Nevada Chiropractic Assistant Education and Continuing Education

Nevada Accepts Online Courses


Nevada Chiropractic Assistant Continuing Education Requirements: 12 hours per 2 years, due in odd years 

Nevada Accepts 12 hours of Online Chiropractic Assistant Continuing Education Courses offers "Nevada CA Training Program" which makes one elligible to take the Nevada Chiropractic Assistant Exam


Xray - Certified Chiropractic Assistants can perform Xrays.


Reporting Requirements: Llicensee's responsibility to report all completed courses to the Board. In renewal years, the Board requires receipt of your hours by 11:59 Pacific Time on 12/31 in odd numbered years.


The vast majority of our courses are automatically accepted as is an FCLB Approved PACE Continuing Education Provider.  Scroll down to view courses.

When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.


State of Nevada Chiropractic Assistant Education and Continuing Education Requirements

Nevada Chiropractic Assistant Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Nevada Chiropractic Assistant continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Nevada Chiropractic Assistant licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Nevada Chiropractic Assistant continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for Nevada Chiropractic Assistant. The online courses enhance the knowledge base of the Chiropractic Assistant. Free 1 hour approved online continuing education course for new Nevada Chiropractic Assistant who register with

  • Found 64 courses in 3 seconds

  • Documentation 102

    Medicare Documentation - Part 1


    $80.00 USD

    Select for Purchase

    Hour 1

    • Utilize improved patient communication skills with Medicare Patients 
    • Apply appropriate risk management procedures to enhance patient communication
    • Identify the four elements of legal malpractice and recognize the key components to avoid a malpractice action  
    • Utilize key components of good documentation and record keeping
    • Integrate the legal requirements of informed consent in your informed consent process 

    Hour 2

    • Summarize why doctors are held to higher standards
    • Discuss the Do’s and Don’ts of record keeping
    • Use the 21 NCQA guidelines for appropriate medical record keeping and integrate the 3 key components of Evidence Based Practice (EBP)

    Hour 3

    • Assess Medicare’s mandatory Electronic Health Records (EHR) requirement        
    • Discuss key items related to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) reports regarding Medicare and chiropractic services
    • Summarize Executive Order issued by the White House titled reducing improper payments and eliminating waste in the Federal Programs

    Hour 4

    • Determine what triggers an audit and key items to consider if audited
    • Utilize a step by step approach to meet all Federal Medicare Documentation guidelines 
    • Summarize Medicare’s guidelines for necessity of chiropractic care and its covered services
    • Prepare treatment plans per Medicare’s regulation requirements
    • Recognize Medicare’s policy requirements pertaining to x-ray/diagnostic reimbursement
    • Determine if ordering vs. referred services meet Medicare’s policy when performed by a chiropractic physician

    Paul Sherman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 103

    Medicare Documentation - Part 2


    $80.00 USD

    Select for Purchase

    Hour 1

    • Demonstrate the key elements pertaining to Medicare’s documentation requirements for initial and subsequent patient encounters  
    • Describe the three categories of chiropractic care covered through Medicare and the one category exempt from Medicare coverage
    • Apply Medicare’s x-ray requirements for documenting a subluxation
    • Utilize Medicare Advance Beneficiary Notification (ABN) form and its guidelines 
    • Use Medicare’s PARTS system to document a subluxation
    • Summarize the transformation of Medicare’s PARTS system utilizing the AIR S & M method               
    • Include proper Medicare documentation for daily progress notes (SOAP), in order to meet insurance guidelines and meet medical necessity 

    Hour 2

    • Integrate a 4 step approach to meet E/M (Evaluation/Management) coding requirements to meet Medicare’s guidelines

    Hour 3

    • Review Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MARCA) aka Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP) and the Merit Based Incentive Payment Program (MIPS)                                                                    

    Hour 4

    • Apply the critical components of Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment (CMT) coding and Medicare’s requirements for documentation
    • Use diagnostic codes ICD-10 (primary subluxation M-codes biomechanical lesions and secondary medical codes) to meet Medicare’s diagnosis requirements
    • Recognize Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) codes and how it relates to the Medicare system
    • Utilize Medicare modifiers   
    • Identify some of the key items with regards to completing the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 1500 claim form   
    • Summarize Medicare’s mandatory claims submission policy                                   
    • Explain the five levels of Medicare appeals process
    • Distinguish between Medicare participating vs. non-participating provider requirements

    Paul Sherman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 104
    Documenting Medical Necessity


    $60.00 USD

    Select for Purchase

    Hour 1

    • Define standard of care.
    • Examine the requirements of Chiropractic documentation.
    • Evaluate Chiropractic care and the functional relationship.
    • Review state specific examples of documentation requirements.
    • Discuss what is mean by episode of care.

     Hour 2

    • Establish the baseline of care.
    • Identify the inadequacies of intake forms.
    • Comply with the requirements of the initial encounter report.
    • Review the consultation documentation in various case scenarios.
    • Apply appropriate medical decision-making processes and documentation.

     Hour 3

    • Examine the Documentation Requirements of a SOAP Note.
    • Utilize PART in documentation.
    • Utilize outcome assessment tests in documenting medical necessity of care.
    • Identify Assessment and its relationship to medical necessity.
    • Solidify elements of the treatment plan to support medical necessity.
    • Apprise utilization management and review analysis of documentation.

    Mario Fucinari, DC, CPCO, CPPM, CIC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 105
    Avoiding Medicare ABN Pitfalls Establish a Compliant Process


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Recognize the common pitfalls that can put your clinic at risk
    • Review the difference between a mandatory ABN and a voluntary ABN
    • Identify the appropriate time to initiate a mandatory ABN
    • Implement customized and compliant ABNs for your clinic by following the rules

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 149
    Avoiding Pitfalls with Evaluation & Management Services


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Demonstrate understanding of the key elements of revised E/M services
    • Determine the elements that count as Time-Activities and how to calculate appropriately
    • Establish protocol to determine Medical Decision Making element of E/M encounter
    • Apply the new algorithm to appropriately code for E/M services under the 2021 model
    • Discover how to still demonstrate Medical Necessity with the revised E/M codes
    • Determine why history and examination are still needed

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 153
    Documenting Bodily/Personal Injury Cases


    $85.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Develop the skills for medical documentation record-keeping for proper patient care and adherence to insurance value based parameters
    • Recognize the importance, and benefits of thorough chart documentation from the standpoint of the patient, the provider, the profession and third-party payors
    • Show how outcome assessment documentation benefits the patient, the provider, the profession, and third-party payors
    • Demonstrate physical examination procedures that are the basis for diagnosis formulation and value based data
    • Examine skills necessary to incorporate an outcomes-based, evidenced-influenced approach to patient-centered health care in bodily injuries

    Leanne Cupon, DC, DACRB and Warren Jahn, DC, DIANM (US)

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 154

    Risk Management Considerations for Documentation


    $21.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Develop the skills for medical documentation record-keeping for proper patient care
    • Recognize the importance and benefits of documentation methodology from the standpoint of risk management
    • Identify selected documentation problems and errors
    • Summarize recommendations for improving patient care documentation for those Doctors not using an EHR

    Leanne Cupon, DC, DACRB and Warren Jahn, DC, DIANM (US)


    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 157

    Clinical Documentation


    $40.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Define the Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR).
    • Demonstrate taking a complete patient history.
    • Define the Evaluation and Management examination for the musculoskeletal system.
    • Define Outcome Assessment.
    • Illustrate the P.A.R.T. format of documentation.
    • Define proper assessment for SOAP notes.
    • Discuss proper documentation of treatment performed on each visit.
    • Discuss proper documentation of treatment plans.

    Gregg Friedman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 158



    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Comprehend the reasons for transitioning from ICD9 to ICD10
    • Determine the critical differences with the new ICD10 codes
    • Utilize the proper alpha and numeric aspects of commonly used ICD10 codes for  Chiropractic
    • Observe the practicality of combining clinical documentation and the proper use of ICD10 codes.

    Gregg Friedman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 160

    ICD-10: Navigating the Coding Maze


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Discuss the history of ICD-10-CM codes
    • Discuss the Official ICD-10-CM Guidelines for Coding and Reporting
    • Identify and discuss the tools needed to navigate the ICD-10 codes
    • Discuss the General Equivalence Mappings (GEM’s) and their significance and how they relate to ICD-10-CM Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries
    • Identify and discuss how to select the appropriate ICD-10 code to its highest specificity
    • Examples to be discussed

    Paul Sherman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 161

    Keys to Clinical Documentation


    $40.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Recognize the key components regarding good documentation and record keeping
    • Identify the legal requirements of informed consent and the key elements of the informed consent process
    • Discuss why doctors are held to higher standards
    • Describe the 21 NCQA guidelines for record keeping
    • Document progress notes (SOAP) to meet insurance guidelines and medical necessity
    • Apply the PARTS system and its transformation utilizing a new method AIR S & M
    • Utilize CMT coding appropriately
    • Utilize E/M (Evaluation/Management) coding appropriately to meet insurance guidelines and medical necessity
    • Identify the 3 categories and 2 subcategories of E/M codes
    • Identify the 5 levels of E/M services for new and established patients
    • Identify the 7 components (descriptors) used to determine the level of E/M service
    • Select the appropriate level of E/M services utilizing 7 simple steps

    Paul Sherman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 162

    Regs and Risk Management with Maintenance Care


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Differentiate between active and maintenance care in clinical documentation
    • Execute the use of advance notice in third party patients correctly and accurately
    • Identify and implement strategies to clarify the difference between active and maintenance care in documentation
    • Recognize and adopt best practices in proper notification about maintenance care vs. active treatment

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 163

    Documenting for Medical Necessity of Manual Therapies


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Properly document findings and recommendations around muscle therapies
    • Master the documentation necessary in daily visits to verify medical necessity
    • Identify and implement strategies the most important findings and rationale necessary to add muscle therapies to the treatment plan
    • Recognize how to differentiate between various manual therapies to meet the requirements of third-party payers' medical review policy

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 164

    Compliance with Federal Guidelines for Timed Physical Medicine Procedures


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Differentiate between supervised modalities, constant attendance modalities, and therapeutic procedures
    • Properly document the time and service for any physical medicine modality and procedure
    • Clearly define the rationale for these services within the patient's medical record

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 165

    Compliant Coding and Documentation for all Chiropractic Techniques


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Recognize the varying specific requirements for documenting unique adjusting techniques in regards to compliant records and risk management
    • Properly document patient encounters for medical necessity
    • Discuss the Medical Review Policy insurers use in reviewing medical documentation
    • Review case studies and examples to identify documentation errors during self-auditing

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 167

    The Life Cycle of a Patients Chart


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Apply best practices for using abbreviations, addressing legibility, authentication of signatures, and managing the day-to-day flow of your patient records 
    • Clearly delineate the beginning and end of episodes of patient care, proper recording of these episodes, and boundary discussions with patients 
    • Locate and utilize the definitions of medically necessary care, and apply it as a differentiator from clinically appropriate care
    • Assess documentation across the life cycle of the patient’s chart from history to discharge and on through maintenance and wellness care based on live examples demonstrated
    • Identify the deficiencies that may be present in your documentation through the eyes of an auditor

    Colleen Auchenbach, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 168

    The Secrets of Chiro-Compliant Coding


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Utilize documentation requirements for the most commonly used CPT codes in the profession
    • Apply coding techniques and algorithms to ensure the proper code is selected to meet E/M documentation guidelines
    • Recognize the codes that carry the highest degree of risk and confirm that documentation meets the code requirements
    • Identify the mandatory elements of medical review policy for selected chiropractic codes

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 169

    Triage Your Patients with Compliant Treatment


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Compose Complete and Accurate Treatment Plans
    • Formulate multiple Standard Treatment Protocols for better compliance and efficiency
    • Differentiate patient care plans per Patient condition severity
    • Propose recommendations based on exam findings, not third party coverage

    April Lee, DC, CPCO

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 170

    Medicare and the Quality Payment Program


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Discuss Medicare’s guidelines for documenting quality measures 
    • Discuss Medicare’s Merit-Based Incentive Program (MIPS)
    • Identify and determine the eligibility requirements for MIPS
    • Identify and discuss the 4 categories under MIPS (Quality, Cost, Promoting Interoperability (PI) and Clinical Practice Improvement Activities (CPIA)
    • Recognize how Medicare calculates MIPS to determine payment adjustments

    Paul Sherman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 171

    Ancillary Services: Yes, You Have to Document Those Too


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Know how to document exactly what’s required for initial visit treatment plans including physical medicine procedures
    • Apply sample language to include in each daily visit note that will meet documentation guidelines for these modalities and procedures, including properly recording time for timed services
    • Command the mechanics of how to authenticate documentation for services provided by auxiliary team members
    • Tie the patient’s diagnosis to the treatment plan for tissue-specific, physical medicine solutions
    • Tell a complete and coherent account of the patient’s daily visit journey, outlining the crucial language necessary to justify medical necessity for all services rendered

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 172

    In-Processing Federal Patients: Active or Maintenance


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Recognize and document the difference between active and maintenance care
    • Use a decision-making matrix to determine the reportability of active treatment, and to be able to help the patient understand the distinction
    • Apply the Medicare standard of recordkeeping to intake requirements to establish a baseline for episodes of care
    • Determine whether routine visits qualify as active treatment when presented with new and updated complaints

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 173

    Why Render A Prognosis? Defining the Problem


    $100.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Describe the need for prognosis
    • Summarize what a prognosis is
    • Demonstrate the use of prognostic tools
    • Appraise your individual patient’s outlook for recovery.
    • Measure the progress
    • Make evidence based clinical decisions
    • Substantiate your opinion for expert testimony.
    • Illustrate the evidence for care.
    • Prescribe evidence based care plans.
    • Properly document and code complicated cases
    • Improve the patient report of findings and discharge procedures

    David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 173 - 174

    $120.00 USD

    Select for Purchase

    Hour 1 - 5

    • Describe the need for prognosis
    • Summarize what a prognosis is
    • Demonstrate the use of prognostic tools
    • Appraise your individual patient’s outlook for recovery.
    • Measure the progress
    • Make evidence based clinical decisions
    • Substantiate your opinion for expert testimony.
    • Illustrate the evidence for care.
    • Prescribe evidence based care plans.
    • Increase your reimbursement for complicated cases.
    • Improve the patient report of findings and discharge

    Hour 6

    • Interpret in documentation, the difference between active, medically necessary care vs. clinically appropriate but possibly maintenance adjustments
    • Able to distinguish compensatory vs. primary subluxations and document them properly
    • Specify proper documentation techniques as a full spine adjuster
    • Demonstrate the ability to classify documentation for each chiropractic technique employed

    Course Group includes all Documentation Courses numbered 173 thru 174


    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 174

    Compliant Documentation for Adjusting Multiple Spinal Regions


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Interpret in documentation, the difference between active, medically necessary care vs. clinically appropriate but possibly maintenance adjustments
    • Able to distinguish compensatory vs. primary subluxations and document them properly
    • Specify proper documentation techniques as a full spine adjuster
    • Demonstrate the ability to classify documentation for each chiropractic technique employed

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 176

    Document Clinical Rationale for Active Care Rehab


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Perform functional testing to identify patients who will benefit from active care rehab
    • Correlate functional testing findings with a protocol-driven care plan customized to the patient’s diagnosis
    • Recognize and document preferred outcomes that result from properly executed active care techniques
    • Follow clinical algorithms to best understand the beginning, middle and end points of active care rehab
    • Properly document the clinical rationale for active care rehab by linking it to the diagnosis and treatment plan of initial visit documentation

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 177

    The Ideal Documentation for an Episode of Care


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Discover all the elements necessary for appropriate documentation of an episode of care, from the initial visit through the discharge from active treatment
    • Have clearer delineation of the beginning and end of episodes of patient care
    • Decide when an active episode of care should turn into maintenance care, and document the decision making appropriately
    • Identify the required components of documentation as they are outlined in state board documentation requirements, Medicare documentation requirements and other entities’ regulations

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 178

    Documenting and Coding for Unproven, Investigational or Experimental Procedures


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Define and recognize common procedures that may be deemed unproven, investigational or experimental
    • Determine how individual state boards and payers view these various treatments
    • Recognize guidance or rulings from state boards that dictate the need for informed consent
    • Properly document the procedures in the medical record
    • Apply correct coding to describe the procedure provided
    • Personalize a sample Consent to Treat for the procedure provided

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 179

    Documentation Nuances for All Interested Parties


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Awareness of the value of orderly documentation to you and others
    • Ability to duplicate key documentation components that auditors and reviewers expect
    • Steps necessary to address how poor documentation can turn a simple record review into a full audit
    • Ability to identify commonly missed links connecting documentation to treatment

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 182
    The 5 Documentation Mistakes You're Probably Making


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Differentiate and document for the difference between medical necessity and clinical appropriateness
    • Execute a complete and compliant treatment plan that includes all required elements
    • Properly record the elements necessary to justify the full-spine adjustment
    • Command the mechanics of properly documenting clinical rationale for ordered diagnostics and treatment
    • Ensure the inclusion of diagnostic assessment and doctor’s rationale in routine daily visit notes

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 183
    The Established Patient Evaluation - Who, What, When and How


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Evaluate the necessary elements to properly document established patient re-evaluations of all types
    • Deliver appropriate evaluation and management services to justify continued care, assess progress, and discharge from this active care when the time is right
    • Report the necessary components of documenting the transitional diagnosis and treatment plan after a periodic re-evaluation
    • Complete the fundamentals of documenting the assessment of change since the last evaluation as it applies to federal regulations in Medicare

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 184
    Minimize Medicare Risk for Peace of Mind


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Recognize the mandatory enrollment guidelines for chiropractors and apply the rules to daily practice
    • Distinguish between active and maintenance care and employ proper procedure to administrate both types of care
    • Complete and document required elements of documentation of active treatment
    • Prepare patients to best differentiate care that Medicare considers medically necessary from care that the patient is expected to pay for
    • Apply the Medicare standard of financial transactions with patients in order to stay within the Federal collection guidelines

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 185
    Managing Risk through Compliant Documentation and Coding


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Discover how proper documentation impacts the revenue cycle and profitability of your office
    • Distinguish between Medically Necessary and Clinically Appropriate Care
    • Demonstrate how your office compliance program either leaves you vulnerable or reduces your risk
    • Develop understanding of compliant fee systems
    • Evaluate federal guidelines regarding discounting and/or hardship

    Colleen Auchenbach, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 186
    Medicare Billing Compliance Made Simple


    $40.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    Hour 1
    • Discern Part B from Part C and know the rules for each
    • Discuss mandatory enrollment necessary for Chiropractic specialty
    • Master the definition of medical necessity vs. clinical appropriateness and who pays in either case
    • Recognize the differences between acute, chronic, and maintenance car
    • Locate and understand the Medicare Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for your state including all the rules and guidelines
    • Identify CMT coding and how it is differentiated from maintenance in Medicare
    Hour 2
    • Review of statistical data that shows how risk is identified through data analysis
    • Engage in billing compliance and random auditing to meet OIG compliance guidelines
    • Avoid risk issues with proper use of the Medicare Advance Notice-Both Voluntary and Mandatory
    • Discuss the role of SOP and Policy in practice risk mitigation, especially with Federal patients

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 186 - 188

    $80.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    Hour 1
    • Discern Part B from Part C and know the rules for each
    • Discuss mandatory enrollment necessary for Chiropractic specialty
    • Master the definition of medical necessity vs. clinical appropriateness and who pays in either case
    • Recognize the differences between acute, chronic, and maintenance car
    • Locate and understand the Medicare Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for your state including all the rules and guidelines
    • Identify CMT coding and how it is differentiated from maintenance in Medicare
    Hour 2
    • Review of statistical data that shows how risk is identified through data analysis
    • Engage in billing compliance and random auditing to meet OIG compliance guidelines
    • Avoid risk issues with proper use of the Medicare Advance Notice-Both Voluntary and Mandatory
    • Discuss the role of SOP and Policy in practice risk mitigation, especially with Federal patients
    Hour 3
    • Understand the difference between clinically appropriate and medically necessary care
    • Identify the clinical indications of when to initiate therapeutic withdrawal
    • Execute the components of a final discharge evaluation with proper documentation and recommendations
    • Learn how to transition a client from an active phase of care to maintenance as a part of your treatment plan
    Hour 4
    • Cite the difference between Therapeutic Exercise and Therapeutic Activities
    • Properly document all aspects required when utilizing timed therapy services
    • Assimilate payer policy details to ensure proper code utilization
    • Discuss common errors when documenting and billing exercise therapy services

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 187
    Creating the End to Every Story with Proper Patient Discharge


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Understand the difference between clinically appropriate and medically necessary care
    • Identify the clinical indications of when to initiate therapeutic withdrawal
    • Execute the components of a final discharge evaluation with proper documentation and recommendations
    • Learn how to transition a client from an active phase of care to maintenance as a part of your treatment plan

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 188
    Documentation and Coding of Exercise Services


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Cite the difference between Therapeutic Exercise and Therapeutic Activities
    • Properly document all aspects required when utilizing timed therapy services
    • Assimilate payer policy details to ensure proper code utilization
    • Discuss common errors when documenting and billing exercise therapy services

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 189
    The Art and Science of Diagnosis Coding


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Demonstrate why each and every digit of the DX tells the payer something important Distinguish the nuances of specialized DX coding rules for carriers such as Medicare.
    • Discover the importance of DX pointing, and which CPT codes are an absolute MUST to point to DX
    • Illustrate how to diagnose with a higher level of specificity and through proper hierarchy Identify the role of the diagnosis in the documentation process'


    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 192
    Medicare Mastery Part 1 Medicare Fundamental Regulations


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Demonstrate the components of recognizing Medical Necessary Care vs. Clinically Appropriate
    • Identify CMT coding trends and indicators as they relate to medical necessity
    • Properly manage treatment effectiveness for exacerbations and reoccurrences
    • Determine Proper Diagnosis and Assessment for Federal Patients
    • Acknowledge and audit CMT coding ratios to evaluate the potential risk

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 193
    Medicare Mastery Part 2 Complicated Compliance in Medicare


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
  • Identify Dually Eligible Individuals (QMB) and Understand How Medicare Works with Medicaid
  • Ascertain the practice’s obligations for QMB patients, regardless of Medicaid participation or coverage
  • Provide accurate and legal advance notice to dually eligible individuals within the new guidelines
  • Recognize the differences between acute, chronic, and maintenance care and how that affects billing and charges
  • Duplicate Medicare financial rules and collections guidance into a process within the practice

  • Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 195
    Documenting Compliantly for Your Audience


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Identify missing components before they become critical issues for your practice
    • Determine the basic requirements of documentation for all payer classes
    • Learn to identify payer requirements as part of your documentation standards
    • Understand the key documentation components that boards, auditors and reviewers expect

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 197
    The Clinical and Written Diagnosis Process


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Apply the changes in the 2022 ICD-10 code set to the clinical diagnosis process
    • Compare examination findings, couple with history, to select the most appropriate written diagnosis
    • Document within the clinical record your thought process of selecting diagnostic codes
    • Classify diagnoses in order of severity and hierarchy to match projected treatment plan

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 198
    Routine Visits are Often Far from Routine


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Properly document “doctor thinking” daily in routine patient visit documentation
    • Recognize the role of the PART documentation process in Routine Office Visit notes
    • Identify and execute the key components of written assessment in daily documentation
    • Recognize aspects of documentation and coding of Route Office Visits (ROV) whether active treatment, preventative maintenance, or wellness care.
    • Distinguish the unique components of Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 199
    Documentation and Risk Management - From Medical Necessity to Clinical Appropriateness


    $80.00 USD

    Select for Purchase

    Hour One: Documentation and Compliance Overview, Rules and Regulations

    • Recognize and avoid or correct behavior that is contrary to the rule of “no opt-out for chiropractors”
    • Apply compliance rules set forth by governmental agencies that apply to providers of service to Federally insured patients
    • Demonstrate day-to-day application of guidance on Federal Program and state requirements for coding, billing, and finances
    • Differentiate between active and maintenance care, according to the official Medicare definitions and other third-party guidelines
    • Interpret the four types of risk the Office of Inspector General (HHS) expects providers to focus on with Policy and Procedure, per the OIG Guidance for Small Practices
    • Recognize the limitations of experimental, investigational, and unproven technologies

     Hour Two: Documentation of Initial Visits-New Patients, New Episodes, and New Conditions

    • Identify and apply concepts that differentiate types of initial visits, from new patients to updated episodes
    • Produce documentation of initial visits that comply with board requirements for chiropractors
    • Summarize documentation requirements as they apply to the new initial Evaluation and Management guidelines set forth January 1, 2021
    • Establish medical necessity for your care and know with surety that initial visit documentation is complete
    • Rank complicating factors and contraindications according to priority and include with initial assessment
    • Populate a required treatment plan for care, whether for short- or longer-term care

     Hour Three: Documentation and Case Management for Routine Visits, Preventive Maintenance, and Wellness Care

    • Differentiate between requirements for medically necessary services vs. maintenance which is self-pay
    • Apply primary subluxation vs secondary compensation logic to mitigate risk for the full-spine adjustment
    • Reproduce the key elements of routine chiropractic visits in documentation as set forth by third-party, State and Federal guidelines
    • Interpret functional data to determine stages and levels of care
    • Demonstrate the ability to implement therapeutic withdrawal and to document its results
    • Recognize maximum therapeutic benefit (MTB) and properly document discharge from active treatment

     Hour Four: The Risks Associated Billing and Financial Compliance Regulations

    • Give examples of billing and financial compliance that cross the line of False Claims Act and Anti-Kickback Statute violations
    • Apply billing and financial compliance regulations to the day-to-day operations of the practice, including payment and prepayment plans
    • Execute random auditing of charges and collections to meet OIG compliance guidelines
    • Recognize and apply the rules of offering financial hardship discounts
    • Produce advertising that falls within the guidelines of board and federal rules

    Kathy Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Documentation 200
    ICD 10 Documentation


    $80.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    Hour 1
    • Label the main driver is for “Medical Necessity”, how and why you must communicate this to 3rd party payers
    • List the foundation of coding and be able to apply pertinent ICD10 coding guidelines
    • Discover how correct coding may dictate our strength to 3rd parties and have national implications for our profession.
    • Discuss critical questions of the benefits and risks of our Chiropractic diagnosis codes in the insurance industry.
    • Identify red flags, complicating factors, and have awareness of Risk management when documenting and coding.
    • Identify how insurance companies rank the importance of various diagnoses and its effect on claims’ coverage and processing
    Hour 2
    • Apply critical ICD10 coding Guidelines, like sequencing, Excludes notes, and combination codes.
    • Recall how ICD10 categorizes common NMS diagnoses seen by the DC
    • Appraise the differences between Medicare’s coding guidelines for DC’s and the ICD10 guidelines.
    • Explain Medicare’s definition of medical necessity and produce correct documentation to support it by reviewing the NCD.
    • Solve the documentation issue that leads to incorrect diagnoses.
    • Analyze and print tables (slides) of coding to help you for clinic ASAP
    • Apply the knowledge gained within a visit to correctly document the encounter’s Assessment and diagnosis.
    •  Apply critical thinking to diagnosing and coming up with an appropriate ICD10 code.
    Hour 3
    • Review numerous printable tables that will expand your ICD10 knowledge base of NMS diagnoses.
    • Identify the differences in diagnosing, documenting, then coding numerous spinal disc disorders, spondylopathies and radiculopathies according to medical necessity and ICD10-CM’s categorization.
    • Using clinical examples, discover and demonstrate the appropriate manner of documenting the evolution of changing diagnoses within a Plan.
    • Recognize, document, diagnose and appropriately pair examples of specific etiologies of NMS inflammation with an ICD10 code.
    Hour 4
    • Record, diagnose and code various possibilities of types of the elusive ICD10-CM’s Facet Syndrome, according to Dr. Shapiro.
    • Document and appropriately code for instabilities VS ligament laxity of spine and extremities.
    • Identify Kyphosis as a complicating factor to healing. Then evaluate and code its types, areas and corresponding ICD10 codes.
    • Design a comprehensive list of diagnoses from an MVA, that may help a PI attorney with their demand letter.

    Grant Shapiro, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Got Documentation 201
    The Problem Oriented Medical Record - Taking a Great History


    $60.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Discuss ethical standards of insurance reporting and coding
    • Illustrate how documentation can affect state board complaints
    • Discuss why insurance companies file complaints against chiropractors
    • Discuss why patients file board complaints against chiropractors
    • Define the Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR)
    • Illustrate taking a thorough history using the OPQRST method
    • Discuss the components of the ortho/neuro exam

    Gregg Friedman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Got Documentation 201 - 204

    $216.00 USD

    Select for Purchase

    Hours 1 - 3

    • Discuss ethical standards of insurance reporting and coding
    • Illustrate how documentation can affect state board complaints
    • Discuss why insurance companies file complaints against chiropractors
    • Discuss why patients file board complaints against chiropractors
    • Define the Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR)
    • Illustrate taking a thorough history using the OPQRST method
    • Discuss the components of the ortho/neuro exam
    Hour 4 - 6
    • Discuss the misrepresentation of certain orthopedic tests
    • Illustrate sensitivity and specificity of orthopedic tests
    • Define the 2021 changes to Evaluation and Management codes
    • Discuss the differences between using time vs. medical decision making for E/M
    • Distinguish between subjective and objective outcome assessments Illustrate methods of proving medical necessity
    • Illustrate the CMS requirements of chiropractic documentation
    • Illustrate condition-specific functional outcome questionnaires
    • Define the A of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
    • Define the R of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
    • Illustrate the different methods of evaluating spinal range of motion
    • Define the T of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
    • Describe the timing of the first re-assessment
    • Demonstrate proper coding for range of motion measurements
    • Describe the P.A.R.T. format of documentation
    • Define the P of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
    • Describe the concept of outcome assessments in clinical practice
    Hour 7 - 9
    • Illustrate different outcome assessments for the T of P.A.R.T
    • Demonstrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for the initial patient encounter
    • Integrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for subsequent patient encounters
    • Discuss proper diagnosing in notes and on a claim form
    • Define the short, moderate and long-term diagnoses for Medicare
    • Define proper Assessments
    • Illustrate how to determine an assessment for each condition
    • Illustrate complicating factors that can be documented for each condition
    Hours 10 - 12
    • Illustrate the two types of Plan
    • Discuss common therapeutic modalities
    • Demonstrate proper documentation for time-based codes
    • Illustrate how to document measurable treatment goals
    • Describe the red flags of a record review
    • Demonstrate the determination of causation for a motor vehicle collision
    • Discuss the different mechanisms of injury for motor vehicle collisions
    • Discuss some of the key value drivers of Colossus
    • Discuss the difference between impairment and disability
    • Illustrate the determination of the end of justifiable treatment
    • Define the main components of an impairment evaluation
    • Illustrate Duties Under Duress and Loss of Enjoyment
    • Illustrate the important diagnoses for personal injury cases
    • Define the 5 Colossus prognoses
    • Demonstrate the 5 grades of injury severity for the Croft Guidelines for the Treatment of CAD Injuries

    Gregg Friedman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Got Documentation 202
    Medical Necessity - Determining the Justification of Treatment


    $60.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Discuss the misrepresentation of certain orthopedic tests
    • Illustrate sensitivity and specificity of orthopedic tests
    • Define the 2021 changes to Evaluation and Management codes
    • Discuss the differences between using time vs. medical decision making for E/M
    • Distinguish between subjective and objective outcome assessments Illustrate methods of proving medical necessity
    • Illustrate the CMS requirements of chiropractic documentation
    • Illustrate condition-specific functional outcome questionnaires
    • Define the A of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
    • Define the R of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
    • Illustrate the different methods of evaluating spinal range of motion
    • Define the T of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
    • Describe the timing of the first re-assessment
    • Demonstrate proper coding for range of motion measurements
    • Describe the P.A.R.T. format of documentation
    • Define the P of P.A.R.T. from Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services
    • Describe the concept of outcome assessments in clinical practice

    Recommend to take course 201 prior to this course.

    Gregg Friedman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Got Documentation 203
    Assessment and Plan - The required elements of an Assessment and justification of therapeutic procedures, including CMT


    $60.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Illustrate different outcome assessments for the T of P.A.R.T
    • Demonstrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for the initial patient encounter
    • Integrate the POMR and P.A.R.T. formats for subsequent patient encounters
    • Discuss proper diagnosing in notes and on a claim form
    • Define the short, moderate and long-term diagnoses for Medicare
    • Define proper Assessments
    • Illustrate how to determine an assessment for each condition
    • Illustrate complicating factors that can be documented for each condition

    Recommend to take courses 201 and 202 prior to this course.

    Gregg Friedman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Got Documentation 204
    Personal Injury - How to properly and ethically manage a traumatically injured patient


    $60.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Illustrate the two types of Plan
    • Discuss common therapeutic modalities
    • Demonstrate proper documentation for time-based codes
    • Illustrate how to document measurable treatment goals
    • Describe the red flags of a record review
    • Demonstrate the determination of causation for a motor vehicle collision
    • Discuss the different mechanisms of injury for motor vehicle collisions
    • Discuss some of the key value drivers of Colossus
    • Discuss the difference between impairment and disability
    • Illustrate the determination of the end of justifiable treatment
    • Define the main components of an impairment evaluation
    • Illustrate Duties Under Duress and Loss of Enjoyment
    • Illustrate the important diagnoses for personal injury cases
    • Define the 5 Colossus prognoses
    • Demonstrate the 5 grades of injury severity for the Croft Guidelines for the Treatment of CAD Injuries

    Recommend to take courses 201, 202 and 203 prior to this course.

    Gregg Friedman, DC

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 201
    HIPAA Compliance & Cybersecurity: How they catch you off guard and what they demand you produce!


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Prepare to manage and document protocols, for litigation protection, in a crisis, such as Covid.
    • Discover how to avoid a HIPAA investigation and becoming a ‘HIPAA statistic’, often by surprise.
    • Operate an office with protocols to avoid ransom ware and other Cyber-attacks.
    • Complete a HIPAA program to be prepared for document production, demanded by the government, when a complaint (or even a simple inquiry) is made by a patient, peer, or ex-employee.

    Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 201 - 208

    $160.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed in Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 201 - 208

    Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 202
    Required HIPAA policies and required OIG self-audits for those who treat Medicare patients


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Prepare for the required OIG compliance program, required for all who treat one of more Medicare patients per year.
    • Aid in understanding and preparing required written documented policies under the HIPAA law.
    • Identify what thieves do with stolen patient information.
    • Discover what is included in a comprehensive table of contents for a HIPAA compliance program.
    • Describe the type and number of complaints against doctors and their often surprise origins
    • Use of required accounting logs

    Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 203
    What to do if you are ever notified you are under investigation or audit and the new ONC law requirements


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Classifying what you say and when, when notified of an investigation or audit, to avoid saying the wrong thing and complicating your case.
    • Examine what every office must do, regarding the ONC law, to deliver patient records electronically if so requested, even if you don’t have computers.
    • Show a step-by-step approach to responding to the government in the event of a breach, investigation, or audit.
    • Solve the puzzle as to avoiding audits and compliance investigations.

    Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 204
    NO Surprises Law and latest from the Washington DC HIPAA and cybersecurity symposiums


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Explain tele-health pros and cons.
    • Categorize the risks that lead to being turned in for violations, often not knowing you were doing anything wrong.
    • Point out the most common HIPAA scams that involve impersonating a federal official.
    • Examine the parts of the HIPAA law that enforcers are enforcing and those parts they are not enforcing.

    Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 205
    No Risk analysis and no ISARs equals maximum HIPAA fines


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Discover how to conduct the required ISAR (information system activity review) that leads to maximum fines if not completed.
    • Aid you and/or your staff in conducting the required risk analysis that leads to maximum fines, if not completed.
    • Prepare an electronic device maintenance schedule to protect yourself relative to data breaches.
    • Examine how to reduce your exposure to HIPAA fines.

    Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 206
    Required Data Security and Fee Compliance


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Discover illegal fee structures and the legal options that do exist.
    • Prepare the four requirements relative to the notice of patient privacy policy.
    • Generate a legally required BAA process for every individual or company with whom you share or provide access to your patient data.
    • Discuss the requirements for data recover and emergency mode operations under HIPAA.

    Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 207
    Medicare Compliance, ABN Form and Additional HIPAA Policies


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Prepare a protocol for creating required policies under HIPAA.
    • Assess the risks of seeing Medicare patients with inadequate use of the ABN form.
    • Operate proper procedures to appropriately use the ABN form in a Medicare practice.
    • Summarize the Ohio workers’ compensation requirements that elevate chiropractic and put restrictions upon spinal surgeons.

    Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Government HIPAA and Cybersecurity Compliance 208
    Required Staff Training, Physical Plant Audit and Disciplinary Policies


    $20.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Generate proper staff training to meet HIPAA requirements.
    • Examine the pitfalls around a physical plant audit and what you must do to avoid them.
    • Completing a required disciplinary policy that will pass an investigation.
    • Classify the little-known training requirements above and beyond the ‘annual HIPAA training’.

    Ty Talcott, DC, CHPSE

    AudioVisual Course

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Hydrotherapy and Spa Applications

    $0.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Define hydrotherapy, cryotherapy, spa and thermotherapy
    • List 3 advantages/disadvantages of heat and cold
    • Identify the Hunting Response
    • List the three physical states of water
    • Identify guidelines to ensure safe application of hydrotherapy methods
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    Paul Powers, DC, DABCN

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Nevada CA Training Program

    $249.00 USD

    Select for Purchase

    Hours 1 and 2

    Topic:  Chiropractic Principles
    Instructor: Affolter, DC
    Educational Objectives:

    • Discuss a brief history of Chiropractic
    • Describe the basics of Chiropractic Philosophy
    • Discuss Chiropractic, Adaptation and Innate Intelligence
    • Review how Chiropractic is built upon the basic sciences of anatomy (structure), physiology (function) and the clinical sciences (patient application).
    • Understand how Chiropractic affects specific conditions


    Hour 3

    Topic:  Emergency Procedures
    Instructor: Kinsler, DC
    Educational Objectives:

    • Know how to prepare for a medical emergency
    • Review four emergency medical conditions: Stroke, Heart Attack, Difficulty Breathing, Diabetic Emergencies
    • Recognize the causes, symptoms and signs for these emergencies
    • Understand how to provide the appropriate emergency treatments


    Hours 4 and 5

    Topic:  HIPAA Training
    Instructor: Sherman, DC
    Educational Objectives:

    • Discuss the History of HIPAA
    • Understanding Terminology of HIPAA i.e.: PHI, IIHI, NPP, TPO, NPI, EIN, EDI, etc.
    • Understand covered entities vs. non-covered entities
    • Understand what HIPAA truly means to a practice and does everyone have to comply
    • Understand what Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), code sets, identifiers, security and privacy
    • Understand the Privacy Rule, Patient Consent Form, Notice of Privacy Practices, Patient Authorization, Business Associate Agreements, Appointments of Privacy Officers and Staff training
    • Understand patient rights as it pertains to access of their medical information, records and your practice etc.
    • Understand and feel confident about HIPAA Guidelines


    Hours 6 through 9

    Topic:  History Taking
    Instructor: Powers, DC, DABCN
    Educational Objectives:

    • Interview a patient using the skills of the patient-centered interview
    • Elicit from patients their stories of illness, while pursuing the broader life setting in which symptoms occur
    • Elicit from patients key information in their medical, family, and psychosocial histories
    • Recognize and respond appropriately to a patient’s emotions as they are expressed
    • Support and encourage expression of patients’ emotions
    • Critically assess one’s own performance and use of interviewing skill
    • Develop interpersonal skills enabling the establishment of long-term relationships with patients.


    Hours 10 through 21

    Topic:  Physical Therapy
    Instructor: Powers, DC, DABCN
    Educational Objectives:

    • Develop a basic understanding of muscle function, biomechanics, soft tissue repairs, bone injury and exercise physiology as it applies to the Chiropractic Assistant and the application of physical therapy modalities/procedures
    • Develop an understanding of the use of cryotherapy and hot moist packs
    • Utilize traction and electrical therapy modalities
    • Develop an understanding of the effects of soft tissue massage
    • Apply stretch programs to patients
    • Discuss spinal exercise programs with the treating doctor
    • Learn the applicability of isokinetic testing


    Hours 22 through 25

    Topic:  Professional Boundaries
    Instructor: Redleaf, DC
    Educational Objectives:

    • Discuss the concept of Gender as it relates to society, language and culture
    • Identify Gender roles in Western Society
    • Recognize innate gender traits in males and females
    • Summarize socially imposed gender traits
    • Identify aspects of male and female psychological development
    • Relate basic concepts of Gender and Power
    • List female and male leadership factors
    • Discuss gender and the Doctor/Patient relationship
    • Identify the ways which gender affects the Doctor/Patient relationship
    • Describe what accounts for the differences, in practice style and patient care, between males and females healthcare providers
    • Define differing sexualities in western culture
    • Review sexuality as it relates to the Doctor/Patient relationship
    • Identify misconceptions in personal definitions of male, female, power and sexuality
    • Recognize when Power is misused and becomes a threat
    • Define Touch as it relates to perception, gender and culture
    • Discuss the giving up of power as it relates to patients and touch
    • Recognize the perception, intention, and uses of touch
    • Perform an analysis of individual conceptions of gender and sexuality


    Hours 26 and 27

    Topic:  Xray basics
    Instructor: Kirkutis, DC
    Educational Objectives:

    • Understand how x-rays are produced
    • Prepare a patient to have an x-ray examination
    • Recognize basic x-ray terminology
    • Recall patient positioning and x-ray projection terms
    • Recognize new advances in the radiology field
    • Visualize the basic positioning of the views discussed
    • Identify x-ray machine components
    • Describe particular views that make up an x-ray series
    • Recall general anatomy that will be seen on a certain view
    • Discuss the x-ray technique of the views described


    Hour 28 and 29

    Topic:  Nevada Administrative Codes
    Instructor: Powers, DC
    Educational Objectives:

    • Review and comprehend NAC 634 as it pertains to the practice of Chiropractic in Nevada
    • Perform acceptable advertising
    • Develop an understanding of Board Hearings
    • Understand Rules associated with Clinical Demonstrations, Record Keeping, Continuing Education requirements
    • Follow NAC codes as they pertain to Chiropractic Assistants and Chiropractors in Nevada



    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Nevada Jurisprudence Board Rules

    Review of NAC Codes Pertaining to Chiropractic in Nevada


    $29.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Review and comprehend NAC 634 as it pertains to the practice of Chiropractic in Nevada
    • Perform acceptable advertising
    • Develop an understanding of Board Hearings
    • Understand Rules associated with Clinical Demonstrations, Record Keeping, Continuing Education requirements
    • Follow NAC codes as they pertain to Chiropractic Assistants and Chiropractors in Nevada

    Paul Powers, DC, DABCN


    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Xray CA01

    The Basics of X-Ray Technology, Terminology and Spinal X-Ray Positioning


    $40.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Understand how x-rays are produced
    • Prepare a patient to have an x-ray examination
    • Recognize basic x-ray terminology
    • Recall patient positioning and x-ray projection terms
    • Recognize new advances in the radiology field
    • Visualize the basic positioning of the views discussed
    • Identify x-ray machine components
    • Describe particular views that make up an x-ray series
    • Recall general anatomy that will be seen on a certain view
    • Discuss the x-ray technique of the views described

    Lynne Kirkutis, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Xray CA02

    X-Ray Positioning: Upper Extremities, Chest, Lower Extremities


    $40.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Demonstrate the basics of a radiographic shoulder series
    • Understand the positioning of the elbow joint
    • Recognize possible wrist injuries based on patient history
    • Recall positioning of hand, fingers and thumb radiographs
    • Summarize chest x-ray basics
    • Identify the views in a hip series
    • Demonstrate the positioning of the knee joint in a radiographic series
    • Understand the basics of ankle x-rays and injuries
    • Recall the positioning for x-rays of the foot and toes
    • Summarize the general anatomy of the lower extremities

    Lynne Kirkutis, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    Expires: 2024-12-31

    Xray CA03

    Radiographic Procedures, Safety, Mistakes to Avoid and Tips for Optimal X-Rays


    $40.00 USD

    Select for Purchase
    • Discuss safety measurements when taking x-rays
    • Review mistakes to Avoid when Taking Radiographs
    • Outline tips for Taking Optimal Radiographs
    • Discuss proper darkroom technique
    • Address safety measurements

    Lynne Kirkutis, DC

    Downloadable Course in PDF

    Expires: 2024-12-31