm (Dictyocaulus viviparus), Equine roundworm (Parascaris equorum), Equine large and small strongyles (Strongylus vulgaris)

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Emergency Treatment and Procedures 201a

Linda DuPont, DVM

$96.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the appropriate steps to take in addressing an injured animal
  • Recognize common bandaging and splinting techniques
  • Explain the indications for and the procedures involved in blood component therapy 
  • Outline the diagnosis and treatment of intracellular fluid deficit and electrolyte imbalance
  • List vascular access techniques and central venous catheters and explain indwelling catheter maintenance
  • Describe signs of acute pain and methods of assessment, management and prevention
  • Compare and contrast common pharmacological agents used to control pain
  • Outline the emergency management of the abdomen
  • Explain the potential causes of anaphylactic shock and complications of anesthetics use and their treatment

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Emergency Treatment and Procedures 201b

Linda DuPont, DVM

$96.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Recognize the common causes of burn injuries and initial interventions
  • Tabulate abnormalities of cardiac rhythm, physiology and structure in feline and canine patients
  • Describe common disorders of the male and female genitalia and reproductive tract
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal emergencies
  • Describe the treatment and management of acute gastrointestinal disorders
  • Identify the etiology, signs and symptoms of systemic metabolic emergencies
  • Outline common medical emergencies of the central and peripheral nervous system
  • List ocular emergencies requiring immediate treatment

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Emergency Treatment and Procedures 201c

Linda DuPont, DVM

$96.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Recognize the clinical signs of neoplastic disease
  • Describe an organized response to poison and toxin ingestion
  • Plan the physical examination when poisoning or toxin ingestion is suspected
  • Identify the clinical signs and treatment for common agents that are poisonous to dogs and cats
  • Summarize the differential diagnosis of respiratory emergencies
  • Outline the emergency care of respiratory diseases
  • List the classification and care of superficial wounds
  • Describe the clinical signs and management of shock

Courses Accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Glaucoma 201 : Definition Classification Pathophysiology of Canine Glaucoma

Neaderland, DVM, DAVCO

$24.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • Define glaucoma
  • List the risk factors to developing glaucoma
  • Describe the classification scheme for glaucoma
  • Differentiate congenital, primary and secondary glaucoma
  • Explain the theories for the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of primary glaucoma

Courses accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Glaucoma 202 : Canine Secondary Glaucoma

Neaderland, DVM, DAVCO

$48.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • Cite the Incidence of secondary vs primary glaucoma
  • Describe Uveitis and its role in secondary glaucoma
  • Identify the key findings in a number of conditions associated with secondary glaucoma
  • Summarize the pathogenesis in a number of conditions associated with secondary glaucoma
  • Describe the diagnosis and treatment findings in a number of conditions associated with secondary glaucoma

Courses accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Glaucoma 203 : Clinical Signs and Diagnosis of the Canine Primary Glaucomas

Neaderland, DVM, DAVCO

$48.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • Define primary glaucoma
  • Recognize the signs of primary angle closure glaucoma
  • Describe methods for diagnosing primary angle closure glaucoma
  • Summarize the benefits and disadvantages to the various methods used to evaluate the iridocorneal angle
  • List the common techniques used to evaluate the optic disc and the retinal nerve fiber layer

Courses accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Glaucoma 204 : Feline Glaucoma

Neaderland, DVM, DAVCO

$24.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • Summarize the incidence of feline glaucoma
  • Outline the etiology of secondary glaucoma
  • Describe the clinical signs of feline glaucoma
  • Explain the medical management of feline glaucoma
  • Compare and contrast the surgical management of feline glaucoma

Courses accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Glaucoma 205 : Functional Anatomy of the Outflow Facilities

Neaderland, DVM, DAVCO

$48.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • Describe aqueous humor production
  • Outline the anterior/trabecular or conventional outflow pathway
  • Differentiate the structures of the trabecular meshwork
  • Identify factors that influence outflow through the trabecular meshwork
  • Explain the uveoscleral or unconventional outflow pathway
  • Summarize factors that can create resistance to outflow through the uveoscleral pathway

Courses accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Glaucoma 206 : Medical Treatment of Primary Canine Glaucoma

Neaderland, DVM, DAVCO

$48.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • Describe the mechanism of action of parasympathomimetic drugs
  • Summarize the clinical use and contraindications to the use of adrenoreceptor medications
  • Outline the approaches to prophylactic therapy
  • Explain how common glaucoma medications have a neuroprotective effect
  • Identify some emerging therapies and delivery systems to treat glaucoma in dogs

Courses accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Glaucoma 207 : Genetics of Canine Primary Glaucomas

Neaderland, DVM, DAVCO

$48.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • Summarize the techniques used to study genetic disorders
  • Explain the genetics of human glaucoma and its relevance to studying the canine disease
  • Describe the genetics of extracellular matrix abnormalities that are associated with primary glaucoma
  • Compare the genetics of canine primary open angle and angle closed glaucoma
  • List strategies to target primary glaucoma in canine populations

Courses accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Glaucoma 208 : Microscopic Lesions in Canine Eyes with Primary Glaucoma

Neaderland, DVM, DAVCO

$24.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • Describe the mechanisms of aqueous outflow
  • Describe the morphology observed in goniodysgenesis
  • Explain the concurrent histological findings associated with primary glaucoma
  • List factors that can lead to the misinterpretation of the histological findings in primary glaucoma
  • Summarize the changes observed in the posterior segment

Courses accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01

Glaucoma 209 : Surgical Treatment of Canine Glaucoma Cyclodestructive Techniques

Neaderland, DVM, DAVCO

$24.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, RACE Category 1 Scientific, Text

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  • List the surgical treatments for treating canine glaucoma
  • Describe the most common surgical approach for decreasing aqueous humor production
  • Explain how diode laser energy is applied in treating glaucoma
  • Summarize the advantages to performing endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation
  • List the postsurgical complications observed in cyclophotocoagulation therapy

Courses accepted by AR Vet Board
Expires: 2025-01-01