California Chiropractic Continuing Education


California Accepts Online Courses for license renewal and to meet hours to renew Xray permits and certificates


California Continuing Education Requirements: 24 hours per year - due by end of birth month
California Accepts 12 hours of Online Continuing Education Courses per year

Special Requirements: At least 2 credit hours in Ethics and Law and a minimum of 4 hours in any one of, or a combination of, history taking and Physical Examination Procedures, Chiropractic Adjustive Techniques or Chiropractic Manipulation Techniques, or Proper Ethical Billing and Coding.

Xray Permit and Certificate: You can take 10 hours of approved Xray courses  on  To renew permits and certificates as licentiates of the healing arts are required to earn 10 approved continuing education credits in the two years immediately preceding the expiration of the certificate or permit. Please see the topic: Diagnostic Imaging is a California Board of Chiropractic Approved Continuing Education Provider.  Scroll down to view courses and California Board of Chiropractic approval codes.

When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.
 You can purchase individual courses, use our discounted prepaid credit option or select from specially priced course bundles.

Check out our discounted 12-Hour Course Bundle that includes the required hours with a 15% discount. Click HERE to learn more about this bundle, or click HERE for our 6-hour required course bundle.


Animal Chiropractic: Allows animal chiropractic treatment. No specific CE requirements but CE approved by the State Veterinary Board is acceptable towards CE relicensure requirement.


New Licensee Information: A new licensee is exempt from continuing education requirements in the year of initial licensure.


Reporting Requirements: Licensee affirms CE completion on State form


State of California Continuing Education Requirements

California Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. California continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, California Chiropractic licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the California continuing education requirements.

Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for California Chiropractic Physicians (DC). The online courses enhance the knowledge bases of Doctor of Chiropractic to enhance their clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour approved online home study CE credit course for new California Chiropractic Physician registered users at

   Found 30 courses
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Biomechanics 233 : The 3 Cardinal Planes of Loading: Power Leaks, Compensations and Load Adaptations

Ivo Waerlop/Shawn Allen, DC

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶

Hour 1

  • Identify some common gait abnormalities seen in gait analysis and develop mental strategies in evaluating the 3 cardinal planes of motion and potential failures in the loading of these planes.
  • Categorize the Fast and Slow phases of an imbalance asymmetrical gait and define rehabilitation strategies to remedy the gait pathology.
  • Develop a conceptual overview of how step length and stride length change in a limping gait.
  • Breakdown portions of the gait cycle into its component parts, including compensation patterns
  • Conceptualize the gait changes oriented around a hallux (great toe) amputation and learn to predict gait compensations off of a fixed anatomic anomaly.
  • Describe arm swing and how it plays out in gait, particularly asymmetrical, and develop some treatment concepts in addressing this asymmetry.

Hour 2

  • Discuss the critical function of the deep neck flexors and transverse abdominus, and how they related to gait, especially the running athlete.
  • Identify the 3 compartments of the thoracolumbar fascia and translate them into gait concepts and treatment concepts.
  • Develop treatment concepts in addressing this asymmetry and define in-phase and out-of-phase arm and leg swing assimilation
  • Discuss on a surface level the concepts of speed in gait, and how to adjust the speed of one's gait to break down gait components that might lead to better treatment directions.
  • Describe central pattern generators and relate to arm swing on a neurologic level.
  • Recognize some common gait abnormalities seen in gait analysis such as arm swing, step length, the cross over gait, and develop mental strategies in evaluating the 3 cardinal planes of motion and potential failures in the loading of these planes when it comes to these gait parameters.

The purpose of this broad ranging 2 part , 2 hour video course is to expose the student to some broad, yet deeply reaching concepts on how the body moves,  loads, compensates and strategizes when there is weakness, immature sensory-motor patterns, injury,  and asymmetries in the body.   Visual cases and video will be used to discuss these topics. Though a broad lecture, it will require some basics of gait  phases and principles to fully grasp the depth of the topics discussed. Please consider first taking our basics of gait classes prior to delving into this complex lecture.
2 hours Category B: Diag Testing Proc & Diff Diagnosis
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-11-30

Biomechanics 234 : Callus patterns and what they mean

Ivo Waerlop, DC/Scott Greenberg, DPT

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Present the etiology of blister and callus formation
  • Review the gait cycle and the biomechanical events relevant to callus formation
  • Review pronation and supination motions of the foot and how they relate to low and high gear push off
  • Review the 3 rockers and how they can relate to callus formation
  • Discuss the more common callus patterns in feet
  • Describe the foot pathomechanics that lead to callus formation

2 hours Category B: Diag Testing Proc & Diff Diagnosis
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-11-30

Breathing Essentials 201 : Mechanics of the Region: Biomechanics of the Cervical, Thoracic/Thorax and Shoulder Girdle

Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Describe the biomechanics of rotation of a thoracic ring at the levels T1-T7.
  • Describe the biomechanics of the Cervical spine, Thoracic spine, ribs, clavicle and manubrium with elevation of the right or left shoulder.
  • Describe the biomechanics of flexion and extension at the Costotransverse joint at T9.
  • Describe the differences in motion of the mobile segments between T3 -T7 with side flexion occurring first in the Thoracic spine.

Approved Category B: Basic Science
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31

Breathing Essentials 202 : Function of Respiration

Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Describe the physiology of breathing and how altered pH can affect the body.
  • Describe two functions of the diaphragm.
  • Identify limited chest expansion and Bradcliff angles and ski jumps
  • Identify limited lateral costal breathing and how to facilitate normal lateral costal breathing

Approved Category B: Basic Science
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31

Breathing Essentials 203 : Altered Breathing Patterns and Their Consequences

Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Describe how altered breathing patterns can alter pH and how this can affect the body.
  • Describe the autonomic nervous system and function.
  • Name three physiological consequences of respiratory alkalosis.
  • Describe suboptimal breathing patterns and their effect on the cervical spine and chronic pain.

Approved Category B: Basic Science
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31

Breathing Essentials 204 : Sleep Apnea

Debra Dent, BPT, Dip Manip PT, OCS, FCAMPT

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Name and describe the different types of sleep apnea.
  • Describe the three levels of Apnea-hypopnea index AHI.
  • List five symptoms of sleep apnea.
  • List two treatments for sleep apnea.

Approved Category B: Basic Science
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-09-01

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 217 : History Taking & Physical Exam Procedures: History, Evaluation and Treatment Protocols for Pregnant Patients

Shanna Dyer PT, DPT, BCB-PMD, PRPC

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
Hour 1
  • Summarize the three stages of pregnancy.
  • Recognize common pregnancy abbreviations.
  • List the benefits of exercise during pregnancy.
  • Explain how the hormones, relaxin and hCG, can impact physical activity.
  • Design a subjective and history taking examination for a pregnant patient.
  • Complete a physical examination on a pregnant patient including common complaints such as pelvic girdle pain and low back pain.
  • Assess patient positions to ensure comfort and safety during physical assessments and/or rehabilitation.
  • Recognize when to refer a pregnant patient to another specialty for evaluation and treatment.
  • Identify pelvic health dysfunction and determine appropriate referral.
Hour 2
  • Differentiate between low back pain and pelvic girdle pain.
  • Address low back pain, pelvic girdle pain and pelvic floor dysfunction in a pregnant patient.
  • Discuss appropriate supportive devices for back pain, pelvic girdle pain and lower extremity edema.
  • Recognize alternative non-analgesic methods of pain relief through massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic care.
  • Assess sleep positions to reduce hip and back discomfort.
  • Identify red flags while treating a pregnant patient.
  • List contraindicated treatment modalities for the pregnant patient

Approved Category B: Dx Testing and Diff Dx
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-12-31

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 218 : History Taking & Physical Exam Procedures: Post-partum Care and Return to Previous Functional Activity Baseline

Jaynie Bjornaraa, PT, PhD, MPH, SCS, LAT, CSCS

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1
  • Evaluation of post-partum patients
  • Common complaints and assessment – LBP/SI, pelvic floor dysfunction, DRA
  • Impact of birth type/healing time frame
  • Biomechanics of lifting and carrying baby
  • Sleep, activity, and nutritional considerations
Hour 2
  • Treatment of post-partum patients
  • Early intervention - breathing exercises and walking
  • Treatment of LBP/SI, pelvic floor, DRA
  • Collaborative goal assessment
  • Return to Sport/Baseline Functional Activity

Approved Category B: Special Population Care
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2026-01-31

Ethics 107 : Ethics and Law

Mario Fucinari, DC, CPCO, CPPM, CIC

$40.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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Hour 1

  • Define Ethics
  • Review various ethical issues recently reported on
  • Identify ethics as related to the whistleblower
  • Discuss Ethical standards specific to laws in various states

Hour 2

  • Discuss Ethical standards specific to laws in various states (cont’d)
  • Summarize awareness related to anti-discrimination
  • Classify various aspects of professional boundaries and sexual misconduct

Approved Category A: Mandatory Ethics and Law
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-11-30

Functional Medicine 209 : Evaluating and Addressing Common Chronic Patient Conditions - Part One

Richard Powers, DC

$60.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Simplify the progressive cause-effect relationship of disease from biochemical imbalances to physiological disturbances to cellular/organ degeneration to disease manifestation
  • Identify the five primary underlying etiologies of virtually all chronic degenerative disease
  • Analyze the most common antecedents and triggers that predispose your patients to disease
  • Devise an evaluation algorithm that efficiently guides your testing recommendations
  • Discover novel in-office testing procedures that cost-effectively demonstrate patients’ nutrient insufficiencies; unmanaged stress; toxic burden; and sleep “debt”
  • Evaluate Heart Rate Variability test results to easily measure and demonstrate patients’ stress adaptability as well as their response to treatment modalities
  • Discriminate the meaningful information gleaned from Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA) testing for monitoring your patients’ health restoration progress
  • Interpret evaluation results to efficiently identify which primary factors are contributing to your patients’ health challenges
  • Prioritize treatment plans that address both short-term goals (symptomatic relief) and long-term goals (correction, stabilization and prevention)
  • Distinguish which nutraceuticals best support patient needs based on history, exam, testing and symptomatology
  • Communicate the functional medicine model of health and disease with your patients with greater clarity and ease

Category B: Wellness
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-07-01

Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 202 : The GI Microbiome and Autoimmunity

David Brady, DC, ND, CCN, DACBN

$95.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Describe the current epidemiologic trends in autoimmune incidence, morbidity and mortality.
  • Associate the linkage between autoimmune disease prevalence and factors including the GI microbiota composition, food immune reactions, stealth infections, molecular mimicry, lack of early diverse antigen exposure, and other elements.
  • Examine the available clinical laboratory testing related to autoimmune disease risk assessment, diagnosis, and clinical management, including qPCR molecular-based evaluation of the GI microbiota.
  • Explain the difference between quantitative molecular testing (qPCR) versus next-generation sequencing of the GI microbiota in the support of clinical decision making.
  • Appraise the available evidence-based integrative and complementary therapeutic interventions for autoimmune disorders.

Approved Category B: Wellness
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31

Functional Medicine and Nutrition Virtual Classroom 208 : Functional Medicine and Nutrition Lab Testing

Michael Jurgelewicz, DC, CNS

$95.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Provide an understanding of the clinical applications of biochemical/metabolic evaluations to determine a patient’s status of nutrients, toxicants and cell regulators, and functional gastrointestinal status.
  • Explain the differences between various assessments of element status
  • Evaluate specific nutrient deficiency states
  • Determine weaknesses in digestive, assimilative and intestinal microbiological status
  • Plan and monitor nutrient interventions to correct abnormalities found by the tests

Approved Category B: Wellness
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31

Management of Common Conditions 259 : The TMJ: Examination and Treatment

David Hannah, DC, DACO

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Distinguish the anatomical structures involved in TMJ dysfunction, including the temporomandibular joint, mandible, and associated muscles and the different types of jaw movements and their biomechanical implications.
  • Interpret the normal biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint during various jaw movements.
  • Identify the key ligaments and soft tissues supporting the temporomandibular joint and the factors that can lead to abnormal biomechanics and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.
  • Explain the role of muscle imbalances and joint misalignments in TMJ dysfunction.
  • Differentiate the relationship between the temporomandibular joint and adjacent anatomical structures.


  • Appraise the various assessment tools used in evaluating TMJ dysfunction, such as patient history, physical examination, and imaging studies.
  • Arrange a comprehensive physical examination of the temporomandibular joint, including range of motion assessment, palpation, loading, stressing, and compressing.
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform a comprehensive evaluation of TMJ dysfunction and posture, including assessing range of motion, muscle strength, joint stability, and postural alignment.
  • Discriminate the indications of differential diagnoses for TMJ dysfunction.
  • Analyze the findings from a TMJ dysfunction and posture assessment to formulate an accurate clinical diagnosis.

Mobilization and Adjusting

  • Develop a holistic approach to managing TMJ dysfunction, considering both conservative and interventional treatment options.
  • Apply specific chiropractic techniques and adjustments aimed at restoring normal joint alignment and function of the temporomandibular joint and about occlusal splints and their use in managing TMJ dysfunction.
  • Propose a role of therapeutic exercises and stretching in improving jaw mobility and strengthening supporting muscles and the importance of patient education and lifestyle modifications in the management of TMJ dysfunction.
  • Develop a treatment plan for patients with TMJ dysfunction and posture issues, incorporating therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, postural re-education, and other appropriate interventions.
  • Evaluate the efficacy of potential benefits and risks associated with various treatment modalities for TMJ dysfunction and posture problems, considering evidence-based practices and patient-specific factors


  • Develop effective communication skills to educate patients about TMJ dysfunction, its causes, and treatment options.
  • Establish efficient and patient-centered procedures for the assessment and management of TMJ dysfunction in a chiropractic practice.
  • Recognize the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in managing complex cases of TMJ dysfunction specific to the role of dentists in assessing and managing occlusal factors contributing to TMJ dysfunction.
  • Foster collaborative relationships with other healthcare providers involved in the management of TMJ dysfunction to ensure coordinated and comprehensive patient care.
  • Stay updated with current research and advancements in the field of TMJ dysfunction and posture, fostering a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development.

Approved Category A: Chiropractic Adjustive Technique or Chiropractic Manipulation
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-01

Manipulation 124 : Adverse Events Associated with Spinal Manipulation and Manual Therapy

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Define and classify adverse events associated with manipulation and mobilization
  • Review symptoms patients perceive as adverse
  • Describe the incidence of severe adverse events among chiropractic recipients
  • Outline adverse events in the pregnant and postpartum periods

Approved Category B: Adverse Event Avoidance
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-01

Nutrition 141 : Nutrition and Fitness Assessment, Body Fat, BMI and Fitness Tests

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Differentiate various nutrition assessment techniques.
  • Determine which body fat/composition technique is most appropriate for the individual.
  • Calculate essential measurements for weight loss patients.

Approved Category B: Diagnostic Testing Procedures
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-09-30

Nutrition 170 : Nutrition and the Neurological System

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Design an effective nutrition treatment program for carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Develop a nutritional treatment program for Multiple Sclerosis
  • Investigate the role of nutrition and supplements in regards to the treatment of headaches
  • Understand how nutrition and nutrition supplements can influence dementia
  • Identify appropriate diet and supplement agents in the treatment of dementia

Approved Category B: Basic Sciences
INTERACTIVE Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-01

Nutrition 173 : Restoring Gut Health and Brain Performance

Robert Silverman, DC, DABCN, DCBCN

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Review the signs and symptoms of neuroinflammation and the processes that drive neurodegeneration.
  • Identify the neurological signs and symptoms of long COVID and apply research-based protocols.
  • Utilize dietary improvements and selected supplements to reduce neuroinflammation.
  • Treatment protocols on testing to identify gut barrier and gut-brain axis imbalances.
  • Recognize that neuroplasticity plays a fluctuating but essential role in health and trauma.
  • Understand the effect of bacterial toxins originating in the gut on the gut-brain axis as a key to neurological disorders pathogenesis.
  • Assess intestinal and blood-brain barrier dysfunction for better managing chronic neurological disorders.
  • Understand new functional nutritional strategies for longevity.
  • Incorporate leading-edge protocols for extending healthspan and longevity.
  • Clarify the effects of intermittent fasting on immunity and longevity.
  • Recognize that neuroplasticity plays a fluctuating but essential role in health and trauma.
  • Integrate optimal lifestyle adaptations in diet, exercise, and supplement protocols to enhance neuroplasticity and improve quality of life.

Category B: Wellness
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-05-31

Nutrition 174 : Health and Aging

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Understand basic concepts of health
  • Identify the health spectrum
  • Investigate the various facts associated with aging
  • Investigate the various theories of aging

Category B: Wellness
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-05-31

Physical Diagnosis 187 : Chiropractic In Office Neurological Examination

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • List the major divisions and subcomponents of the neurological examination. 
  • List, contrast and compare the neurological signs associated with “release phenomenon” and “deficit phenomena”.
  • Contrast and compare the effects of neurological lesions on the neurological examination of the central nervous system versus the peripheral nervous system.
  • Recite the implications of neurological examination findings on disorders involving various components of the central and peripheral nervous system.
  • Draw the anatomy of the lower motor neuron in its relation to the spinal cord, nerve root, spinal nerve, and the neuro-myal junction.
  • Describe the physical positioning of the patient during aspects of the neurological examination.
  • List the subjects to question when in taking a good patient history.
  • Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of the Cranial Nerves of the patient.
  • Draw the neurologic pathways associated with the eye light reflexes.  Include reference to cells of the retina, the optic nerve, the optic chiasm, the optic tract, the Pretectal nucleus, and the Edinger Westphal nucleus.
  • Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of the Motor Systems of the patient.
  • Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of the Sensory Systems of the patient.
  • Recite findings related to neurological “drift” performed during the neurological examination.
  • Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of the Reflex Systems of the patient.
  • Illustrate components of the muscle stretch reflex including the role of the Alpha motor neuron, Gama motor neuron, and large sensory fibers in relation to the muscle fibers and spinal cord.
  • Discuss the common shorthand used for grading muscle stretch reflex responses and discuss the results of the neurological examination associated with each grade.
  • Perform and discuss three versions of the extensor plantar response (extensor toe sign, Babinski sign).
  • Describe and perform aspects of the neurological examination of movement of the patient.

Approved Category B: Dx Testing and Diff Dx
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-10-31

Physical Diagnosis 188 : The Middle Cross Syndrome - Innovations in Myofascial Assessment

Vincent DeBono, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Describe the fascial patterns and muscular components of the middle cross dysfunctional pattern
  • Explain the upper extremity findings associated with the upper cross dysfunctional pattern
  • Explain the lower extremity findings associated with the lower cross dysfunctional pattern
  • Describe the whole-body biomechanical deficits associated with the middle cross syndrome
  • Describe the spinal fixation patterns associated with the middle cross syndrome

1 hour Category B: Basic Sciences
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-11-30

Rehab 138 : History and Examination of the Knee Focusing on ACL and the Post-op Rehabilitation Process


$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Appraise the latest research in terms of the incidence of ACL tears and re-tears.
  • Identify the factors associated with higher ACL tear and re-tear rates based on gender and age.
  • Describe the importance of “Prehabilitation” programs and their significance on outcomes.
  • Analyze the reasons why non-contact knee injuries are the bulk of the problem while listing the biomechanical reasons why non-contact injuries are more prevalent.
  • Discuss the objectives of early Phase 1 and Phase 2  rehabilitation protocols while outlining the criteria to be achieved for satisfactory transition from one phase to the next 
  • List the objectives of Phase 3 of the rehabilitation protocol and be able to identify potential common faulty movement patterns and compensatory strategies.
  • Assess, identify, and address potential limitations in mobility and stability of key core and lower extremity body regions to normalize faulty movement patterns and compensatory strategies.
  • List the objectives for phase 4 of the rehabilitation protocol and provide examples of the higher-level movement patterns and compound strengthening exercises incorporated into the program.
  • Identify the four common motor performance/neuromuscular imbalances associated with jumping and landing resulting in increased risk
  • Describe the identifiable and modifiable risk factors associated with knee injuries and understand how to correct them via exercise and training.
  • Recognize the criteria associated with the Return to Sports phase of the rehabilitation program
  • Be aware of the complications and adverse events after ACL reconstruction
  • Appraise the latest research in terms of common and uncommon complications/adverse events.
  • Identify risk factors for the various complications.
  • Describe the evaluation and assessment elements needed to identify the various complications
  • Based on the evaluation/assessment data, identify and address intervention strategies for each of the complications/adverse events

Approved Category B: Rehabilitation
INTERACTIVE Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-01

Rehab 140 : Concepts in CORE Conditioning

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Identify exercise physiology concepts related to core conditioning
  • Determine the anatomy related to the core and its function in core strength
  • Design and implement a core conditioning program
  • Summarize the role of psychological motivation in core conditioning
  • Examine the various movements associated with core conditioning

Approved Category B: Rehabilitation
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-09-01

Subluxation 201 : The Posture of Subluxation

Tedd Koren, DC

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Explain the relationship between posture and subluxations
  • Describe different types of posture
  • Explain the benefits of locating subluxations in different postures
  • Explain the difference between the concept of the hologram and posture
  • Disucss the differences between Empirical Healthcare and Mechanistic Healthcare
  • Define the three Cs - challenge, check and correct

Category B: Basic Science
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-01

Subluxation 202 : Subluxation From A Chiropractic Neurologists Perspective

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Summarize the concept of a subluxation as recognized by other Doctors of Chiropractic.
  • List and discuss the various definitions of the term subluxation.
  • Outline the basic premise of the effects of aging, subluxation and the adjustment.
  • List and discuss terms used by other health professions for a similar clinical syndrome.
  • Define pain, nociception and antalgia.
  • Draw the basic nociceptive pathway to consciousness.
  • Describe and differentiate antalgic scoliosis.
  • List and discuss the various definitions of spinal adjustment, manipulation, and mobilization.
  • List the deep paraspinal muscles responsible for subluxation maintenance.
  • Compare and contrast paraspinal muscle response to the acute abdomen.
  • List and discuss therapies used by other health professions for similar clinical syndromes.
  • Describe and summarize the Maintland manipulation classifications.
  • Itemize scientific evidence regarding physiologic studies regarding subluxations.
  • Explain how and why documentation of a subluxation is so important for Medicare patients in chiropractic practice.
  • Define requirements for chiropractic services to be covered by Medicare.
  • List and discuss how a subluxation may be properly documented in the medical record for Medicare patients.

Approved Category A: Chiropractic Adjustive Technique or Chiropractic Manipulation
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-01

Xray 107 : LBP Origins and How Different Spine Conditions Could Affect Chiropractic Treatment

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶
  • Discuss a common origin of lumbar disc pain
  • Describe the orientation of lumbar facet joints
  • Identify the effect of lordosis on the position of the nucleus pulposis
  • Establish how injuries of the annulus fibrosus can cause nerve root changes
  • Identify the dynamic stenosis of the lumbar spine

Approved Category B: Dx Testing and Diff Dx
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31

Xray 110 : An Interactive, In-Depth Look at Anatomy of the Knee

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Interactive Dissection, Multiple Formats, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Identify the general anatomy of the knee joint
  • Develop an intimate knowledge of the anatomy of the menisci and ligaments of the knee using gross dissection and cross-sectional imaging
  • Understand the functional anatomy of the menisci of the knee and define the type and grade of meniscal tears
  • Establish the conditions discoid lateral meniscus and meniscal cyst and understand the spectrum of treatment available
  • Identify what type treatment is available for meniscal injuries and when it would be prudent to reevaluate a post-op patient with new knee pain

Approved Category B: Dx Testing and Diff Dx
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31

Xray 113 : Ligamentous and Osteochondral Injuries of the Knee

Jan Martensen, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Identify and classify injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament
  • Diagnose and develop treatment for injuries to the posterior cruciate ligament
  • Diagnose and develop treatment for injuries to the medial collateral ligament
  • Diagnose and develop treatment for injuries to the lateral collateral ligament
  • Describe and classify ostochondritis dissecans of the knee

Approved Category B: Dx Testing and Diff Dx
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31

Xray 114 : Differentiating Types of Calcification and Ossification on X-Ray

Melanie Osterhouse, DC, DACBR

$20.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Differentiate ossification from calcification
  • Identify the categories of ossification
  • Differentiate myositis ossificans progressiva from myositis ossificans traumatica
  • Discuss imaging utilization with regards to ossification
  • Review common and uncommon entities predisposed to ossification or calcification

Approved Category B: Dx Testing and Diff Dx
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31

Xray 115 : A Systematic Approach to Interpreting Plain Film Radiographs of the Spine/Pelvis

Paul Sherman, DC

$40.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

More Course Information ▶
  • Recognize and identify important key factors for interpreting plain film x-rays of the spine and pelvis
  • Recognize important medical/legal issues regarding interpreting plain films of the spine and pelvis and be able to apply appropriate radiographic documentation requirements when charting x-ray findings in the medical record
  • Identify, analyze and interpret normal and abnormal anatomical osseous structures, common congenital and acquired pathologies, common normal radiographic variants and soft tissue calcifications/structures of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, lumbosacral spine and pelvis

Approved Category B: Dx Testing and Diff Dx
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31

Xray 195 : Diagnostic Imaging for Clinical Practice

Hector Rivera-Melo, DC, DACBR

$80.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

More Course Information ▶

Hour 1

  • Select the appropriate imaging modality for suspected foreign bodies
  • Identify foreign bodies on radiographs
  • Identify foreign bodies CT
  • Identify foreign bodies MRI
  • Identify foreign bodies Ultrasound

Hour 2

  • List various indications for radiographic evaluation in relationship to specific clinical scenarios
  • List various limitations for radiographic evaluation in relationship to specific clinical scenarios
  • Identify fracture patterns on radiographic imaging
  • Identify radiographic abnormalities within the soft tissues

 Hour 3

  • List various indications for MRI and CT imaging evaluation in relationship to specific clinical scenarios
  • List various limitations for MRI and CT imaging evaluation in relationship to specific clinical scenarios
  • Identify osseous landmarks on MRI and CT imaging
  • Identify abnormalities within the bones and soft tissues on MRI and CT imaging

 Hour 4

  • List various indications for ultrasound imaging evaluation in relationship to specific clinical scenarios
  • List various limitations for ultrasound imaging evaluation in relationship to specific clinical scenarios
  • Identify osseous landmarks on ultrasound imaging
  • Identify abnormalities within the bones and soft tissues on ultrasound imaging

Approved Category B: Dx Testing and Diff Dx
Distanced Based Learning
Expires: 2025-03-31